Note to the jabbed – part 2


The first page is here . . (my position statement as the works was shut down through nefarious story spinning)

Maybe we all need to stop and ask – what is truth?
Who benefits in the telling?
Why did Heather start down the path of healing education?
Why is she putting this up here ? (At potential great personal cost).
Why has she for decades spoken out against what is not working?

I can’t not . .
See what I have said in the interviews below.
My mother always said – give them enough rope.  .
Here we are.
Medical fail

This may be you (CLICK) to hear story of a woman who was perfectly fine, till she was jabbed – and not since. Is this what you thought would happen – or is it only for others? You will find so many of these – broken people – who no medico is interested in – you WILL be told you have ‘anxiety’. Anyone would – knowing this may get so much worse and what next??)  .

A D-dimer test is used to find out if you have a blood clotting disorder. These disorders include: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a blood clot that’s deep inside a vein. These clots usually affect the lower legs, but they can also happen in other parts of the body. (Also here – CLICK)  And here – (CLICK)
Note – it talks here of fibrin.

It s now mid 2022. . .
I follow life – and the process of science – asking questions.
Not religion – believing – or dogma – ramming a story down others’ throats – or else.
I encountered the story recording (Aussies speak) in Cairns recently
This was followed by this interview.


What to do
Ask yourself – what is a body about?
Can it heal itself?
And ponder – how do you stay alive?
Not by accident. .
Your body is a true healing agent – all by itself – if you let it.