
Congratulations on finding this page.
IF you are pregnant and wanting to know more – you are in the right place.
IF you know that you are responsible for your own life and that of your newly growing loved one., you will get more direction as to what you can do.
BUT – all is in YOUR hands.
If you are not prepared to fight for sovereignty and your own children’s rights – perhaps leave now. Also – if you wish to hand over the care and considerations of being a mother/parent to someone who is paid for their services, you may have ‘issues;’ with the content here.
IF you want to know how to help yourself – let us begin
Warning – this is NOT medical advice
Regardless of the project – the best is needed.
Great foundations mean healthy starts.
What is this baby being built on/with?
Here you have the most responsible project you will ever undertake – it all depends on choices that you make. If you are run by what everyone tells you – only you and your baby get to deal with the consequences. No use wishing you had down differently down the track. YOU are the sole one in charge here. Being compliant will not necessarily help you live well from then onwards. Health enhancement is NOT the medical scope of practice .
Especially not now post 2020.
Who am I to say all of this? The natural health detective who has lived through decades of helping women when no one else was thinking of Mother Nature and how she helps us retrieve our birthrights and blueprint. My story? See more here.
Week 1 (first week of your last period) Welcome to the end of having periods for a while – your last one caught a baby!! As designed to – congratulations.
(They all ask ‘date of last period’ to mark this as your first day of a pregnancy – listen in . .)
Week 3 (after ovulation) – hopefully joyful sex was/may still is happening every second day . .
(If you were ‘trying’, as there is no magic day fro conception
Maybe baby?? Up t9o teh strength of teh sperm that won and your BBT – is the Kidney Yang/progesterone levels up to their challenge?
Week 4 (2 weeks after ovulation)
Week 5 (3 weeks after ovulation) Missed the period!!!!
Week 6 (4 weeks after ovulation)
What is going on in there? Here I explain the energy changes needed to be well and pregnant.
Why it may be a great idea to invest in seeing a good natural health care provider – pre-pregnancy – as this is not a sign of a healthy mum having a pregnancy that will stay necessarily.
Maybe LOSING baby . . .
Please investigate sperm quality and all possible ways to maximise the health of this, as he only gets (literally) one shot at this venture. You will not see this information elsewhere as no one seems to be focusing on why miscarriages and pregnancy losses are happening.
The miscarriage support project in here
What about getting in ahead and starting touching in a therapeutic and a fun way that actually works!
Not hat hard when you find someone who uses multiple modalities and can wield the changes you need in the right order!
If you are yet to conceive an easy pregnancy . . easily – naturally
Remember that we are here as this making babies business was never a trial or made hard till we started messing with Nature Let us follow her again . .
Sex does make babies when the ingredients and flows are with you!
See all I did to help Shane and Sue become parents – after 7 years of trying – in their first month of seeing me .
Want to start as though you mean to make the most perfect start to your family?
Get Baby Ready first
Make a start – the best is always with preparation and intention . .
Are we a good fit?
Are you conscious enough to stand up for your biology?
I am a gardener . .
Need seed and soil/garden/soil micro organisms – mum’ gut . .
Roots go where? Context – the family
Ingredients . . . sun, water, fat, protein, minerals, vitamins .. .
Support – our tribe
Roots – family and culture – the programmes that we believe is real.
Physical – biology – circulation – is it perfect?
Were you totally well to start this project?
Perfect baby factory?
No symptoms . . .
Just no period and growing breasts . maybe a little more tired?
What do you need to support you in this venture? A a surgeon – or a gardener?
Focus – could be on LIFE enhancement . .
Conception . . . week ‘3’
Congratulations . . . Egg has caught a sperm . .
Week 4 – you will now be maybe missing a period . . .
In this time – all could be rearranging your inner landscape intentionally – as your body is on autopilot
Gut needs to be honoured – see The Human Microbiome here
NO grains or pulses is best as the contamination of the entire biosphere is your enemy now – baby does not need MORE body burden – but less. .Hence ‘organic’ is only one small component – your avoiding all modern live is the biggest hurdle.
In times past we mums-to-be were close enough to the thalidomide and DES and Debendox scandalous medical experiments to NOT allow anything foreign near us. The opposite is now true. :s abound Are you able to deter this process?
Who otherwise is to protect your new life within?
not even taking a minute amount of a pain killer – as it may harm baby . .
Now – all is seemingly irrelevant.
What are you making that baby with?
See more here . . (Easybreasts site – ingredients page)
ARE there enough ingredients to repair you as the tiny spark of life is secondary to ensuring you are in top condition to bequeath all that is possible to express the potential that is within that fertlised and now exploding with instructions – genes ticking on and off.
There must be – NO externals are safe – leave the mystery of your passenger to the Higher plane sand what is biologically set out .
See more here.
Week 6-8
Potential tubal pregnancy
Week 7 – (really 5 weeks from conception)
Pregnancy is about the inhabitant who is being made . .

Not you wanting ‘reassurance’? Baby Insurance needed to happen BEFORE conception .. Baby Insurance? Start with great foundations – Making Better Babies Naturally. Maybe look to this book – as babies need to be perfect . .
Maybe read this book (CLICK) – as someone has this happening for them
Someone has stillbirths and medical terminations . .
Sometimes. . . .
Birth and death . . . LIFE
What we may forget . . I am Kathryn’s mum
Then we start up being distressed as the culture is to make it so . . You may ask . . .
‘Where will I birth?’
I may instead suggest you ask yourself – ‘what sort of mum do I want to be?’
Worry? Early pregnancy – ignore all but resting and being a well happy mum to be. .
YOU must start taking charge – biology – not handing over.
Week 7
FEAR – weakens the immune processes and/or your total body system.
Support life . . enhance health
Though this is NOT what the medicos are saying presently – BUT I am older and know that this is a fad – a very very dangerous one – and who pays? You and your baby.
Baby centered . . .
Be bub’s protector.
Natural is the way to live well.
Week 8
If your breasts are happy – your body is working well
Iodine – please look – further here (CLICK)
YOU need ingredients (CLICK) and circulation (structure also needs to be perfect as well as having the right nutrients to work a body perfectly). .
Week 10
Eating salt and NO SWEET TASTE . .or cold . . nausea . . . or

Week 11 – opening the ‘baby gate’
(Medicine versus life).
Week 12 (10 weeks)
More rest . . no investigations..
Water Iodine and magnesium topically
Fat . .dietary . .and plenty of Vit D3.
Good gut . . .
No thank you to additives from myriad species, not tested as being even needed, let alone safe (for rest of life)
Is everything going ‘OK?’
Yes – you are doing everything right – though no one else may know about this – just me. .
Maybe still do not tell anyone?? Scanning?
For whom is this ‘procedure’? NOT the baby . . Nature takes care of her own .
AND – does not set you up to lose. Or to do otherwise than survival of the fittest – thus – YOU are in charge of what you eat and do.
For baby . . As with building a house – this is your baby’s forever home that you are constructing. Serious stuff!
Week 13 (11 weeks since conception)
Week 14 (12 weeks since conception)
Likely now you are broadcasting that you are ‘with child’. May I suggest that you consider not? Let you enjoy NOT being the centre of everyone else’s fear as should you make different choices that=n the world currently expects? Give yourself space to be – mysteriously going inwards. . .it is really no one else’s business – and if you do not ‘show’ till later – you are left in peace that much longer.
There is so much riding on you staying sovereign and going with nature – being as simple in your life as you can be. As I am no longer in my Life Alignment Centre in Brisbane, or my home in NZ, this is the next best step – YOU take charge. To this end – I have two monster packages here for you.
Your better ways to fuel your selves and your lives. This is the time when the foundation – the ‘architecture for you has been built, and life is easy . . if not – please seek my help as this sets the scene for the ‘hard lifting; your body has coming . . .and is why I suggest you go with nature as being pregnant is when your body renovates itself- and all the past is undone. As a physiological helper – your babies stem cells are healing you of whatever ailed you – if you are in a state of good nutrition – and this -besides the Easy Pregnancy Resources (more for early pregnancy) , a conscientious set of parents – especially for their future ease being a family – may also consider this package.
– a combo of Love Yourself Better( a look under the hood/bonnet . . How a well body sustains life and how to enhance your food factory, so it supports healing and life so much better) and LIFE Essentials – nutrients how your body uses the and why they are crucial to life. You can discover why each nutrient is needed, how to access it and what to expect.
Beginning of the second trimester
Baby now is growing – prior to this – differentiating – and that meant NO SUBSTANCES/TESTING as all will damage what was to be
The way forwards – Be your own helpers.
Three options available:
– a kit for you to become loved-up-parents-in-waiting
Easy Pregnancy Resources is my base pregnancy BASIC package. It contains
1 – My 2005 ‘What Dads Can Do’ eBook version (why I wrote it is here) and the two videos made then to accompany it –
2 – ‘Massage – What Dads Can Do’ and the ‘Birthing – What Dads Can Do’ videos. ‘Massage – What Dads Can Do’ can also be for anyone who wants to know how to tenderly touch and love up a woman’s body – and get it reciprocated for themselves. All back and body pain is likely to leave when you start down this track). (‘Birthing – What Dads Can Do’ is more for the last 4 weeks and afterwards)
3 – The 2018 charts (covering all aspects of pregnancy – esp the nausea and vomiting, back and body pain, birth preparation and what to do during (can be printed and laminated for labour).
4 – Supporting and Nourishing and easy pregnancy eBook series – plus what to do if a pregnancy loss ensues.
Only want the easy basic pregnancy package ($US $97)?
All this and it goes further and has within it many eBooks that are photographic essays outlaying what and how to help yourself in case history/ story format. Also contains a birth preparation primer – Sit Up and Take Notice by Pauline Scott . .
Easy Pregnancy Solutions holds all in the Resources kit – but also – eBooks covering how to touch, pictures and the stories of those who did all of this and won. Covers more on the late pregnancy and after birthing instructions to live well.

This mum decided to put two embyos in over 17 years ago – and got identicals and a singleton ..
Holding the fruits of improving maternal health PRIOR to conception and all the way through.
if you have been having tricky times coming up with a babe in arms – as these children’s mother was
Maybe find me?
I am always likely to give simple, natural solutions THAT WORK.
Nature expects sex to make babies
Find out why not YET for you . . or someone you know. You may wish to have a consult online See more here
OR – Maybe you want the lot?
3. Easy Pregnancy Bundle
. . contains all you need to sort yourselves out – at home self paced. VAST savings on self help.

This is usually a huge investment bought separately – as you realise that you want more.
1 – Making Friends introduces you to the concepts I constantly refer to,
2 – Essentials – all the ingredients needed for making life easy – the nutrients and how your body metabolises these,.
3 – Free your Scars – any skin/tissue interference turned back into flowing well
4 – Love Your Body Better – a deeper understanding of how you can enhance your own life a
5 – Easy Pregnancy Solutions – huge bundles of info – all the eBooks needed and the later stage pregnancy info
6 – Easy Pregnancy Resources – more for early pregnancy but is complete in itself nourishing and sustaining pregnancy information – all LIFE orientated for you to make choices based on what works and what will take you to easy family life,

This is a vast investment of your time and has all you will need to get on with living your best lives. All that happens in our bodies is (short of incidents. accidents) the result of your body dealing well – or not – with the nutrients and their usage – and the circulation that is afforded it., YOU are in charge – get the massive Easy Pregnancy Bundle and make this baby and your new lives together easy!!!