Men’s Health Rescue package
Maybe . .
You are
Older (and ever younger) men having peeing/prostate challenges?
Worrying about the cancer dad/grand dad had to be also happening soon in your body?

They that used to pop up in almost every sexual encounter – no trying make then (when I started helping in 1979)
What is in this package for healers?
2 – The Male Home Massage (usually $197) and the Reset Your Metabolism (usually $197) and the ‘Living In It’ (usually $27) and ‘Life Support’ (usually $17) and the ‘Women’s Healing Kit’ (usually $197) and ‘Reunion’ (usually $27) package.
1 – Immediate download of the three essential courses – all multi media,
2 – Entry into The Natural Fertility Detective programme
as a monthly fee – paid for for a month to see if you wish to continue – afterwards will be $49 a month.
As it becomes available . . .
You can upskill .. .
3 – Practitioner Membership
I hold your hand ..Through how no babies is happening – and what to do about it . This means that you then can have your patients/clients on the programme – but further – behind you – so you can feel knowledgeable whereas currently it may likely all seem so mysterious.
When completed – opportunity to add in
(At reduced price)
4 – Reduced fee Natural Pregnancy Coach membership site
This allows pregnant couples to walk in at any stage and pick up the natural living life medicine tips for easy pregnancies and easy births and babies – thus easy maternity and easy lives.
5 – Plus you have access to my 40 years of researching and working in natural medicine.
On the completion of this (certificate will be issued)
Perfect if you are working hands – on in the Arvigo or the Mercier programmes (I work with both) as here you have what is not included with either.
Men needed – they are half the baby . . .
You are then at the first level of ‘The Gentling Methods‘
An affiliate site .
By directing patients into this, you also get in on the secret that is in full view – (as there is NO ONE looking awkward issue of ‘why is the sperm so bad?’
We CAN fix a lot of this.
I will walk you this – is all done for you . . .