Pelvic Opening #2 Painless Pregnancy: Bonded Births


This is the second ‘go around’ – first is here

How and why this works
Using moxa, castor oil, pricklies . . .

Origin of this work . .
START – What was written in acupuncture texts – male focus – how I changed this
1 .15 – What Yvonne got from the training . . her history and how she now is . .
3.00 – Kelly and Ali – learned in last session . .
4.30 – First time Yvonne met me . . (difference between me being PRESENT in labour – and I had watched midwives being secretaries ..
6.30 – Not having a baby tonight . .
7.15 – What stops baby coming easily? OP – needs sorting out PLUS the past sacral/coccyx broken . .
8.15 – Hormones – and the ovaries being irrigated or not?
9.00 – Dad is most important . . . has instructions – will work it out himself – and +++ magnesium to go on. .
9.30 – Kelly and her friend – how to help as an ‘overdue’ baby in OP . . getting dad on the job.
11.30 – Dads speak – he is the epidural
13.00 – Painless pregnancy to bonded birthing
Free Your Qi is a sister class.
MOVES – and order of teaching P.O.
16.00 – Deb on getting the dads to work.
Mainly us it with first time mums . .(when she remembers to use it)
17.00 – Yvonne – sometimes the women worked on each other . .
18.30 – Bandl’s ring . .
20.00 – Me in GV with bad pubis symphysis pain
21.00 – Rick’s story . .

PRESENT – Quesha, Jenna, Elke, Lisa, Vanessa, Deborah and Yvonne

The practical session

Covering – doing it.
QUESHA – after accident work
Bits of the body we focus on and why
Some with a body
Gall bladder channel
Vanessa having her own session – watching me work with a man . .

Quesha – fell over – and needs First Aid – retrieve consciousness . .
WHOLE PRICKLIES – what is where sheet .
Rescue Remedy? Bach flowers remedy – of some sort.
14 – Everyone setting up PV (down the page)
18 – Check the sacrum – as a before and after . .
19.50 – Gail’s belly needs help .. adding in a little more.
21.00 – Working on the front of chest to prior to the SLQR work.
24.00 – Heart area attack – depending in how fragile the7 are
25.00 – SLQR instructions . .
29.00 – Flank area – start at the bottom and gradually work up – an dless pressure under the arms – as it may hurt .

32. 00 – need to do the top for the bottom – the front for the back.
35 .00 – great position to do this.
37.00 – Over the sacrum and only about an inch contact . undoing then adhesions/crud that is binding the area,
39.30 – Gouging a bit
40.00 – Lymph going – steam and moxa first as we are surprising all that has been bound up – moved.
41.30 – gouging across the junction sacral bone and fascia again ..
44.00 – path of the GB meridian . .

45.00 Yvonne and Deb left
47.00 – sliding through the lymph at the front – from the back . .
48.30Gail reporting in .
50.00 – across the chest again . .

51.00 – Sacral foramen – the holes’ where the Bl points are – magic as the baby goes down – so do you.
52.30 – Finding Bl 35 and using it . .
55.00 – need to work on the tailbone – it also is a V shape . .
56.00 – Need to back track and do some more rolfing on the sacrum.
1.00.00 – Vanessa and Gail telling us how its all feels differently.
1.00.30 – Me explaining why it works – scattergun approach – so sabotuers can’t get too distressed.
1.03.00 – More tailbone work – will radically undo the neck tension . .
1.04.30 – Different version of grandma cuddle. ..Gail’s neck is a lot better. .
1.05.30 – Vanessa is ‘chill’ – she had a steam first
1.07.30 – Back to the lymph clearance . .
1.09.00 – ‘It Depends’ – we need to stay PRESENT – midwives may not be able t as they have to take notes. .as though that makes life safer.
1.11.30 – Bum for the neck . .Gail again .
1.13.00Quesha . .much better- we all need someone to remind us. .
1.14.30 Jenna is better also. . Lisa – layered learning. .
1.16.30 – Gail’s GB out did not get better with its removal . .
1.18.00 – Vanessa – feels lighter. .Aidan agreed – Steamer and water..
1.19.20 – Elke reporting in Gail’s body = and her face is totally happier . .great cosmetic . .
1.21.00 – Use topical iodine to paint where the fluids are where they are not supposed to be . .
1.21.30 – Where is the chicken soup??? Arnica also . .
1.23.00– Take 3 doses of Glutathione accelerator. . pain and inflammatory fixers. .
1.24.30 – Perserverance . .. do it all and immediately – so you get better faster ..
1.26.30 – Vanessa very thankful . .