Introduction to Making Better Babies Naturally



The Baby Project

Much like building a house.




Let us ensure we get it all right – from the site to the foundation.

We will think about the colours and furnishings – LATER.

First we need the fundamentals

What was – needs to return – easy living 


Why is donor sperm not good enough’

Because the retail market is about least possible not the best – and if you are in need of the sperm – you need to garner yourself a man who is responsible enough to go this road with you.
Hopeful is nowhere good enough. You want the best.

I have seen donors bought in at 91% NO GOOD.

As ‘fertile is now deemed to be 96% no good – what is this story about?
Making the best baby possible.

A different model of life – biological

This is a useful way to get out of beliefs and assumptions.


We are so much more than a bunch of bits.

We have a soul

We are here living a human life as we are socialized.

Into the tribe we are born into. In a body.

We all have biological blood ties.

You need to go back to nature – as she holds all the cards. Playing medical is not needed – even blocked tubes, and endo all over – is repairable – your body grew it – it can ungrow, it. If you are not able to see me in NZ (as we are in interesting times and travel is not happening) we use my Gentling Way graduates as the hands and my lifework as the guide. Following Nature.

 Great breeders

Where do we grow the baby?
Becoming well


Sperm and periods are your health reports.
(Video cuts off – small errors – ‘perfect’ is getting this out – not being top class tech necessarily).

Find one of my Gentling Way graduates


What we have in store . .

Expert status


Health – is NOT death avoidance

Starting from the beginning – and not needing any ‘medical’ checks/supervision – or micromanaging
THEIR scope of practice is to stop you dying. Health is not their focus. Or really their business. 

What next?
Contact one of my graduates – or me to get well again – enough for EASY babies/lives