‘Living Ligaments’ is the physical hands-on portion of Heather’s life work . .
Holistic healing allowing deep peace and integration for all
If you want to be of service to those whose hearts/bodies/wombs scream out . .

We may have forgotten – the body heals itself
We all have lineage:
1 – Stretching back we have our own helpers in other dimensions
2 – The body memories of the ways that allowed survival – if we stop listening to those who recent (academic) info does not stand up in LIFE
3 – My masters, Dr John F Shen, and Dr Dick van Buren, plus all whose work I have borrowed to enrich in this tapestry of Moving Blockages.
4 – Me through Rosita Arvigo, Miss Beatrice, Miss Hortence and Don Elijio Panti in Maya traditions,
5 – Jennifer Mercier and her combinations of moves that make such profound differences in structure – thus bodily functions
6 – All else who have handed over in many dimensions what I need to assist others at this time.
7 – Upon the completion =of what i am handing over – You through me. .
This is Maya Healing – The Gentling Way
Gentling Way Living Ligament prerequisites:
This is sequential:
Self Discovery
Reconnecting Bao and Dai Mai (Heart and Wombspace)
Mammalian Maternity
Effective Healing After C Section/Abdominal Incursions
Then to . .
Living Ligaments. . (Arvigo P.C.T. equivalent, with as many gaps filled as I can).
From Womb Woes To Womb Wonders
Covers – all the soul/emotional release and massage/visceral techniques she has collected in the past 4 decades to guarantee Bao (heart) and Dai Mai (girdle meridian) reconnection. We look to the two conditions we can find in every single person coming in for sessions – Shen disturbed (even if only a little bit)
- Spleen QI/Yang Xu – maybe also with Damp (An iodine malfunction at its core)
- Stuck Liver Qi/Blood. (A magnesium depletion as its solution)
Often this has set-up physical problems or we have them as a result
Often so easily repaired – especially the pelvic torsion. If a weak digestion, inability to hold a pregnancy, terrible periods, substandard sperm, or they have their back ‘going out’ – why not correct why it is there? I was shocked. You will be too.

FIRST – we look after ourselves – and our families – and then each other. . .
AND IN THESE CHANGING TIMES This may be your calling – who else to trust?
Allied structures held non optimally let go. Back to being perfectly aligned. Perfect functioning follows.
What was held hostage – by shock, trauma, Reichian bands, cold and additional distresses, melts away.
Optimal uterine positioning gives the centre back.. Return to perfect structure, equals perfect functioning.
Working with/on each other
- Lymph – the importance of the 5 flows
- Ligaments released – what holds them stuck explained (and easily undone)
- Further diastasis work (all core strength from here)
- Permanently untwisting pelvis
- Visceral organ repositioning
- Gyne/Pelvic/digestion/lymph corrections
What happens? We release itself and often the key is the ileo-sacral ligament.
We check this out and if needed eventually when all else is in place – this may need no more correction – or this one may be the complete alteration
1 – Why call this ‘Living Ligaments’?
Why LIVING – as you will see – when we do ANY move the structure shifts as the instructions do.
Why LIGAMENTS ? Our Liver energy allows life – or not – to freely flow. .
We live in the body. This is LIFE inspired. As we feel and shift in temperament – the Qi and blood flows shift. .. .
The Gentling Way acknowledges the Reichian armour bands – Central question – ‘What about the stores of emotional life residue’?
We may need to discover what is keeping the body stuck – as a hostage Tension and distress that moment by moment alters how the body holds itself.
Qi and Shen and Blood energy govern the physical vehicle
Gentling – Maya healing with extensive add-ins from my life of being in service to women’s flows.
PLUS THE Mercier moves – my way – incorporating the nutritional requirements to be able to heal and grow
We gain a more inclusive, respectful, empowering system of seeing how to shift disharmony back to ease. Working with my own Moving Blockages signature system – we take out what was not supposed to be in the way of Qi flows. This includes scars (and what happened as well as the scars), adhesions, affording gentle emotional release.
The moves are a fusion from my experiences as a senior Qi Mover working across multiple modalities within the modern context, adjusting as the decades go by. rediscovering the wisdom within oral traditions. Distilling and consolidating, embodying the energy models from acupuncture college – using Reichian, auric, polarity and meridian foundations, and decades of body work, to release what is stuck in the energy grids. All lymphatic and adhesion work backed up by gentle ways to keep it in balance – as designed to be.
Profoundly shifting the balance back to nature – living as designed
2 – Visceral/pelvic healing

Whilst we focus on structural corrections.
We MUST undo what stops them from springing back to where they were.
They are possible with a multi modality approach.
Shen calmed, Qi and lymph flowing, Reichian armour bands loosened off – and we have then more flexible self, Liver Qi and happy to bounce back and be resilient – ligaments.
If there is sufficient nutrients and hydration, to do the job
If the ties binding the womb are let free
3 – You may have a question: why is nothing being ‘fixed’?
The soft tissues/viscera and womb are likely misaligned and finding out why we step back into being in balance.
The structure is being warped by not being listened to – shall we?
Likely you know your body needs help:and in the workshop we are not only presenting the moves, but using them on everyone – so when you leave you can confidently help those who may have all but given up, How come? Multi modality, including all the nutrients and how to maximise the gut function.
Who is this for?
- Anyone who is aware, can feel and who wants to actually CORRECT pelvic rotation, womb woes and ongoing ‘needs’ for therapy.
- Who may wish to add more tools into their ‘tool box’.
Could be you . . .
OR – anyone tasked with helping – including chiropractors, birth workers, body workers, Shiatsu, midwives, doulas. And acupuncture practitioners. . For anyone who really wants to move the womb back to where she is to be – for maximum ease of being woman – and in living a productive carefree life.
4 – What happens when we get STUCK?
The seven L’s are pivotal (CLICK) in all of this work . . Liver Qi stagnation (CLICK) – holds the physical body hostage – often through all life.
We feel stress/tension

Stress festers, travels and creates havoc

The structure is held hostage – bent out of shape – we can FORCE it to comply.
The body attempts to warn us through increasingly distressing signs.
Leading to – Pain and discomfort. Distortion of function
All of which impacts on the ability of the Three Heater to attend better to body functions.
Who hasn’t had a nasty fall at some stage in their lives?
Often not just the tailbone broken/damaged – but almost anytime a girl/ woman falls – she can be fracturing her hinged sacrum – and who knows?
Often it is then a menstrual/urinary and sexual misery – as the uterus is misplaced and the conspiracy of ‘adjusting’ her structure begins – BUT the real issue – uterine malposition – stays . . learn how to fix this . . that is what this is all about – getting the uterus realigned!!
Often so easily repaired – especially the pelvic torsion. If a weak digestion, inability to hold a pregnancy, terrible periods, substandard sperm, or they have their back ‘going out’ – why not correct why it is there? I was shocked. You will be too.

Living Ligaments I – 3 days when in practical class
Womb Woes to Womb Wonders $1,100
Why is this important? The centre of a woman’s body (whether the womb is there or not). All radiates from there – the hub of life. Men also.
We give the body the opportunity to release the ileo-sacral ligament.
Allied structures held non optimally let go. Back to being perfectly aligned. Perfect functioning follows.
What was held hostage – by shock, trauma, Reichian bands, cold and additional distresses, melts away.
Optimal uterine positioning gives the centre back.. Return to perfect structure, equals perfect functioning.
Working with/on each other
Moving Blockages 45+ years of acupuncture energy/body work incorporating what I found worked.
Plus Dr Jennifer Mercier’s and Dr Rosita Arvigo’s back/belly contributions reworked into holistic transformative alignments.
What do we do in class? Play with:
- Gyne/Pelvic/digestion/lymph corrections
- Lymph – the importance of the 5 flows and 6 ‘T’s’.
- Ligaments released – what holds them stuck explained (and easily undone)
- Womb back to where she lives – ovarian suspensory ligament release/unraveling
- Further diastasis work (all core strength from here)
- Permanently untwisting pelvis
How do we do this?
1 – Before class, getting an understanding of the structural complexities.
2 – In person, feeling it on your own body, we play with each other’s bodies. (In L.L.I.I. we bring in others to magic them better also).
3 – There is extensive footage of. me demonstrating in classes over the past 7 years. . Which is part of the post course support and all manuals online for video and stills explanations
OFFERED IN FNQ – as a retreat
6-8 th Feb 2025
after a one day break . .
Stay on for Healing Wounded Healer – 10-12th Feb or only the practical /experiential
Living Ligaments: Part 2
Prostates to prolapses $1,100
Deeper delving into the pelvic space – all ages and stages and genders

Pre requisites: All up to and including Living Ligaments I
Completed 2 extensive case stories (to go in Gentling Way book – similar to Journeys into Healing)
Prolapses – to Prostate Pleasures
Intention – at the end of this – you will be able to assist the return to normal/optimal after people have felt as though they are refugees from the conventional medical/life residues – back to the blueprint.
- Review of LL I – ensuring you have uterine repositioning perfectly
- What lies beneath – invariably sexual incidents and frights.
- Bladder problems -including interstitial cystitis
- All pelvic congestion and pain
- Sacral/ back moves incorporating aspects of the Maya and all associated extras PLUS Heather’s decades of clinical research and development
- Prolapses and all falling down – be it continence, organs or tissues.
- How to retrieve holding function in place
- Prostate – all men’s health factors including their fertility and urinary/prostate woes
- All pelvic, visceral, prostate catastrophes
Pre requisites – LL I. Preferably to also be on the Transformative Healing programme where the supportive energy theory and all practical clinical allied work is to be found there – inclusive. Manuals/followup are all online. Step by step video and photographic assistance. Plus FB support and Zoom tutorials
Upon completion of the Gentling Way courses, graduates will:
1 – Know what normal is and how to retrieve it for everyone.
2 – Be able to negotiate damaged lives/bodies (male and female) back to the blueprint.
3 – View all life sufferings as temporary necessary as a lesson option.
4 – Become conversant with through a holistic time honoured process of gentling blockages away.
5 – Recognise and know how to return all deviations from the Jing blueprint back to easy optimal reproductive/metabolic and life outcomes.
6 – Understand that living through stories as humans brings through the Light intended for this life this time around in our changing times.
Including the application of minerals topically and how important this is.
Your time and ability to change! A lot of unlearning and reframing and pondering is part of this programme
FEES – To be in this class, you have committed to work on yourself, and to be as clear as you can be for others.
In the past, this has been $1,650. The 2025 this class is reduced to $1,100. The end of these teachings is nigh – and will not be repeated.
This includes the lead-up info that allows you to come into class prepared, as we will be straight into hands-on and for three days you will be revising, playing with, and learning new tricks. $1,100 FEE can be paid off. It is reflective of the real urgency this work – in everyone’s lives.
REPEATER’S – love to see you – $550

At the end of class – you will be able to . .
Call yourself a womb worker – Heather’s Gentling Way. Find people and play . . Serious mentoring as needed for a month afterwards
Straight onto bodies!! So many are in such a mess. Suggestion – intensive bundles of care and at least 2 preferable 3 hours at a time.
No more than a week between sessions – better the closer they can be.
What you can expect to be doing
- Giving (gentle, profound) permanent structural shifts that no other physical therapist has been able to muster.
- Correcting a twisted/ rotated pelvis – as what is holding it there is ligament tension – we undo ‘the why’.
- Lifting the uterus off the sacrum and/or the bladder, returning normal to the body.
- Restoring normal gyne flows, allowing all period and urinary and digestive hassles to disappear.

Pricklies and general women’s health care