Welcome: Seasons . . . .Our lives change. . . . .
Is it time for to re evaluate our lives?

Do you wish to let go some – or all of your burden?
Maybe even find out what it is hiding within you?
We may work with others. .
Especially our daughters and grand daughters and the ones who come after us. .
In these strange times . . Do you feel a pull to do/be more? Do you hear an inner call?
Is the future whispering to you to undo what you have been carrying?
Did we ourselves have initiation into womanhood?
Did we understand what having a womb meant/means – even if she is now gone?
Part 1 – had enough of doing/being the same old?
SELFING – BEING WOMAN – is deep un-conditionIng/un programming: an invitation to share all of you with others also seeking more of themselves
IMPORTANT – we look after our own STUCK bits/life first . .
Discover how we can remake our lives/bodies
Gentle Selfing begins your awareness of conscious living. You will learn many ways to heal yourself physically and emotionally.
Gift yourself time – the luxury of listening to your body and finding out what it needs.
This is not a fluffy Spa Day type of course. You be gifted women’s wisdoms and practical experiences that you can put onto your everyday life. Based upon the ebbs and flows of your Qi, Blood and life force as you travel through the stages of being woman.
This is a deeply nourishing way to put YOU first:
with new tools along with very new ways of seeing yourself,
how your body works and
how you fit into the picture that you have drawn this time around for yourself.
Exquisite package of what is needed to run your body and your life well). BE HERE FOR US FIRST
Three parts:
1 – Online – start immediately. eBooks, manuals and printable posters extensive ONLINE COMPONENT – if you are not coming, but want these – start here
2 – Weekend experiential sharing YOU with others. $AU 550 for the weekend plus follow on
3 – Gentle challenge for a month after – hourly catch ups weekly next 4 weeks. So important that we keep accountable as we develop our new ways of being. This is a way to ensure we all make the habit changes.
A great reset for the lives we signed up for to happen.
This primarily a practical /experiential workshop
Woman only space offered presently
WHEN? 4/5 th May
8.30 – for 9am to 5pm
That gets you into the womb woes to womb wonders training
What is different about this ?
We set it up to win over many extended weekend practicals to deal with gut, fascial , structural and emotional hostage takings FIRST –
then the pelvic untangling that others concentrate on
WHERE? Parkwood, Gold Coast
Transformative – in the class
Womb centric – yours, your mum’s, your family lines – all culminate in YOU
Shall we focus on the Soul intention, the STUCK programmes and the womb’s whispers?
For anyone who does these workshops
EXPECT CHANGE – to heal we must – You will need.
A working relationship with a computer – for the online paradigm shifting/electrical circuitry ‘owner’s manual’ you will receive
INVESTMENT – open heart and mind and willingness to go were we find ourselves
COST – your ability to shift within may be large (if you find resistances to play with) – or easy (if you are more than ready to LET GO).
$550 – getting – online content, 15 hours of online relating and another 4 hours over a month of the Challenge to assist your new being/habits.
OR – get all the resources to start your paradigm shift/understand how to help yourself heal and maybe catch up with the experiential/change your life workshop another time . .
CLICK TO START your own healing at home (online resources only)

Self first
To be here we know there is more – shall we go find it?
We are NOW dedicated to self help.
Using gentle ways from the past.
Simple traditional women’s ways are uncovered.
Looking at the world – from your woman’s body.
Are you ready for the chance to listen to your womb/space?
To become more of the woman that you can be/were to be?
Welcome to womb centred living
See more here – for the whole deal
Almost all that has happened to you is still there

Your body may be demanding attention. Spring clean needed? Is it time to step up and be your own person – not running a past script? To take charge of your body, and to work WITH, not against, your life force? ‘Woman’s problems’/’down there’ . ..being ‘hormonal’/’that time of the month . . .
Maybe you have missed messages from your core?
I take you through several guided excursions.
Possibly you are now ready to hear your womb’s story? Her lineage – back through your family and how the past has shaped your present.
Coming back home to self – See more here

Is it time for YOU to shine?
To listen to/heal your own womb story? Whether she is still with you or gone as an organ? Womb as spirit and energy is still residing within you. What is still her truth and your story Shall we find out? Your wombspace remains. (Maybe cutting her out – has not granted you the freedom and the life you had expected).
What does she hold and need you to know?
Can you listen to your womb(space) whispers? We start in two powerful guided meditations . ..
We offer in this workshop:
Gentle Selfing – Women’s mysteries unlocked
LIMITED SPACES: we do intimate, respectful gatherings
Working with body mind and spirit, clearing past to create balance (homeostasis) in the present and growth into the future. It is time to rewrite the script. Gift you a new relationship with your story – the past is behind you in time, but often very alive still in your tissues. Let us relieve them, and you – lift yourself into a new life.
Learn about how a body is governed by your thoughts, your feelings and your energy – that is itself governed by tides that exist, flowing through you and may need to be released. Then allowing freely flowing Light, love and possibilities. Traditional women’s knowings from many cultures. Womb centred. Where is yours? What body troubles are being not attended to as her not being in your core is the issue?

Surprisingly MISSING INFO . . . When we are not aligned – (when our womb is not where she is to be (and for men – their womb – prostate) – nothing else in our life is either. IT MATTER. Whilst it is ‘normal’ for life events to have us move about – a womb to be left off centre has life changing consequences. Fertility hormonal and life challenges await you and you can spend our life playing with pain, distress, cycle shifts – or FIX IT!!!
Help yourself with your own hands in your own time.
Then your digestive, back and neck, plus strange leg issues will be relieved – as well as all that was previously ‘labeled’ women’s problems.

Is your womb centred in your body – or off kilter? Have you had her removed?
Is she aligned and thus your belly, gut and back are all happy – or not?
Have you been chasing after each new therapy/ therapist in hope?
Maybe you have a daughter going through her own dramas – maybe bring her along? Or your mum – now in her older years – with all of her inner ‘falling downs’ and over-used injuries. Maybe we can retrieve health. And your hope for your own older times?
Shall we let go of the past?
Past trauma through sexual frights and medical incursion. Of the labels of PCOS and of endo and fibroids and adenomyosis. All is retrievable and all is awaiting YOU to listen in and adapt yourself to what women have always done – not make war – but peace with them selves.
Shall we call a truce and start again? Actually listen to what it means to be woman? What story has held you hostage? Having an inner war with your womb – and womanhood?
Now maybe it is the time to get out from under what has held you hostage. Maybe ask yourself – is it still serving you to listen to the truths of others?Maybe gracefully to step fully out into the Light. Offering a new perspective around care of and support for your own body, learning ways of supporting your body to function better.
Happy wombs – happy women – No limitations – no living through the expectations of the medical projections – why not actually HEAL?
What we cover
How we are here as women – from an energy – perspective.
Women’s ways of knowing:embracing many culture’s versions of self care – steaming and faja and soothing belly work.
When is this useful? When you are looking for more – when what you expected did not happen – when all that has been done has still left you looking – and should you be a health care professional.
Starting you back to the missing pieces.
Our lack of women’s initiations lead us into being dependent on others – so disempowered.
We are the future. Let us correct this.
Gentle Selfing – BEING WOMAN
You do not need to have gone over this prior to attending the classes – but it may pique your interest so you can go deeper in the experiential component. This is deep work and we all share. . Being woman. We consolidate in class in the actual weekend get together.
MY intentions – from deviating from The Story. (CLICK) You will be in sacred circle, sharing, listening, caring and living through the initiations ourselves we missed. In the different celebrations of our lives. Content is in the online self paced courses already seen at payment.
In workshop: You cover. . . .
- Coming home to self. In these times.
- Clearing out all that does not serve us.
- Look after self first – maybe first time ever.
- Gently loving yourself differently as you have the tools provided in the online pre course work.
The basis of this work is selfing. We become more conscious and thus listening to the inner whisperings from our being. Calling us to be reset. To be still. To allow – and from there – Nature heals.Through conscious change.
Outline for the workshop
PART I – Commit – sign in – instantly the entry online courses are yours to get into.
(What Causes Health, Soothing (own belly) and Perineal steaming courses ready to download on registration.) NEW – Love Your Body Better
PART II – Bonded weekend of sharing and learning.
PART III – After class support: check in on how you are and to assist with any further queries
You will discover such as the faja for pelvic girdle tethering, castor oil pack information, herbs for a perineal steam, guided visualisations as well as instructions in a short and easy self care massage – your health is then literally in your own hands.
- We open up, we listen and we share.
- The online work (AND there are so many eBooks and posters). is not covered in class. It backs up your experience.
- In class you have me guiding you (possibly with the help of one of my teachers are stepping into this space.
- Expect steaming, practical women’s ways – including the faja and soothing belly work, plus the foundations of my Moving blockages – handy touching and plenty of sharing/tending/opening and fun.
What others have said about the experience

Last (2) weeks of working on self. . Since Heather’s Selfing weekend workshop, I’ve been very motivated to walk the talk and do my selfcare regime every day. Previously it was a bit more sporadic. Every day for more than a week I have been getting up an hour earlier and meditating, steaming and doing the self-massage. I have noticed quite big changes even within a week! My digestion is better, my sacrum has far less adhesions and discomfort above the pubic bone is improving. I went to my monthly Chiropractic session today and the Chiro said my sacrum/pelvis had much more movement and I needed no adjustments on my back which I normally do. Also, my neck adjusted so easily. I am over the moon with my efforts and this work! I have much more mental clarity as well. Moving the stagnation so all can flow. Such simple practices that make a big difference. – Belinda Falconer, Waikane (near Wellington, NZ)
The inspiring and though-provoking Gentling Way Selfing weekend I just had the pleasure of being part of with lots of other wonderful women. WE can all come together and still feel held, connected and heard over zoom and there is no doubt that we all need that now! We need to find our tribe! WE cannot underestimate the importance of this. This weekend was confirmation for me that this is the work I want to teach now! It fills in so many gaps that felt missing teaching the abdominal therapy work alone. Having a Chinese medicine background, I have always been integrating aspects of this perspective into my teachings, but, with Heather’s experience and ideas I feel even more passionate about it. Her work is the “set up” that I felt was missing but couldn’t quite put my finger on. It really integrates women’s wisdom in a way that resonates and is applicable in our daily lives, with miraculous results.

I love her mind-blowing questions that stop you in your tracks! Giving you plenty to ponder over and inviting you to see things from a totally different point of view. Maybe we are just not asking the right questions. How did you get to here? Hmm. If you not conceiving – why is the body saying no? Planting the seeds to a new way of seeing the body and whatever we are experiencing. Stories and sharing among the group creates magic and connection. Women sharing, being acknowledged, being heard! As Heather repeats often – It’s too simple. What would you grandmothers do – do that! – Lisa – Phuket (acupuncturist and Arvigo Self Care teacher)
Gentling Way Selfing – first timers

I attended the selfing training intensive a few weeks back. Walked in burnt out, achey and somewhat lost (trying to work out what I am meant to be doing besides mothering my 4 children). I was surrounded by beautiful like minded women and learnt so much how to help myself (and therefore my family). It is very practical, easy to do at home but life changing. After the weekend I was back to feeling alive again, my body was less achey and I felt a sense of purpose and hope. Josi . .

My experience of the two day of this course were amazing. Telling my daughter’s and daughter-in -law about the discovery and knowledge that was illuminated to me/us was liberating and renewing. How can we not share this experience/ knowledge. (sent with love effect) I was so excited telling my family of this wonderful experience and renewed energy I have found. Doing my happy dance. Lee-Anne, Yeppoon, Australia
A willingness to change.
To take the ways that work – across many modalities, lineages, and out of the linear – into LIFE.
Online courses sent on receipt of payment ($AU 197)
You get immediate access to these – the usual FOUR (2024) SELFING courses:
A – How a well body works (PARADIGM SHIFT – HOW LIFE WORKS
- What Causes Health
- Self Soothing – Belly Calming
- Perineal Steaming
Complete with many extensive eBooks on running a body from the energy perspective. This then explains why with all you best efforts, seeing so many therapists and throwing all supplements and hints your way – your body IS STILL stuck. Discover how you can easily shift the fluid, weight, distress and pain – by working WITH not against your body – simple steps.