
An event filled year/life continues .. This was late July – early August 2021
MY STORY – CONTEXT – events leading up to and from
After a solid week of me teaching and treating intensively 3+ hours on each body) those who had been jabbed for their jobs. My usual after being with the jabbed reaction – herpes outbreak that takes forever to go – and happens 1.5/2 days after exposure – and the skin reaction on my arm as it purples and grows – to go again when I undo the immune horror of it all) /thick head/’Damp’ in general did not happen. I got ocular shingles. It may have been stirred on as I nearly took myself out going around a corner in the middle of nowhere on a dark night, on a ‘warning – stock across the road’ at 70-80 kph and hitting a Brahman cow.
Car still driving for about 10 Km. Windscreen did not let the beast in. Tuesday evening.
I was still driving all through this – car did not stop airbag stayed intact – I reached out and touched the windscreen – it was holding up, so I kept driving (about 10 km) – no phone reception. How do I tell Duncan and the world that there is a ??dead cow and also I was not OK?
Initially – what was going on in my head?
From early primary school – the voice in the head – need hot, sweet tea for shock.
Not even carrying any fruit/sugar, I kept driving – as I was trying to catch my husband in the car in front.
Instant effect – very sore shoulder and wrist – not elbow.
I could not get how a previously perfectly normal body now was instantly a really sore structure.
Did I hit – what?
No idea what I struck – unless it was I contacted the cow as she hit the windscreen. That would explain the deep distress of the cow I took about a month to get over – when I realised that is possibly our point of contact.

When I eventually stopped – the shakes started. I was cold. I can still see the imprinted white cow on my mind’s eye. At least 1 tonne of animal. All across the window. Me not damaged physically – just the cow likely and definitely the written off car.
I would have loved to have had the opportunity for a hot Epsom salts bath. I settled for more steaming and lots of magnesium on my body.
Shocked – yes – vastly grateful to be still here and not damaged
What I did do
1 – PV exercises (CLICK) at least 20 times daily. To avoid a whiplash. Air bag did not explode – it was as gentle as it could have been – the braking I did was not severe, and we stayed in a forwards undeviating path – still mobile though at half the speed – now 35 kmph-ish.
2 – Took Yunnan Bao Yao capsules – to allow all Blood Stagnation to dissipate.
Goes also for all P.T.S.D. and any shock – always carry these – take 2 capsules x 4 daily.
Also see the stair incident (CLICK) when i thought I was ‘over the need to take these – I went ‘odd’ after I stopped – as I had no idea that TBI was also involved – was so busy attending to the gross physical issues. Started taking them again – even thigh expensive when not working I needed to get better – so I could keep it together.
3 – More Vit B and C and topical magnesium – as the shock on all levels needs more nutrients to help the body to heal.
4 – Vibrational remedies as I have in had for patients – and now – as my own in-house permanent patient.
5 – Gratitude and rest – as I was still here and intact.
6 – Healing assistance from my students as I was teaching all day from Saturday to the following Monday . .
What happened next?
The car story got taken over . . though . .
The whiplash started to appear whilst I was teaching on the Monday – and Julienne (so grateful) did some acupuncture on my ankles that released this enough for me to carry on helping myself. More on whiplash here (CLICK) and here (CLICK)
On into shingles (CLICK) . . . in my eye . .
Why I got into acupuncture and all natural medical ways at all – my then husband had been an asthma/eczema baby – often in hospital in oxygen tents – that was before the sprays and steroids were used. Thus I was always a step ahead. . .how to avoid – and thus my 46 years old was the way into this and me writing to you. My cousin died from a vaccination injury – decades later – the NZ government (when this was a scientific, not religious dogma issue) found this to be so – a bad batch – she had the last few years of her life in a hospital kept alive whilst she slept her early 20s away till pneumonia got her. WHAT SETS US UP may need asking . .
MERCURY – the elephant in all rooms – MY STORY PRIOR TO ALL OF THIS
My already compromised with intra utero toxoplasmosis baby – due to my body not working well after the amalgam being spread over a tooth stump then capped when she was 5 months growing inside me. MERCURY (CLICK) and how to get rid of (CLICK) – mercury poisoning (CLICK) and my body thus not absorbing zinc I suspect – her trying to leave, me stopping this and she never being the person she would have been – 36+ years later – I have rounds on the board of First, Do No Harm
In the past – parents and adults were asked prior to a vaccination (when that is actually what they were) they would be asked ‘do any of your family responded badly to vaccinations?’ It could have been investigated (and is/was not) as to WHY some families are super sensitive .. .
If answering yes, in the past – no one in that family was jabbed – as they needed to be kept safe and that concept that was ridiculed by the drug companies till recently ‘herd immunity’ was accepted.
Herd immunity is NATURALLY immune – the bodies of the young ones having been exposed to the weakened versions through being made then breastfed by mums who had natural exposure thus antibodies were passed along and when in the pre school year – they ‘caught’ whatever – it was a minor case – if seen at all. So we lost this as the powers of persuasion have been louder as more $$ to be made.
If you think I am over the top – look around you. Where are the resilient happy kids? I was not even are asthma was possible when growing up
As a past cold sore, then herpes 2 survivor – the other herpes viruses are actually found passed through the vaccination schedule – (CMV, Cok Sackie, if you go looking into this as I have had to with all my children vaxx injured. When Kathryn was little – she got sick almost to death after each usual childhood vaccination – some of us should never be injected. Doctors decades ago asked a question – not knowing about the genetic drams many of us have in our detox pathways – thus MTHFR /pyroluria/ EDS etc . ..