
The passing of a day is marked by the gift of dark and silence – of we live in a natural environment.
When we do not live in the Way of the Tao – with life as our template – things may start altering to try to fit the new normal’.
With varying degrees of success.
Whether you choose, or ‘have to’ not follow the sun’s path across the sky (earth version) – and the earth’s journey on an axis and around the sun – or not. Shift workers an those who travel across time zines often/daily will be sleep disordered.
All else in the body and the life follow.
Often the balance aspect of life can be ignored.
Here I am focusing on biology. All beings must turn off consciousness to repair/heal and regenerate.
Such is sleep.
When baking/cooking – even building a garden (or a house) .. there are basics needed.
Ingredients and method. In a body – nutrients and circulation . .
If wanting to make a chocolate cake – something brown has to appear – whether it is cocoa, chocolate, cacao or carab.
Not a. .otherwise – the cake may be great – but not chocolate.
Similarly – we may have the same ingredients listed – but use a method other than prescribed – creaming butter and sugar, or melting in the pan – and at the temperature and time in the oven stipulated or not – very different results – may not may not even be edible. cake or
Perhaps we follow the same logic in inspecting what we imagine is a normal life – in this case – having a healthy sleep cycle. .
So too with running a body well.
If we continue to go off and try to find the right answer – and not follow the recipe – we may find a better way – and likely – not.
We are not given an owner’s manual with the gift of a body.
Here is my version.
How did I find it?
Trial and error
Having been tasked with looking for answers as a natural health detective when all else fails – I have discovered basic truths.
Firstly I suggest you decide whether we are a good fit here. .
Maybe you do not resonate with what I say, how I say it or are not ready yet . .
If you are . .
Do get yourself a large glass of tepid pure water – and let us begin . .
Need to be following all the basics – and eating is way down (number 9 of 9) on the list . .
What list? When we see ourselves as inhabiting in three circles – the bottom one a mammal – the biological necessities – we can understand how I did this up. The middle one on top of the biological – is the programmed /instinctive – we need each other. We are in tribes and all must be basically living according to those rules. The top/upper circle is the one we could argue forever about – world religions do – I say – the non human/non physical part of self – an leave it at your discretion as to what next – the unknowable. .the Higher realms . .soul script I often say – what we were here to do ..
This NOT medical advice . this is Life 101
Through a natural health detective’s eyes – born of decades of assisting those who find that what they expect is not happening and the usual ways of correcting any problems are not working – yet.
Let us explore normal first . . as likely the answer is in there.
This is presented not in the usual way – there is plenty online and through ‘sleep hygienists’ eyes’ .
Here I look as a mammal . .
A living being needs resetting over a day/night cycle.
Here is what and why . .and how. .
Body goes into a different cycle in the 24 hour period – when it needs to plug itself into the wall – to reset/recharge – much like a battery.
Designed to reset. Renew. Regenerate. Heal. Grow.
Stay stationary and use less power whilst an audit happens.
Shut down thinking.
A different gear is being used.
What do we need to (be able to) sleep?
Ingredients . .. if we are not nourishing our bodies – they cannot work well.
Resulting in issues that may look tricky – much like a plant needing water – give it what it needs – problem gone . .
Please do not take the Vitamin B’s alone. If you do you ron the ones already in your body – they need to be in balance . .food is best – high quality ingredients as with the right grade of fuel for the car – make the ride (in a body_ far easier. – needs to be all within a good diet and of course eating liver and pate – and activated foods especially sprouts (grow your own organic) will assist here.
Good Blood energy . .
Enough Yang Qi exhaustion to allow what Yin Qi must do.
Provide rest and regeneration – basically – you need your battery to recharge,
The Qiao vessels – so few are taught eh hierarchy of meridian to know past organ pathology or ‘5 elements’. .I will delve into this once we have the basics attended to . .and a few needles or herbs is unlikely to take the place of a good foundation.
Almost everyone is a sleep candidate – any age – or stage of life.
Good nutrients
As with all ‘problems’ – really body warnings – we need nutrients (and to have these circulating.) See more here
1 – Vitamin D3
An ingredient for life – acts more like a hormone. Please click above for more general – and specifically in sleeping
Dr Sasha Part 1
Dr Sasha Part 2
Look at all I put up in 2014 – need Vit D3 levels as high as possible – and likely higher than the tests say – to be well.
Need basic ingredients – I have more on my online self paced courses for you to access clear information and how to use what you eat
May I suggest these to get your body going again? Love Your Body Better
The raw ingredients and helping your gut work better is here
Separately they are $US 97 – together – in this package – $127
2 – Magnesium (click)
This is a massive issue – are ‘supplements’ useful?
I would suggest that if you are depleted – it is likely your gut is not working well. Depleted in magnesium – this will happen.
You can take it orally – but so many find that they get loose bowels if they take pills or powdered in water. This does not mean they did not need – but some have reactions with the additives, or type of magnesium taken. All sleeping help should be with magnesium .
Topical application – when I say 20 times a day applications – I mean it.
Best to use roll-on – as it is less reactive as it also has a gum with it.
Have a spray on bottle – in your toilet area and as you have your pants down – spray thee times on your palms and rub together and then add-onto your buttocks/thighs. Any residue – on your upper arms and then wash them as usual. If you still have pain and sleeping issues – likely you are NOT using enough. Magnesium excess means you will sleep – and lose all jitters, cramping, spasms, tremours, tics and so on . . AS well as oral – if you can tolerate -as well as the roll-on – cream, whatever else you can use – AND the Epsom salts and/or Himalayan salt – plus add in to the bath – MSM powder – 1-2 tsp. . all will allow your body to relax, detox and calm you.
Magnesium on your skin – some can’t. Too itchy/even painful – may get a rash. can be reactive on your skin if you have an excess of mercury in your cells – that stops it (magnesium) from being absorbed. Many ways to undo this – the best I have found is using the liquid activated zeolites – see more here . .
5 drops x 6 daily – and drink a lot more water.
3 – Vit B complex . .. see more here.
Everyone needs – and a little often as it is water soluble – best to get a B complex (ideally it also had Vit B 8 – inositol) and with every meal is best – some find that they sleep less if they take this with the evening meal – if this is you – obviously do not take at night – just like using topical iodine – may wake your sluggish brain function.
The amazing video on Fighting Forest Fires With Teaspoons has been removed – truth and facts seem not needed now.
4 – Vitamin C – see more here
Another water soluble vital amine
I have been somewhat lazy and have copied one site page
Common reasons for not sleeping
- Thyroid problems –
- Stress or depression – nutrients again – Vit B complex and magnesium and Vit D3 – and see how this changes – especially using 20 applications at least for the first week – of magnesium topically – slather it on – nothing it can’t help – as long as your sj=kin tolerates and if not – the heavy metals – esp mercury need moving on – as you can’t access the minerals from your food. If they are there anyway). – processing and choice – bitter greens and whole foods are the most useful sources.
- Side effects from medication – undo why these are ‘needed’ – will always be lack of nutrients and the circulation (and waste removal) not working well. See Life Recipe and adjust what you do in your life.
- Allergies – lack of a body functioning well – vaccinations recently? Add in a little often Vit C to assist the liver organ and take herbals – especially aimed at undoing this response. .Also remove that which is bothering your body.
- Sleep apnea (Lack of oxygen or breathing incorrectly, especially while sleeping). Start with Vit D3
- Jet lag – Melatonin – take every 12 hours as you fly (not for a while with Covid happening) then get out in the sun and have it shine on your forehead (pineal gland) as soon as you can – a walk in nature . ..and drink so much water rim the plane, and no alcohol/caffeine – and little of the food – water water water and look after your liver organ – more Vit C..
- Menopause -Yin depletion – imbalance – always involve low thyroid – back around – where is the fat and ViTD3 and other nutrients needed? And water and Blood energy . .
- Clock watching –
- Too much caffeine or alcohol
- A snoring or restless partner
- Smoking
- Shift work
- Vitamin and mineral deficiencies (covered first as without the ingredients the body does not work as designed
- /expected.
- An over active bladder or prostate issues – resolve these – see later on the page peeing well
- Lack of physical exercise –
- Cramp or restlessness – lack of magnesium, also water and other minerals – maybe iron. Lack of exercise and a combination of the baddies – white sugar/flour/foods and non foods that masquerade as better than’s – esp artificial sweeteners.