Can’t be rescued – from living in a life

None of us know what we signed up for, or for how long.
We likely also have no idea if we have done all we were to do.
Usually when distracted by the busyness of being in the 3rd Dimension, it is often the role of pain and suffering to get us to sit up finally and to take notice.
Generally, what we resist the most – we will cycle back often towards . .
Dying comes to all of us.
Already having left/’died’ from the past existences – in utero, and prior to arrival in form – this is part of ‘life.’ Hence I have asked all my students for decades – ‘What is a person?’ This may sound like a strange question. I often also say: ‘a fish does not know that it is in water.‘ The one we all ‘know’ to be has died from elsewhere – inside mother (went through transition) a death of sorts) from there to be independent.

We may see this as being birthed into the beyond.’.
In this instance, we had no idea what was coming.
We were not fit for where we were, and were moved on.
and out
A tricky process if there was resistance – from the exit – or from out being.
Some may be ‘Bonsiiaed’ by the experience, as that is why they are to be.
This time around – we could ask – for whose growth?
As we live in a culture that values only the material, the tangible, and the ‘known’ – it is up to us to make a different sense of what we call ‘life’. What ‘world’ we even we travel in. The lenses we view what is around us.
The ‘reality’ we store we see this place and experience being in form.
What do we see as being a ‘person?’ Beings of Light. Hence the pictures there I commissioned to be drawn up in 1999.
(Always said all I was doing at that period of my life would be needed one day – here we are!)..
To be born, to arrive in form – some may only be contracted to be here a while – and may not draw breath. (Stillbirth or miscarriage)
Whilst here and in an increasingly decrepit state – why are we hanging on?
We WILL be birthed into beyond – death from here is guaranteed as the vehicle we have been gifted has a ‘use by’ date.
Just as the entry into our others wombs was a wonder – this entry into wherever next is also.
In the process of life blossoming, we outgrew the space we started in.
Now as our time in form may be drawing near – we may also need to consider – what preparation have we had?
What are we here doing?
What needs tying up?
it may be that it hurts physically too much and we are surviving from one hit of medication to numb us to the next.
OR – we may be aware as we see the body changing, that it is dwindling, and with it.
Our external abilities and ‘needs’/wants and wishes are lessening in importance next to the next easy breath or ability to turn over.

Our culture has little for us at this point and past various religious dogma, we are not aware of what we are in for in the dying process.
Other traditions have this process as a continuum and less judgement. We may or not believe in there being more than the physical body. This is where the life led traditions take a back step – as whether it is hopeful, or ‘known’ – there is more.
On this plane we have become totally distracted – more stuff and more experiences outside ourselves at some point – waking up to ourselves swill be needed. (Hence I do the follow-on from Selfing into Self Discovery).
I draw your attention to deconstructng who you THOUGHT you were
Being here in a body means that develops matures and ages.
If we are ‘lucky’ we have a progression through the stages in grace – and may not gave been tested until recently.
likely we have weathered many storms and n found ourselves at a cross roads – and asking – where is the map?

Hence the question – is this palliative or have you given up.
Extension – are you in a holding pattern, whilst you work out where next?
I was very aware with my daughter, that she often went on what called ‘integrative holidays from life’ – whilst these questions were being nutted out from elsewhere. Not here – and not with ‘me’.
What I did – depended always on the outcome.
I do not mean the heroics that some saw me doing.
I mean how we (she and I) danced through the inner planes.
The three circles and so much of what I teach came from the lived experiences gained
The Tibetans, Hindi and so many other cultures do this as part of the living process – as with birth, death is part of the adventure
What do we want?
A good birth, a good life, a good death – what do all these look like to you?
This question is possibly even more important than ante natal care in pregnancy.
We all will go on a journey past this know here and may need some resolution of what we were even here to do.
This may make more sense as we go through the process.
This is not the usual question (all of this will be different
Is it palliative, or giving up?
The doctors may have. Have you?
No judgment, a question that needs exploring.
When I was told there was nothing that could be done for my newborn daughter (now 36 years old) as she was fighting death –
I knew to add the word ‘medical’. in that (death) sentence. There is nothing medical that could be done
I needed them out of the way whilst I worked out what next.
She was obviously born to me for a reason – I was not one to take ‘no’ for an answer.
And set to work even whilst in isolation in intensive care to source and use all I could.
She came home, and regardless of what was going on, the medical were only called upon when all else I had trialed was seemingly failing – or to do a specific job. Knowing that I had spent 8 years previously working on patents who were given up on – and who were waiting to die – and so often did not – I knew that her body could heal itself, and we were not using all that we could to assist this.
Some of my daughter’s story here – from her mother’s eyes.
Maybe study up anything in this site?
Especially start here