You are in the right place .. .

Times change
Have you had enough?
To be here: you likely were always the black sheep of your family who woke up decades ago and has watched in horror as all seem to be lead by a nose ring in to deeper darkness
Likely you do NOT want more than the same old, same old
You (if you bring in a friend is even better – sharing the exciting shifts in being) to share this magical journey through past – and now current – programming and out into the Light with . .
If YOU wish to take your spot in the future Unencumbered by your past. Yet . . often – (up until now) .
Change our ways of knowing

Using the elder’s wisdoms
From multiple cultures and lineages.
Using their ways that always worked.
We all come from a long line of survivors.
Did we forget?
Did we hear our mothers, their mothers and their mothers echoing down the line?
It is time
So many online courses I have been working with and developing for this now.
ME – I started my first web site in 1999 (HeatherBruce.com.au) for the Beings of Light/ meditation work
I soon expanded into easybabies.com.au as I realised that not everyone to see me about maternity.
This grew into simple natural solutions – as seen here And on into myriad others – if you are interested in the more electrical/energy version of understanding a body and how it works see here. The site heathersays was put up to support the three phone apps I designed in 2013/14 – Periods, fertility and pregnancy. I realised that everyone needed to now what I did – and that it sitting in my head was not helpful. These problem solving apps will be addressed when I get all the links redone – and the technology up to date. The vast array of resources this covers has to be redeemed at some point – when I get to it.
In the meantime – there are easy online self help courses – and these will give you the help you are not receiving from our culture and its reliance on the orthodox ways of retail industrial ‘health’ servicing – in its various guises.

We are all sovereign – free to make changes
Which seat in life will you choose to STAY STUCK in?
Complying your way out of a relationship
Regardless of who is it s with
(recently the ‘government’ and its minions)
Is unlikely to be in your own interests.
Is this what your relations fought for?
Waiting to be ‘allowed’ to move around the city, the state, the country, and the world? To be ‘allowed to partake of life as it was .. . .
Shall we all step up and be all of who we set out to be this time around – here and now?
We all have been amassing life experience and our own embodied realities.
I carry so much as I have stood in clinic for decades, and in life observing and assuaging suffering . .
I have garnered a collection of tools that work – gathered from my extensive teaching clinical and personal life.
What holds us STUCK? What may be plaguing our growth?
Ood ‘friends’/attachments from the past – that may have served us – at the time –
BUT Which time are we in now?
Shall we move on from where we may have gotten stuck – in a frame?

We caught us – and they run us .. we may likely not even be aware of this

CHOICES. . . .shall we open eyes and accept – all is self?
We are all of the Light – and may have forgotten . . . .
BREATHE – fear shuts us down and allows the ‘monsters’ – NON LIGHT – to appear to win . . .
UNTIL we let more LIGHT in

We are bigger than the STUCK . .
Let yourself be free

Previously – SO SCARED


The MAY G.C> weekend workshop (CLICK) is for those who want more – and who are ready
The online component – is awaiting OR
You can do this now and be so much more informed and happy helping yourself and your loved ones.

1 – TASTER? The enhanced online courses to get yourself started (catch up with the experiential at a later date)
2 – IMMERSION – The entire package – online with Lisa
3 – BEING FULLY WITH OTHERS – maybe with Heather 4/5th May in person on Gold Coast??