The entire webinar will lead the participant into online self help.
Here is the entire hour long webinar minus the resources
Below is the project in bits
1 – Welcome
This is the taster – to allow those who think IMPOSSIBLE to leave – and alerts them to at the end they will be invited to work with/on themselves to solve this themselves.
2 – Focus – health
Health – your only real wealth. NOT a medical focus
I am called on when nothing orthodox works.
Invitation: Maybe put aside what you ‘know’.
Here we start with your own body – which is possible to heal /repair itself.
A paradigm shift. . (remember – suspend what you ‘know’).
3 – The body has instructions – ENERGY
Your prostate should be the size of a walnut.
Not an orange .or a grapefruit.
Structure determines function – we need to work out . ..WHAT IS THERE?
4 – What is in there?
Your ‘bits’ – where are they – what size and what to do?
Water – drink a lot more.. . bot cold and not from tap as you need all the GOOD clean water – 3 litres daily ideally to help flush out the inner heat that has led to your current troubles, – more on this soon.
5 – Self exploration – where /what is a perineum?
Pull it up . .
Flows need to flow.. .
Find your bits – perineum and sacrum . .
Ans MOVE the lymph – by attacking yourself – with your hands . .

6 – Setting for life
Why are we doing these hands moves?
So you have your juices flowing.
Pain is happens as they can’t – blockages. .
We all need nutrients/ingredients – and then the body working as it was designed to.
Grab a piece of paper and a pen – handy hints coming.
What we are made of/from
7 – Qi – energy – has to flow so you are alive . . .
See someone who knows how to move the blockages – to healing.
Flows – we will start with Qi – your electrical circuits. . . you are used to the physical hard ware being attended to – here we are on a mission to get the systems behind that into gear. Get it all moving!!!
Stuck Liver Qi Release – for self . .
8 – Blood has to flow/circulate
Everything impacts on everything else . .
One bit gets a knock – all else may falter.
9 – What stops YOUR flows flowing? Tension – (1 of 5)
How does the body NOT work/break down?

The five ‘T’s’ . .
Tension . . flows not flowing so the damming up happens
Stagnation/obstructions/circulation of the good stuff in and wastes removed – can’t.
From the bottom up .. .
Physical body . . the bottom of the three circles.
Middle one – the personality/cage of beliefs . .
Top one? Spirit and often not mentioned in texts – but you may well by now – have rumblings in YOUR spirit . .
That was tension – us holding ourselves STUCK UP/IN – and thus in P.T.S.D. – see torpor coming soon . . . .
Tension – messes with flows..
The rest are below . .
10 – Temperature (2 of 5)
This is easy if you have looked at any form of East Asian medicine or life models . .
Here I endeavour to explain why the ‘elders’ medicines’ worked . .- those ‘old wives’ tales’? Yep – them ..
Homeostasis is the process of keeping all within in a set of boundaries – that allow life to happen easily.
From an acupuncture model – the ’causes’ of disease – are external influences – inner ones (emotions are supposed to be expressed and flow) and miscellaneous. .
NO ICE!!!!!
Cold stops circulation and wastes your Qi – and is NOT comfortable.
11 – Torpor (3 of 5)
A word you may not know . .
Just before life ends – hibernation happens for a bear – after undergoing torpor.
Not comfy – especially if you get ‘triggered’ and taken out in something that you are yet to move through – STUCK is often an event that was too ‘big’ to process – and eventually too many of these – shut you down.
12 – Trauma (4 of 5)
Sorry – trigger country. . . Circumcision Trauma resource
My journey into helping healing this . .
We get upset – can’t deal – hide it away – and is there ‘for later’ . .
13 – Toxins (5 of 5)
We are not designed for where we now find ourselves.
We must do something different.
Any little change is a start . .
Answers – this is NOT medical – it is about LIFE
14 – Magnesium
Beyond what is mentioned above we have some needed ingredients – bodies do not go well without them.
And when the nutrients and circulation is restored – there is no dis ease . .
That simple!
Magnesium – topically – need possibly to start checking out mercury – and is stashed in our bodies and passed along down the family lines. Needed to make glutathione that takes toxins out.
15 – Iodine
Always topical
An essential micro nutrient – is a fluid metabolism corrector . .
All cells in the body need this.
Chlorine, fluoride, bromide .. not good..
16 – Vitamin D3
Vitamin D 3 – you get none of from the sun if you are on statins.
Almost all problems I see in clinic – pain, depression, hormonal and depression/mood issues – plus sick and tired and immune system upsets – lack of the ‘happiness’ vitamin. D3.
‘Love Your self Better’.
17 – Building blocks of life
What do we make hormones (messengers) with?

What gets in the way?

What to do about this?
Part of the permanent solution – liquid activated zeolites
Look it up . . .
Mercury – residues are stopping life.
Shows up as all the apparent ‘terminal’ neurological and difficult problems that medicine is giving you drugs to take forever for – NOT allowing the body to rid itself of what is blocking wellness and help you repair.
Your job – heal yourself.
Take responsibility (whose life is it?)
18 – What really messes all of us.
Heat I say . .yep . .
INFLAMMATION – and taking the anti inflammatories – and keeping on creating it.
Medicos do not know – so they say – keep taking the drugs forever – as though that is an answer for anyone but the manufacturers/suppliers and general rescuers when the train keeps going towards falling off the cliff . .
19 – How to help yourself
External use – except when inserting up the ‘back passage’ . .
Think where is your prostate? It is NOT happy – let us take out the heat and toxins thus inflammation.
So much . .
This was a taster . .
By the time you decide to watch this , there may be a lot of things that are gradually lagging and the medicos – tell you ‘aging’.
Lack of maintenance? Neglect? Malnutrition?
And maybe a few tuneups is needed.
Your local well trusted natural health care professional or any description may make all the difference to your quality of life.
And health regeneration.
This is NOT medical (management for profit forever after under ‘care’ folks) – this is as you expect of the car – fix it.
(And fill it up with diesel not petrol – if that is what the manual says – so maybe you do not have the manual)
20 – What to do to change/heal?
Your body needs attention – its warnings may be ignored. .
I have divided this process up into 6 segments. .
1 – Pee power
2 – Pain – pelvic and back and oethr
3 – Vigor – sexual and general – including reproductive success
4 – Gut health
5 – Moods
6 – Cancer and prevention/retrieving health after.
7 – Happy living/aging
Thank you for watching – suggestions gratefully received.

COVID lock down and life disruption happened .
When the evergreen webinar happens – you will see all the clips rolled into one. – what else in the actual top one.
This page will be given to my graduates so they have more of an idea – so they can add into the content for clients.
Intended – a membership sequence.
Weekly Zooms for the first few intakes.
It will be me with a small amount of men (and maybe their partners) and I take you through a workbook – to help yourselves. .
Especially in this uncertain time when we are all told touching is not acceptable – so there is only you and your loved one.
This is in DRAFT format – not finished
The email funnel ..
if people did not sign up ..
First one
What next?
Your body . .
Your future . .
It is up to you . .
Reminder – the pelvis has an organ that is not happy.

It will have swollen.
And is now blocking the normal functions – ‘down there’.

How to heal your prostate?
Undo what is upsetting it.
Starting with – whatever it is – more good water is needed.
You will have .. .
Inflammation from life.
Sugar and chemicals and being upset – are the start . .
Solution – drinking vastly more water.
Gradually heal
Do the moves . .
Gift the simple body wake ups moves with this.
And salt/sun/ fat etc
To recap . . . .
Not working ‘down there’
Cancer concerns? Slow gut/metabolism/mood/anything ?
Actually you DO need to know a few numbers – the thyroid function – not be blood test – but by temperatures – sorry to be so blunt – I know – we hardly know each other – and I want you to do WHAT!!!!!
Take your ANAL temperature – really?
Thyroid /metabolism working.
Also – get yourself a non contact thermometer .
To be charting – of your testicles – after you have liberated them – they ought to be around 29C as they are supposed to be cool .
Repair yourself. .
What will you gain? YOUR LIFE BACK . . .
Also back and gut aches and moods – whether you want to even keep going in life. .
So . . . .
To radically alter your life – you will need
Clean water source
Intention to help yourself
Coconut oil
Massage oil/cream
Real moxa stick
AND the
Online courses –
Foundational Moves
Love Yourself Better
Self Soothing – Belly Moves
Peri steaming
Money back guarantee.
Fill in the forms and send to me if after a month of following instructions – no change.
VERY unlikely . .
You put in the work much like going to the gym – or training for the footy – or a marathon.
You get out what you put in . .
Commitment – to yourself
Why worry?
FIX yourself. .
NOT medical . . . ..LIFE – let your body LIVE
Cancer – ‘after sales service’
Maye you feel confident that those who have not known why you got cancer – or anything else – you may actually need to have a big think. Bodies repair themselves. Live as though you wish to continue.
Cycling – recumbent – that does not smash up ‘your bits’.
Having bought the course/s
After you HAVE bought this . .Congratulations . . .
Choices – get started – where?
So much to do . .
Yes – go straight to the moves?
or find out what to stop doing?
Print out posters.
And the info sheets as a report card and also a self progress manager. .
eBooks – to find out how your gut is so unhappy . .this is a full – fix yourself kit.
Sheets and posters printed
Fill in the sheets
Take temps
Look after yourself better!

Releasing Your Natural Flows-Men 2021 (CLICK)

eBooks –