Making Better Babies


What can we do to help?

Common sense
What makes the best babies?

Start at the beginning.


If troubled ask –



1 – Why is sex NOT making babies?

Why is this different?

2 – Men matter .  . get him watching now PLEASE

Men need to realise that they can only give their contribution ONCE
Can only make baby once.
No farmer would ever use a bull under 90% looking normal semen count.
Why is 4% supposed to work with human mums-to-be?

research into sperm improvement (2017)

Many different options in programmes.
I suggest – as much as and as fast as you can.

As with farming. . . begin as though you mean to have the absolute BEST that you can.

4 – Basics . . good water and great ‘soil’

Make the baby nest well – FIRST
Begin with a great foundation

2103water copy


5 – Undo the structural and uterine misalignment, scars and ???

Hands on – to get all the flows flowing

Nature heals – you need to get an Arvigo, or /and Mercier worker – or one of my own graduates of the Gentling Way work.

6 –  Sex is to make babies