Regardless of how old the scar
There is so much more I now do – this was my ‘cutting edge’ in 2005!
Using the resources from the site here – links may not all work
See the kit to get for everyone – here (CLICK)
The advanced above PLUS eBooks (photographic essays and stories CLICK
(The actual book and videos and/or as well – all the charts 2019 edition)
What you can do at home. .
Working on abdominal scars
Moxa over scar CV 2, and Cv12, St 36
Working in a C scar – adhesions and comfrey and moxa work
Ideally this work is after all the sacral moxa fan on the back, the pelvic opening – now we are at the end of the session
Please do not jump straight into the scar – the birth preparation work needs to be done first. We do not go straight into this. Usually there so much is stored there. We shift what is stuck!!
Besides then all the systems of flow to work so much better – we also have – her feeling so much lighter and freer. She can stand totally differently. Often sexual exchanges are a lot easier/more fun.
My 2019 update – having been a Maya/fomrer Arvigo worker and a Mercier therapist – I now offer so much more ..
Including perineal steaming to start this and all the belly moves . . .
And educating you to begin gentling your belly
I am now actively teaching all how to heal themselves – and if in a healing profession – how to adjust what you already are doing to include much of this relieving/Qi moving work.
What is very possible .. (and so needed after ANY abdo cut)
There is so much more to do – we are working on the superficial here and possibly withe the deeper pelvic work form m 2005 manual What Dads Can Do – you may with the aid of moxa work on some of this.

More is likely required – all women who leave me after I have done an intensive session have amazed looks on their faces – as they are moving often in a way that they cannot remember ever doing.
Whether currently pregnant or decades later . .
WORK ON YOURSELF (CLICK to learn more)

What to do yourself – using fingers, and moxa.
And . . self help (CLICK)
(Your hands, your body)