Move the Qi . .
She emailed me . .
- ‘I suffer a lot of chronic pain
- I have arthritis in my neck and hands
- My wrists hurt so much I can’t do push ups
- My lower back has two bulged disks
- My knees have lost a fair bit of cartilage and cause me a lot of pain as well and my shoulders feel a lot of pain too
- I do commercial cleaning and drs said there is not much they can do but put me on pharmaceutical drugs which is not something I want’
40 years ago when I set out on my clinical journey – we had the basics – from the classics – in my case taught to me by a chiro. His teacher was Dr van Buren – a past osteopath/acupuncturist. Who taught also basic Alexander techniques. We learned kinesiology and soft tissue work, visceral manipulations and adhesion breaking and of course – not TCM as it was not in the West yet – but Qi meridian unblocking and being present – westerners are a wee bit precious . .
Our teachers wanted us to be the best we could be.
The texts were not in English – we learned what worked in this culture in our context now.
What happened in clinic to turn this woman’s life around?
She says – ‘By the way we want also to get pregnant. (is 39 with a perfect set of teeth and hair)
Husband (36 – and looks too small) has had a hard life – just out of jail.
Smokes and live on caffeine.
His mother died when he was young – looked after ailing father – and when he died – hit the streets and drugs.
My take on this. ..
What to do?
Same deal – remove cold or shock – which seems to be problem first.
Her tongue would not show it so much and her bottom not overly cool belly OK – but this is what to do – rescue the Yang first.
Cup on navel whilst she told me of the substantial sexual abuse – beginning with her biological dad at 3 years old (mother was a sexually abused kid and her sisters are also).
Escape into a cult where her head went through all his sisters.
He was imprisoned with her testimony – she had his baby at 19.
All happier now and is having a book written about it all.
She seems to NOT have shock – and now in a very interesting life still with her current husband. Lives with her 19 yo son who lives to game . .and is on a benefit. Also living with them is 70+ ailing mother who is still very devout and sits about all day. Her and husband clean professionally in their own business – and both on a benefit. On acreage with horses.
Then we looked into some of the scars.
I started at the bottom and worked up.
Her back and shoulders gradually normalised.
Magnesium was applied to skin.
And she kept taking . . (incest/multiple rapes/life in cult).
As well . . . heartful hands – I was too distracted/not called to use remedies or A.S. – she seems OK
When I see her next – she was hell-bent on nattering about all that had happened – I will do Accident Recall, P.A.C.E. and so on – this is a great demo of how it IS possible to only’ do the moves – but I would not recommend – I was aware that we had a time deadline – their day to get all done – plus was only able to pay one hour and was there for 2 ½.
Mid way through the gut is starting to respond as the Qi is normalised
Chest feathering to eventually gouge – and this helped neck dramatically.
This and lymph moves done all the way through – not the belly and round and round so much – It Depends . .
Head – when drunk fell into a TV – and on forehead – is interesting and well recovered scar.
Breast implants.
I went to put in Liver 2 (I figured why – she must be pissed off with something) and couldn’t – as the scar tissue too rigid. These were also needled. Did not do the mirror X work – again It Depends . . Will need the Sp lines done late – and also various other smaller scars – this was enough – Head – Breasts – Liver channel beginnings on feet.
She had also reported numb shoulders – since the surgery on breasts – she can’t feel nipples. (Surgery).
As I needled the scars – most feeling returned and pain left.
Free the Qi!
I began working on the feet by bleeding the ting points.
I did the St and big toe – and three points – the usual ting and other side of the nail plus the one at the top of the toe.
(Ouch!! – we need to look at intention. . mine is obvious – fix it)
Taking the needles out I try to be as brutal as possible and then squeeze to try to get to bleed.
When there is Blood there will be Qi flow.
Under the breast . .
I scrape gently along the scar then over the skin above and below – in this case – also nipple sensation. Yes – a lot of needles. . .
Most important – much shoulder movement – always vastly improved with this work
By the end of session – if you can – moxa over the scar – give heaps more help. I then send the person home with comfrey ointment to normalise skin growth – rubbed on x2 daily for 2 weeks -and then we hassle the skin a lot – as the adhesion breaking needs to be continued. (Adhesion breaking is part of what is taught in all my early foundational workshops)
Her numb shoulders became alive.
Her nipples became more sensitive (long way to go – but surgeon said nerves cut – would never feel – so here we are in a hour – and no needles near them – we are moving the Qi .. .
She could at least feel them now – though not right yet – the moxa over scars will help.
Long time ago? Doesn’t matter.
We have a well healed scar
How many meridians and life energy is blocked here?
There was difference in sensations around the scar.
After the needles went in – she was a lot calmer.
(Feel asleep even)
Other needles – yes? – Yin Tang and the sorest upper sternum points.
She left with no pain
My massage/touch therapy moves (I do with all) were applied whilst she had the us
ual sitting up needling structural work done – and the lymph moves including the side gouging were used.
Most discomfort happened when I worked on her butt and that gave the most change to her shoulders.
Undo what is in front of you – WHY is the Qi – stuck?
Clear that – the body is to heal itself. .
See more in the Self Care online course – as the Foundational Moves are all I did to undo – plus the needles my scar work, and why is in Transformative Healing package.
She was past blown away – no pain on leaving.
I sent her home with negative ion pads as menstrual assistance (she floods and used tampons) and comfrey ointment – to normalise the skin around the scars, and a cup and punk moxa – to use with the Self Care package – the Foundational Moves explains suscinctly how to do this home medicine (elder’s ways from the Orient) and a Gua Sha spoon and a moxa stick plus some topical magnesium. We can empower and educate and love our job!!
Much like the computer/electronic gadgets
Declutter (defrag)
Reset (turn off)
Restore – the factory settings . .
Using your own heartful hands. .
And encouraging the person who WAS suffering to take charge.
Body heals itself when you take away why it has not YET.
Start here maybe?
Declutter – Reset – Restore
A fusion of all I have discovered, developed and honed into a holistic multi modality transformative dance of energy body work – playing with/in the Light