Intro to my version of meridian energetics

8 Extras: this DVD set was produced and sold by Lorne Brown in his Prod D seminars 2007-2010.
It is why many stayed being acupuncturists – some contacted me from all places to explain how they were the only ones still practicing from their graduation classes. . .
WHY is the foundation of Qi flow missed in difference to the current P. C. versions from the mish-mash that is TCM?
That is a question ..
The Eight supervise, regulate and maintain the flow of Blood and Qi in the 12 main meridians
1 – Where is any mention of their being reservoirs for all the body can’t currently cope with? As in perverse Qi . .
What about now 2023 . . .
Storing what we cannot currently deal with.
Especially with the emotional armouring that MUST happen to stay with some sense of sovereignty.
2 – They are the way by which all life is lived – through the 7/8 year cycles? (Hormones) Jing – unfolding from these.
Their veracity is very obvious when we use this ‘theory’ in my Gentling Way moves . .
All the expectations of what I was using from what Dr van Buren was teaching in the late ’70’s works . . .
And as I watched Jeffrey Yuen teach in 1993 in the San Fransisco HIV/AIDS and Chinese Medicine symposium, as he was presenting was as Dr VB had taught us. It was grand to hear validation across sources. . .
My version (1994) teaching a day long presentation in Brisbane
A more complete picture
I use the ‘map’/meridian flows in all I do – be it my version of belly/back manœuvres – to clear all problems – the womb MUST be in her right place. A man? – his womb is his prostate. Taken out? Still got the energy of – and is so much worsened as the adhesions, and other consequences (including all falling into the hole created) and loose ex ligaments – abound. Or in accident recall explanations . . .
The Transformative Healing series for Qi Movers will be presented for integrated Qi/Body work as self paced online learning (tutorials led with me). We will cover Triage first – clearing out what is not supposed to be there . . And we work on SELF first – as we all could be freeing our own Qi . . (lymph is first to get the nod – as DAMP is the foundation of all ‘hard cases’ – as the classics tell us.
No diagnosis needed – instead we take the body back to where it was designed – then we may play ‘clever’. Until then – the obvious is made clear to all – we are missing so many steps. . needling is a long way down the trail of interventions.