Maternity mammalian – or man made?
This is revision – to get you onto the page of being a helper should someone pregnant show up . .
We need to ‘unschool’ you – and everyone – as nature is the master.
Using a natural/mammalian paradigm may seem strange
The ‘soil’? The garden? A health model?
Looking at life renewing itself – how?
Naturally . . easily, and in love
All as it should be – when the ingredients, flows and a culture of acceptance . .
The first trimester . .
Recap . .
Just pregnant – now what??
We will start by talking about the only thing that is really a problem here. .
And insurance (starting from perfect) would mean we did not have to talk about this .
Ingredients and flows again . .
What might “go wrong?
We did not check HEALTH first
And maybe played ‘Russian Roulette’:
Leaving Well Alone
(Actually only 5 weeks from conception – but this is called 7 weeks)
Learning to be baby centred – not living only as a ‘precious princess’ ..
Assumptions . . . including
Where are you meeting this (perfect?) baby – arriving into your arms?
Flu shot’?
Adjuvants are neurotoxic and you are growing a brain for someone else – are you sure about that?
The vaccine package warns you NOT to do this.. .
Start with better ingredients – VitD3 and C – and rest.
Breasts ..
Sometimes we are not made properly – and we cycle BACK to ingredients available to MAKE that baby?
So important – it is your future child’s and grandchildren foundation that you are presently influencing and directly making . .
Congratulations . .
Week 10 (8): What to eat and do
Eat to sustain the pregnancy – not your taste buds.
Easy – eat/drink NOTHING cold, sweet taste or raw . .
Food factory?
Look after your Spleen Qi/Yang Qi
Salt? Sustain your Kidney energy
Birth where/how/why worry??
The birthing business is not necessarily safe for you or baby – and not for bonding . .
Maya healing is one version of traditional birthing women’s ways
The Pink Kit?| World wide women’s birthing wisdoms . .
To scan or test?
Assure yourself that you are growing the best baby you could/can . .
Answer – REST!
Ensuring an easy baby is being made . .
Improve your Blood energy. .
Vaccination – Why??
Please research (CLICK)
Can’t undo the consequences of this rubbish injected in. Keeping quiet as long as you can is part of the problem.
Opinions vs consequences of bending nature – plain to see – when you open your eyes.
Childbirth Without Violence
Read the book online . .
He asked a different question. . . How come no one else is??? How was it like to BE BORN?
Birth of the water birth (watch)
Please – listen to the master . .
Opening the baby gate – do see a Gentling Way practitioner
Who is the authority??
Conscious versus compliant
Cognitive dissonance?
I am the mother of a massively brain injured daughter. Maybe investigate – why are we breaking normal?
Expecting Mother Nature to not have some of her own tricks up her sleeve?
The beginning of the easy bit
Life can change in an instant. .
Ingredients: Magnesium. Also here (CLICK) Very needed for all mammals – see more here
Helping Yourself
Get your own self help manual and follow its handy hints
Discover what sort of parents you will be – inner work needed
Access your book, videos and charts and eBook on nourishing/sustaining a well pregnancy
Take a deep breath .
YOU dictate how your baby is made – not luck!!!
Second Trimester starts . .
Revision: pregnancy and birth through recent times
What no one asks
‘Issues’- Hard stories: they happen to some
(Ingredients and flows)
Please look to – very interesting content
Kylie Sheffield’s son – please read the book here
Hard stories part 2:
What IS happening . . ?
Site around easy birthing
Dealing with pain?
Maybe look to the resources available on either site
Question – what are you making that baby /milk with? (CLICK)
Also check out the nutrients/ ingredients here