
How do we become?
How do we grow?
Same . . through the initial support system.
If we are very fortunate

What IS /physiologically normal?
Session – Josi and then Vanessa.
Josi’s question – do we have to keep looking after our microbiome.
(Do we have to keep on killing things off – or strengthening the gut/body?)
Detoxing/keeping parasite free?
AND biofilm (masking the bacteria)
Beliefs – Greenland in the mini warmth in the 16th Century . .
They did not see fish/sea foods as food – so all starved.
Gut is a continuous tube – and the divvying up of the body so ‘specialists do not step on each other’s toes/territory ..

Have a body that works
How do you make good blood and Blood – constantly – and well?
Three Heater

Three heaters . .
How a body supports life – energy /electrics of life
NOT the mechanics
Sometimes I use the same words for very different functions.
Production and circulation of the Qi, Body fluids and Blood . .
What happens where?
Upper – breathing, re oxygenation of the blood /lymph mixing back into the blood – red – arterial, blue veins, clear – lymph
Middle – food comes in and is processed.
Lower – assimilation and discharge.
What messes with anything?
14 minutes in – The 6 (5) ‘T’s’
Address them –
Temptation to hand over responsibility is the biggest one
If any or all of these conspire – you are potentially in trouble.
Not only in your gut.
We look back to when was it all working well?
If never – then also look to the 10 cardiac issues that Dr John Shen raised .
(Setting us up for personality’/pericardium – the heart’s protector – not physical membrane issues.
19 minutes – every cup of coffees is 4 more glasses of water to undo what that extra heat/toxins have done to us.
21 minutes – ADHESIONS . . ..reconnecting module we cover this .. organs MUST slide and glide

23 minutes – finding St 36 – a great general all rounder. .
St 40 – see WDCD in the baby portion (pages 209 area) – as the pics are there.
27 minutes where is the IODINE – as need the micro nutrients. .
(The ways of knowing again)
Listen to what YOU know and what you have learned as you can’t NOT do what supports life.
29 minutes – gut issues all her life . . .trauma from the beginning – her gut.
31 minutes – 2 women with St facial meridian massive scar.
32 minutes – rosacea – stomach heat.
39 minutes – Hiatal Hernia Syndrome
Press LEFT Lu 10 – thenar eminence of the thumb
43 minutes – slippery elm powder – mixed with warm water – 1 tsp x 2 daily or with food . .
45 minutes – SLQR – has to undo the tension on the diaphragm ..
48 minutes – Living As Energy – text now – was a life manual for my patients . .
50 minutes – Gall Bladder cleanse needed – in the Detox eBook
51 minutes – portal vein from small intestines goes to the liver organ first.
Inner Duct of the TH is what we need to influence
BUT – first we need to get rid of the cold.
52 minues – BIOFILM.. . – damp removal – supposedly.
54 – minutes – interesting patient story
56 – minutes – Vanessa arrives in. .
58 minutes – worms. .diversion – the Dongui Bogam I mentioned – Elephantiasis (Lymphatic filariasis, commonly known as elephantiasis, is a painful and profoundly disfiguring disease. It is caused by infection with parasites classified as nematodes (roundworms) of the family Filariodidea that are transmitted through the bites of infected mosquitos.)
1.01.00 – Alchemy- and moon phases.
1.04.00 – Kathryn destined to be . . Her brother’s pregnancy . . Why I got malaria in pregnancy . .
1.07.00 – Moon phases and us
1.09.00 – Vanessa’s sister- # coccyx
1.11.00 – GV 1 and Bl 57 – anal point.. . Bl 62 – clear the Yang Qiao Mai first
1.15.00 – Micro systems . . in this case, anal fissures . . and me reading a study/case series on this. (Fixing it).
1.21.00 – ask a different question . ..glutamine.caps – 400 mg strength – need 4 at a time.
1.26.00 – Jen Beattie Gympie – 0409 649 770 – all sorts of useful magnesium and other stuff – to sell – ring her.

Continuation of this session is here (CLICK) Part 2 – Gut Rescue