
Context? – life is too hard.
Josi’s domestic situation is more than others caught in this time and place .
The birth of her niece in Germany has taken over everything. Minus heartbeat, brought back to life – what life?
Cooled for several days to stop some of the diffuse and massive brain injury.
Not breathing by herself.
Not able to suckle.
Now deaf
Worse prognosis than expected.
After a 22 week set of twin boys dying in the first pregnancy – then a live daughter – now this.
Josi – not coping – also husband depressed (self employed ) and not handling life. Then thinking of selling up and living permanently in Germany (he is not a German speaker). She has 4 children under 7 and the 18 month old still breastfed. Younger daughter sensitive and not coping generally with life.
Children often ill. She was not a well mum making them – and close together – and after 16months old toddler got twins to deal with – and both C section – and no support about Josi – breast fed anyway . . and accidental 3rd pregnancy.
2 weeks ago . . .
I suggested
Panaxea – P.S. Calm – at least 1 x3 – get 2 bottles at least . . .
Maybe take 2 x 3 to start with?
Reduce down to one in the morning when he does not think he needs to keep taking it.
Free Movement – 3 x3 and on going . .Stuck Liver Qi release herbal . . .anti depressive life force.
(None of us are happy in this life now) – not n charge of what we see as being ‘our lives’.
In addition:
Eat liver, make veggie juices.
Glutathione Zeolites Gilly – get consults for Naomi and Chris
Kaliana Raphael Rose (consult for you and family over Malou and also for Chris). Private Consultations & Group Facilitation PO Box 73 Suffolk Park NSW 2481 Australia : phone – 0421 117 562 email :
A few days ago . .
I got a chat message She texted – can I quickly ring ? Re possible appendicitis.

Besides belly/life dramas . .
4.45 – Finding St 36.
6.00 – GB 34 and one thumb width down from there.
8.30 – Natasha’s story . . acute appendicitus
12 – Page 82 on WDCD will help . . also steam . . and journal . . . (Life terrible)
14.30 – Real life . . . why not castor oil packs – dripping with it and heat . . and up the orifices. .
17 – Josi needs fixing all the maternal horrors that she is in the middle of (niece dying).
19 – Red Clover tea – simmered – not steeped . . one cup x 2 daily – for a while.
22.30 – sedate Liv 2 . . and with her issue – extra GB 34 point R.H.S.
24.30 – Kiiko’s near Co 10 point – immune point . if it hurts – stick it in?
29 – Melissa – What would the naturopath in the health food shop say/do – and clay use – and heaps of water. Also diatomaceous earth (CLICK)
Also slippery elm powder . . Lisa suggested reflexology.
34 – Using foot patches . . plus foot detoxes . .
37 – Josi reminding what we are treating – also COULD when fixed – do the ileo cecal correction
38.30 – Also all lower back/sacral work – treat the back to treat the front.
40 – Josi leaves and we are going to towards Pricklies. .
42 – Need to connect Bao Mai – get the gut working . . then MOVE the Qi . . Light, connective tissue – fluids, adhesions and scars. . and DO IT
Living Ligaments I – roses (Hybrid) do not do well in hard places – my garden was . .
46 – Going into L.L.II – need to have done L.L.I x2 ideally .. then prolapsed bladder in pregnancy case . .(CLICK)
(Vegan breastfeeding 3 babies and pregnant with the 4th – massive faints – resulting in sacral damage)
8 minutes of me talking about getting a vegan pregnant woman into eating sacred foods . .
50 – Learning PRICKLIES – NOT poppers – plastic guide tubes. . no swabbing – total waste of time. May feel the QI grab sensation . . not hitting a nerve. .
52.45 – How to teach a teenage boy and saving his mum . . apple and a needle .
55 – GV 26 (GV-26 CLICK – is located between your upper lip and nose, about one-third of the way down from the bottom of your nose.) . . .(CLICK) Co 11 – on himself. Liv 2 (CLICK) also CLICK Cleman’s heart damage after horrendous asthma attack
1.05.00 – Need to be taught what to do – if caught short – no way to get to ‘real’ medicine . NOT putting a needle in to yourself to practice. .
1.06.00 – Melissa’s potential person 12 weeks pregnant (hyperemesis) and need to get ready to become a mother – no order in this . . self medication – over exercise (CLICK).
As Caron said – regardless of how complicated a case . .
All she needed to do is what Heather said – the simple stuff . .
Also covered – Incompatible with life
Segment from Kylie Shepherd’s book

PDF is a hugely important thing to read and ponder.
WHY are we playing God?
What does it leave us? Short term maybe gain – and what else to deal with forever after?
(Says Kathryn’s mother).