Reconnecting Bao and Dai Mai
(heart and wombspace)
Foundational Moves
– clearing Qi/lymph and Blood Stagnation
To allow the Qi to flow through a body unimpeded
Event description – An interactive experiential practical workshop supporting the Three Heaters by clearing their stagnations. From removing shock/trauma from Bao Mai that may have created disconnection to the lower heaters, we move onto the more solid representations of life.
Using the 8 Extra meridian theory of storage of perverse Qi, we discover ways to correct all TH issues – be they ‘leaky gut’/GERD/IBS/Krohn’s – by unblocking why there is lymph and Qi congestion. (Reminder – the role of the 8 Extras – to regulate maintain and supervise the 12 main. – and to keep out of circulation till able to process that which is ‘too hard’).
We let it let go . . .
We become aware of what needs to shift to release what has been stored trapped in the 8 Extras – esp the spine and nervous system. Shen shock/body trauma. Cold is covered in the pre course online work – and SCARS we do day 2.
and all sequelae of C sections and another abdominal surgeries/interventions.
Brisbane 8-9 February
Grafton 13 -15 March
What will we be covering?
- Setting up a safe space to work for you and them
- Gain a clear understanding of the body’s energy and solid flows.
- (5 Flows – especially lymph).
- – Discover what blocks life force. (8 Extras reservoir theory)
- – Including – Poly Vagal Theory, Reichian armour bands, Accident Recall
- – Rework the entire Three Heater theory into practical hands-on repair of visceral displacement, vacuity (diastasis/prolapses) and leaky gut (Ileo-cecal value correction.)
- – Experience different levels of releasing what is caught up as life residue/scars
- – Practice gently relieving body resistance, allowing the clearing what has up till now prevented true healing
This 2-day (3 in Grafton) introduction into Heather’s Gentling Ways takes you (the interested aware, conscious body worker/midwife/acupuncturist – who also is also in a body/life in need of healing) into releasing what holds the Qi, and thus healing hostage. More on this here.
A recent participant said – This training seems in many ways simple but works with the complex, undoing current and historic health issues in a holistic way through providing what the body needs whilst removing that which prevents the body from finding its way back to its natural state of balance. Many of the information and techniques Heather teaches are able to be instantly applied in daily life and can be easily incorporated into sessions with clients, providing each person the opportunity to take responsibility for their own health and well-being in an empowered way. I gained new insight into the layers of holding in my own body, and how these can be gently unraveled and released through these Gentling Way techniques and process. Since the course my body has felt more at ease, and I have felt calmer and more focused.
After just the first part of the training, I have already been able to bring a fresh more holistic approach to my work with clients, and feel a renewed sense of purpose and potential of what is possible for empowering others in their own healing journey. Heather has a fresh way of thinking and working, and I learnt things from her that I have not come across before in other trainings or readings. Heather is very generous in the ways she shares her knowledge and resources she has written, her wish to equip other practitioners with tools and wisdom to really make a difference personally for themselves and for their clients really shines through. I feel excited about what is possible as I unravel blockages to being my full self in the process of learning how to support others to release long held tensions and beliefs so they too can live their full potential”. Jenny Auckland
‘She came in with a stepladder sacrum and got off the table with a slide’
(Massive shifts after the accidents and life lived
– Rachael – Sydney.
How is this possible?
We undo blockages to flows – anyone can – is essential the foundation work we missed in going straight to needles. Check in with the body first – can it do what you are asking of it?
We start with US ..
Embodied .
In a women’s yarning circle . .
We may discover stored away shock/life trauma and deep wounds that block usual means.
We work extensively with scars.
These hold keys to the chronic ‘bread and butter’ issues we may play with.
This class highlights the simplicity of allowing Qi to flow again.
We work with breath, wise women’s ways – previously only taught orally and across so many cultures.
We delve into instant ways to magic the stuckness away for good. Gently – with our hands (and sometimes needles).
Via an acupuncturists’ romp through the structure:
what binds it up into knotted tangles, and onto how to unwind these.
This is an interactive responsive holistic individualised energy themed soulful inspired body work.
Based on all the styles I have been exposed to, and have developed further in my quest for answers when the obvious seems to NOT WORK.
We release bodily held life residue.
Especially scar distress, adhesions and the consequences of being opened up – whether to birth or to ‘fix’ something – invariably we are ‘not the same since . . .’
Who is this for? 
Anyone – who seek simple answers for complex problems
Also acupuncturists/body workers/midwives/health care professionals who wish to advance their clinical skills into releasing deeply held perverse Qi.
And/or Maya healers and others who have ‘done’ belly/ body work – as this has nothing and yet everything in common with this.
Event description
– An interactive experiential practical workshop supporting the Three Heaters by clearing their stagnations.
From removing shock/trauma from Bao Mai that may have created disconnection to the lower heaters, we move onto the more solid representations of life.
Using the 8 Extra meridian theory of storage of perverse Qi, we discover ways to unblock lymph and Qi congestion, alleviate visceral displacement, correct diastasis, discover and gently correct uterine mal-positioning, also breaking adhesions and resolving scars.
Advanced Channel Applications – Gua Sha, cups, needling and hand work feature, utilising past elder wisdoms.
When nothing else has worked – when we want to refer out as we feel lost – now – using these foundational moves – anything is possible – you will come away personally transformed as this simple work begins a new life for all.
This 2-day introduction into Heather’s Gentling Ways takes you (the body worker/midwife/acupuncturist) – who also is also in a body/life in need of healing) into releasing what holds the Qi, and thus healing hostage. More on this here.
We uncover and heal stored away shock/life trauma and deep wounds that block usual means.
Gently – with our hands and sometimes needles.
We work extensively with scars.
These hold keys to the chronic ‘bread and butter’ issues we may play with.
This class highlights the simplicity of allowing Qi to flow again.
We work with breath, wise women’s ways – previously only taught orally and across so many cultures. We delve into instant ways to magic the stuckness away for good.
What will we be covering?
(How to stay safe and keep a space safe as we work undoing what has held a body/soul hostage).
and all that I have found to be of service in my decades of researching what and when to intervene.
3 – Practical Channel Applications
– going where blockages/congestion have created inner Feng Shu disruption – returning all to homeostasis and granting the body sovereignty again.
Using Gua Sha, cups, needling, hand work – utilizing traditional elder wisdoms.
NO . ..this is the home remedies and the hands-on that they miss in their training – so we are going back to elder’s wisdoms – from all over the world – as I have found these work
– they stay in this body of foundational care.
It leads you into the Living Ligaments as you then will make short work of ANYONE’S structural messes.
Day One – Towards alignment back to Self.
Enhance optimal lymph flows – relieving Phlegm/Damp
We firstly set the container – so all are safe within.
This takes the form of many lineages and oral traditions.
We apply channel theory, and knowledge of 8 Extra meridians in practical wise womanly (previously oral) traditions to effect major through very gentle shifts in balance.
Included – self help – healing power of self soothing.
Structure determines function
– Three Heater visceral corrective moves, the beginnings of uterine repositioning, sacral and coccygeal corrections to allow Du Mai and the other 7 Extras to flow as intended.
Day Two – Undoing Life Residue
From stored Shock/trauma to effectively needling scars – especially the pubic /lower heater to invigorate the entire being – Reconnecting Bao and Dai Mai in the process . .
Stuck Belly Blood/Undoing Energy patterns and how to reposition soft tissue – all with heartful hands-on energy applications. The acupuncture sets us free to complete the session. Missing links – touch – frees the Qi.
Why C section?
It sticks around, over giving – adhesions and general woe. ..
As with all my work – three parts
Before content to get us all ‘on same page’
Actual attendance – experiential
Home nurture
This is a guide as (who knows what will come up?)
It Depends . .
A recent participant said:
– ‘an easy simple way to gauge and clear what is stopping healing naturally’.
April – Upwey Vic.
Anyone can do this . .
All we are doing is taking out blockages to life flows
Another acupuncturist said:
Having done the Reconnecting Dai Mai workshop with Heather, I can say that I have actually applied pretty much everything I learnt straight into practice and have really loved the results I am getting. Now I see people through a new lens and am loving how the new knowledge and techniques is adding such depth to my practice. I am so excited to continue my training so I can learn more of Heather’s work, as I can see how what she does is so relevant to really making transformational change in the body’s and lives of so many of our clients.
– Tanya Banora Point, Australia
Online component – Healing Power of Touch
‘A lot of the power of our medicine seems to be getting lost in intellectual based information, techniques and theories. We can often forget the basics of what it means to live as a healthy, integrated human being. We are embodied, and touch is vitally important. Simple things like how we think, what we eat, and how we move, are often over looked. A lot of what is in this course I will share with my patients. There are great graphics and posters which I can put out in my clinic and print off for patients as home work. Working through the exercises myself, just while watching the course modules, I can feel the difference in my body. More relaxed, more integrated, more flowing, and more joyful.
Heather is humorous, caring and light-hearted in the way she teaches.
I sense I am reconnecting on the common sense wisdom of the elders.
My acupuncture schooling was barely hands on, believe it or not.
Mostly about theory and where to put the needle.
But how to work with lymph, Qi, emotion and feeling?
– those are missing link that Heather reintroduces”.
Cara, B.C. Canada
How did this come about?
Me asking why what I had been so good at not working as well over the decades as more complicated lives and less respect for nature so The Way of the Tao is almost a memory only.
After 40 years being hands-on meridian therapist, embedded in my own maternity. designing acupuncture courses and seeking always for more – using whatever it takes to assist people move from their previously stuck spots.
We now have an integrated Qi/Shen and lymph system – magicking away structural demons.. .
Heather’s Gentling Ways
A fusion of Qi awareness, advanced channel applications, gentle belly and lymph, ligament and thus profound structural shifts – hands and heartful body interactions.
Past the dry needling debacle with every other modality taking over- let us go where they are/do not –
We need to have Qi flowing to be able to use it.
Actual adhesions and scars are actually blocking life flows.
When we clear the acute and inflexible emotional and etheric charges, the physical ‘behaves’ itself again.
Gyno visceral corrections
– including unsticking adhesions!
A practical and intimate workshop.
Only 8 spaces offered
In a small intimate space to undo all that ails YOU so you can be the healing channel you always wished to be
BRING – please courage – this is self mastery
BEFORE COMING . . look through the online Pre Course 3 part introduction (even put it into use in clinic)
An acupuncturists’ romp through the structure, what binds it up in knotted tangles, into how to unwind these.
Especially scar distress, adhesions and the consequences of being opened up – whether to birth or to ‘fix’ something – invariably we are ‘not the same since . . .’
Firstly . . . .
Return structural integrity . . . .
Diastasis – poor connective tissue resilience (and after birth care)
– This is so often the view women have after birth.
Not always though.
RIGHT shows a young boy’s diastasis
From the foundational work from Reconnecting Bao and Dai, we go straight back to the source: regenerate the nerve and blood flows supporting life – realignment.
How do we do this?
We commence in offering more tools in being safe.
We investigate what is STUCK in all of us
This takes you (the acupuncturist – who also as a body/life in need of healing) into releasing what holds the Qi, and thus healing hostage.
More on this here.
We uncover and heal stored away shock/life trauma and deep wounds that block usual means. Gently – with our hands and sometimes needles.
We work extensively with scars.
These hold keys to the chronic ‘bread and butter’ issues we may play with.
This class highlights the simplicity of allowing Qi to flow again.
We work with breath, wise women’s ways – previously only taught orally and across so many cultures. We delve into instant ways to magic the stuckness away for good.
Goals – Clarity . .
Gain a clear understanding of the body’s energy and solid flows.
(5 Flows – especially lymph).
Will the seminar cover more than just acupuncture?
We move much from all of us
These are small, thus intimate workshops
After my recent foray into Arvigo and Mercier ways of belly/pelvic care – all the best added to all I was taught 40+ years ago (all visceral and soft tissue and lymph work in conjunction with acupuncture) and all I have developed since . . leading graduates of the entire programme (this is part 1 – into being Gentling Way practitioners.
For acupuncturists – surprisingly simple women’s ways of knowing
INCLUDING – much touch therapy – plus adhesion breaking
Large focus of this weekend – C scars – however old – undoing what they leave behind.
Hands and hearts.
Real shifts in visceral placement as we focus on repositioning the organs – gently allowing the blueprint to re-establish itself. Structure does determine function. We begin with our own bodies. We move onto the classmates.
This is deep work.
Courage is needed to move into where you can then assist patients.
Treatment suggestions include acupuncture using Heather’s Stuck Belly Blood ways after the shock/cold (and often scars) are liberated.
By undoing the past injuries and energy blockages we then do not need to micromanage acupuncture points and play with pain – the reason it is there dissolves. Most usually permanently.
What to expect?
The unexpected
All attending say that they had no idea that such gentle touch – and such simple moves can have such a profound difference – to everything. Just moving a stomach out of the diaphragm – all inflammatory process stopped – instantly!
Usually we have no idea what else we could feel like. Until the very gentle process of unwind happens. The Reichian armour bands can release.
Body and soul permission lead to alignment – and great surprise!
People always say to me . .
“Too easy Heather!”
Yes it is .
8-9 February – Brisbane
13- 15th March Grafton
FEB – The Life Alignment Centre, 10 Kitchener St Coorparoo
MARCH Grafton, NSW
- 8.30 arrival/settle
- 9 sharp – we start.
- (Little lunch)/morning tea – 10.30 – 11.
- Lunch 1- 2 (Bring a shared plate)
- Small wee breaks as needed
- Contact hours – face to face
- 6.30 hours – per day – 2 days.
Much like being in a First Aid course – to show up for the practical – please go through the online component – as your asking questions that were answered within this will slow your learning and that of all others..
Pre class . . .
At least 3 hours to watch and integrate the online Self Care course – hand movements we will need to have in board to be in the needling workshop as these are not being taught – but assumed.
Post class
Expect a download – at least of the work we did in class online via multimedia. .
You in class may have become immersed in your own stuff/story – and afterwards – we go over it all again . .
Always more with me – going forwards so much to share further!
This is exceptionally deep work on you.
Deceptively simple.
Who can come?
Anyone who has the courage to go beyond what is written and taught into what is stored within us all.
NOTE – this is way more than show up and go off again – you get an online course that will instantly changes you and all you touch.
As a past Arvigo Self Care teacher, a Mercier worker and a very practical wise woman, we go as fast into this stunningly simple content when you come ready to dive deeply,
Potentially anyone – even acupuncture students would benefit massively – as we start with our own belly/Three Heater liberation – extending outwards to the world. . All gut function is improved.
Faja Accident recall Belly work Touch Therapy – hand moves
What to bring
1 – Open mind and heart
2 – Warm loose half body clothes. (We focus on/in the middle).
This is the entry into my assisting in all that works in our context in these times woven around the energy and the vibrational natures that release the physical – you come out of this in a similar structure from what the Arvigo Maya work was taught.
Gentling Way Self Care – we discover our own stories locked within our own wombs, learning the importance of her being central and happy. Also how to assess and assist her return to perfect positioning through gentling ourselves.
The missing link – the digestive system and what holds us stuck in old patterns – the life residue needs clearing FIRST.
Reconnecting Bao (heart) and Dai (Wombspace)
Living Ligaments I – learn to free the womb, so all sacral and pelvic and almost upper back issues are resolved – simply. Too easy!!
Living Ligaments II – Revision and prolapses to prostates
Living Ligaments III – (Opening the Baby Gate)
NOTE – Gentling Trauma Relief – is inseparable to the body moves. Incorporated into all we do. Self Mastery is an essential part of any of the Gentling Ways. .
We recognise that the Reichian rings are there and we allow the body to release itself – when we offer up suggestions to that which is so tightly bound, holding all of the life flows hostage..up until now.
Pay now, guarantee your space and get started on the course content as an online experiential gems from my practice immediately useful in clinic.
(Anxiety moxa treatments alone).
Get started with the online content you can use immediately in clinic – secrets held in plain sight – lymph shifting.
Fee includes all content, the face to face and
the ongoing after course support.
This is part of a process – this is just the beginning
What you will come away with
Passion and a renewed zeal for playing with QI . .Results instantly transferable to you – anyone can!
NOTE – this is part one of a many faceted romp through Body and Soul stagnation
Leading into Opening the Baby Gate (Living Ligaments III)
Intrigued? The trajectory through the entire holistic energy body work that is
Heather’s Gentling Way
Lymph – ligaments – and pain free easy bodies to live in ..
What lead me to here?
A lifetime of my asking questions that I felt needed attending to before that which I was being taught or expected to do.
I offer a structured pathway that can take as long or a short a time as you wish.
Online components to allow instant access to what transforms your practice – and your life.
Based in Brisbane – at The Life Alignment Centre.
Reconnecting Bao (heart) and Dai Mai (womb)
Brisbane – 8- 9 February
Grafton – 13-15th March
Book now . . (Button)
OR sign up for the entire course – package includes the Transformative Healing Self Mastery/Segue out of TCM into Advanced Channel Applications.
Q- Do I have to be an acupuncturist to take this on?
A – No.
They are being retrained into what we were teaching decades ago – so this is often all new also to them.
Q – Do I have to put needles in at the end of this?
A – Of course not.
But you may – wish to . .
Learn more . .
And be vastly more transformative . .
Shall we see as we go on?
This is the beginning of the fusion of all that works. .
Button to sign up – all of it
First part only- Reconnecting Bao and Dai Mai – new price $695 AU
Deposit (Non refundable as this is the pre course work) $200 and rest by 20th Jan
(For $100 extra – get to come also to Self Care Gentling Way – 2 weeks before this)
Who is Heather Bruce?
As a classically trained acupuncture consultant, and naturally inclined body and energy worker Heather has been a pragmatic clinician, course designer and teacher in Brisbane Australia, and in her home country NZ since early 1979.
As a new mother at her training’s onset, she saw all acupuncture study through maternal eyes.
Using hands and heart, she has always specialized in obstetrics and fertility, and in all ‘difficult’ cases.
Extensively teaching all levels of acupuncture from a classical and a meridian basis she has developed her own style of Moving Blockages to Healing.
Heather is passionate about improving and sustaining Jing.
Starting with family concerns – touching, and being bonded, as the primates that we are.
Aided through the transmission of world wide wise womanly oral and hands -on traditions, she intends to bring back magic into practice for all.
Extending this to undoing the Life Residue, using 8 Extras and their function of storing perverse Qi, Heather now allows uses whatever means (via the Poly Vagal – trauma release – theory to liberate Reichian armour bands thus freeing all from what blocks Qi and thus Life Flows) to allow acupuncturists to access deeper than ever before.
More on Heather’s CV is found here.
Button to sign up – all of it