Oh dear!!!
What are we to do?
Besides the obvious – left their run too late (AGE???)
Stress of past few years of silliness – and what lies ahead?
He is not a well looking lad – ‘runt’ of the litter. .
Just wanted to contact you to see if you can help my partner and I with fertility issues. A friend of mine saw you and you helped her with two of her pregnancies over 10 years ago I think she said. She mentioned how amazing your work was to help her with the pregnancies. We have had a few consultations with an IVF Specialist as my partner has had mumps when he was a child that we have been told that has affected his fertility. We have both had many hormone tests and his results showed up very low sperm count, similar results to when he had tests done over 10 years ago. My test results from the fertility specialist came up very good for my age (46 in October). He is 47. We have also been told our age is an issue and running out of time especially in regards to doing IVF.
We also saw a Urologist re sperm issues and he also said they wouldn’t know how many sperm could be retrieved until they actually carry out the biopsy procedure and at the same time the sperm would need to be fertilized and inserted into me. Something is holding me back from going ahead with the IVF treatments as I’ve always believed in treating the cause and I’ve heard some other women go through a tough time with the elevated hormone doses. I am highly sensitive both physically and energetically as well so I guess this is part of my stress as well.
I have also studied holistic nutrition so I have a good understanding of the body and my intuition has lead me to exhaust other avenues before going ahead with IVF and I refuse to think this is our only option as the medical establishment like to make you think. I am very spiritually connected as well and so is my partner which I know has a big bearing on everything we go through as well.
After reading your website pages I highly resonate with your background and holistic approach to treatment, especially regarding fertility and how you said you love complex cases, as ours certainly is!. I believe as well that there is a reason for everything not going right in the body, usually the causes are just imbalances or too much toxic exposure causing problems. Stress is a big one too!
I see you also do acupuncture. We have both been seeing an acupuncturist regularly for about 16 months now. I know it’s a process and I feel he has toxicity issues as well which I’ve tried to help with my Nutrition knowledge as well though I feel his issues are deep & energetic as well. I see you incorporate energy medicine practices as well which is important as its all part of the holistic picture and approach from many angles to reach the cause. Anyway can chat to you more about our challenges if we are able to have an appointment with you. I only saw on your website online appointments may be available with you.
Page on testicular failure
The Shared Journey
What we can do
I will get onto a programme shortly . .I have way too much on this.
Look also here?