Lyme disease


Lenley asked… I have had a person contact me regarding lyme disease, they now have to carry epi-pen. And have had to move from where they were living. I can’t see them as they live in the blue mountains. Can you recommend any supplements etc?

See what Lyme is here and here. It may have looked like this when the bite first happened. It is a tick borne trouble. Spreading a bacteria /entity when it is feeding on the person. A spirochyte that ends up with many others coming in for the ride, and not leaving.

For someone to consult you with this – you are not the first port of call. An act of desperation. They are often chronically ill and may have been for years . .. or not.

1st – you are treating a person – not a condition

2nd – They are not well – to have it in the first place, and to not kick it out after its arrival

3rd – They are likely complicated – so we start at the beginning .. .

How was life prior?
This brings in the 6 T’s . . . Temptation, tension, temperature, torpour, trauma and toxins . . this ticks many of these. .

What have they done?
Still doing?
what is helping?
When is it worse?
Why have they chosen you?

Getting that all out of the way . . What is Lyme’s? A body NOT returning itself to a position of health – definition?
Ability to adapt to change, This body has not, and is in a ‘silly’ mode.

What to do? As with anything – get the person back so they are in teh driver;s seat. Canteh body respond? Clear/ move the Qi . .
Triage . . Calm the Shen, Take out cold/rescue the Yang and undo why body NOT healing itself – and scars will be part of this -as will how they are nourishing themselves, and underlying predisposition to be at risk – of the bite, the reaction to it – and the not healing.

I have noticed that this is always worse in women and they are less likely to recover – it is like AIDS in that as we are creatures of bleeding, it invades there. . As with everything they will need to throw resources at this to retrieve health. Not one magic cure . . although maybe as if they have ‘done everything’ – occasionally – we add in the missing piece of the jigsaw. What causes HEALTH? Do they have all this in order? How do we get sick? Homeostasis not about to reset itself.

START HERE – that table? – Get it all back in alignment . . .and give HOPE . .as all online is the usual management.
Often this also sets the body into a self destructive stasis – and besides weird gut responses to food, if female and still menstruating – all sorts of odd may now be happening – a little like the jabbed people – who knows what is happening on the inside now?

Can the body work?
Where is the major issue – as everyone is different.

What shape was it when the tick ‘got them?

Look to the basics always – I have taken everything back to what SHOULD be happening – and what to see when it is not.

I have a friend who has made her whole life a career of this – at least 30 years of it. She is seriously in a mess – and often stuck in bed for months. And she still lives where it happened . . And – is co-exiting with it.

Starting with what you have in front of you . . .I have had several people come to see me. The pulling out of cold and using moxa is the saviour – as the Yang Qi is severely depleted. Whatever state they had been in – they are now in a state of failing as the immune aspect to protection/Yang Qi is failing. Yang Qi Transportation (circulation – the 5 Flows), Transformation – not only the digestive – changing the state of one thing to another and being being to assimilate – but also – needing IODINE as this is the crux of all fluid metabolism – in all tissues and cells as well as the renal function and the lymph (transportation/5 flows) . . . Keeping the body warm -and here we have even tiny amounts of change will throw them back into a cycle of despair (pull the cold out, moxa and educate), Protection – obvious here – and the gut is where 90% of the action happens – so the cold must not be coming in even as non tepid/body temperature water as they are so out of balance – and Holding all in place – thus anything else in tissues, blood, viscera being out of order may be in this as well.

Of you look online they will tell you all about antibiotics . . They have a reactive proposition – take the magic pill . . . it maybe of help – not likely for someone to have asked you for help though. MUST support the immune system (Yang Qi) is a what is needed. As above
Here is a naturopath’s answer (Dr Eric Berg). Myself? I had this last year – as a continuation of the immune system not coping with life in the post 2020 debacle we all now must negotiate. The bite was in my navel and was dinner plate size and took about a month to settle down – and this is with all I have to attempt to assuage the ticks here – not paralysis tiny little ones. – Often can’t see them. I went through the bio resonance and many apparent helpers – including vast amounts of garlic and ABB and VIt C etc . . what got me out of this on top of my best efforts – was the bio resonance – clearing the energy of the trouble – but remember – what else had I done? I was wasted on the bed for several weeks – just lying there – and thinking it was the jab reaction – well – it was – my immune system was on the blink . . (Hence I am taking the Essiac herbs). How to make them

Ask those questions – why me , why there, why then?
For me the ongoing horror – shedding consequences – was running in the background and so the Lyme took off . .I did not take antibiotics -as there are only so many one can . . and it ‘went away’ . . .Timing? Whilst I was in Port Douglas and also staying with Elke who had her jabbed kids in the house.

Supplements. . before them you need to address some of the above . . Why them? As only ill (dis eased – out of ease) people get ill.. .
Toxic issues – not likely addressed, they will possibly have tried all sorts of remedies . . .
1 – The glutathione accelerator is crucial. Likely may need more than one lot daily.
2 – NCD – the liquid activated zeolites. . Both of these in the form I suggest have worked when all else similar has not. It maybe a slow process – but then to get to where they may have been going a while.
3 – Vit C – at least x 3 more than usual – and often – esp with liposomal . .
Usual stuff – no difference – except you MUST treat them – not the trigger of this catastrophe.

Why is it them? What it means to them – what T junction /part of their life they now get to drop off/alter /shift entirely?

Garlic is a great standby – I take Thomsen’s garlic perles and handfuls many times a day when I need to – it works. .
do the usual – and it may be somewhat out of your scope of practice – hence I am available. . .