
Who is this for?
Anyone who has a heart – literally and metaphorically
Why this may affect you:
2 – Having listened to ‘medical’ not HEALTH advice over the years.
3 – HAVING HAD THE RECENT ‘HAVE TO’ medical accessory
1 – Women can develop symptoms that are subtler and harder to detect as a heart attack, especially if the physician is only looking for the “usual” heart attack symptoms. “Women are much more likely to have atypical heart attack symptoms,” says Dr. Lili Barouch, director of the Johns Hopkins Columbia Heart Failure Clinic. See the recent news articles (HERE) and HERE – women not diagnosed as we present differently (CLICK)
2 – See the Life Recipe information here and possibly review whose benefit any of the opposing views serve.
3 – Now we have an epidemic of Died Suddenly – these ones – with growths and things living within them taking over circulatory spaces (check our any embalmer who has been telling the world what is different in their work world now) – may not be helped by the information below.
See the page I wrote over 2 years ago – note to the jabbed applies. . .

Life hurts
More than it did.
We were not ‘allowed’ to be free
This has to have had consequences
On top of whatever else we were carrying,
There were the bush fires of 2019
The floods that happened over the past few years –
seemingly out of nowhere
And then we were supposed to be even dobbing people in
Separation techniques to bully those that were reticent into submitting to what they felt was not right for them.
We lost jobs, friends, and a sense of community.
Cohesion gone when not ‘allowed’ to .. . we were told to STOP being caring humans.
YOU may need to listen to your body.
IGNORE all that is being told to you.
YOU know what is happening has never before.
YOU know that you are ‘anxious’.
Who would not be when things go seriously south and all around you tell you to take a ‘chill pill’ and go away . .
You know what normal is – and you may be no longer experiencing it.
You are one of a growing number of people – who are NOT getting answers – but who are being fobbed off.
Medical ‘gaslighting (YOU are right – this is not going to go away – and not necessarily found on the usual testing that is being done.)
Telling you to go home and not to worry – who could have guessed a few short years ago we would be here?
That people were so expendable?? AND
Those who are still working in the ‘health’ system – are gagged, likely as worried and harassed as you are and not allowed to do their job.
I will state the obvious.
I do not know if it is reversible.
You can feel better at least short term following the suggestions here.
None will make it worse.
To be here – you may need to know what to do.
Or what to help others with.
We all have a heart.
We can be more heartful – and more humane – so easily. A hug to start with.
To be there – to listen and not judge. In compassion.
SOLUTIONS – YOU take action

In response to the recent tsunami of iatrogenesis – created ‘professionally’ – I can offer some tips. I cannot stand back and listen any more. Hidden no longer. Having watched a 25 minutes recording of a nurse describing what is happening to her (you can easily find these yourself). She was in desperate pain. I was appalled. So easy to remedy. Not medical.
Replicated everywhere – no help from those tasked to help who have been told to lie
To not provide answers.
Essentially YOU will have to deal.
First we have to be clear – what has happened in the taking over of all common sense and freaking everyone out – shutting them down and NOT letting them lie in a life that has been expected – and demanding that they use an experiment upon themselves – no responsibility on any who make it happen – and here you are – freaked out – likely very angry.
This will not help.
Has this happened to you?
No energy?
Can’t breathe??
Crushing chest pains?
Pain happens when something is STUCK
As an acupuncturist who uses her fingers in life, I have averted several heart attacks in others.
Anyone can – no needles are needed. Working with my own congestive heart failure for decades, I cleared out why it it is even there.

Whether you knew you had a pericardium – or not – it IS the heart’s protector in East Asian medicine and as such – we need to enhance its ability to act. In health and if distressed.
Whilst biomedically – the heart’s function is seen to ‘pump’, in East Asian Medicine it is also the mansion of the Shen – your spirit.
The pericardium is the envelope around the heart – to encase it. It provides lubrication for the heart, shields the organ from infection and contains the heart in the chest wall.
As an energy worker, knowing that the instruction to run a body are electrical, and as a naturopath, knowing that we need the best optimal ingredients to nourish perfect functioning, and as body worker – who knows that structure determines functions, that energy follows thought, and thus -how we feel becomes who we are – and that as a mother and woman I know that all life begins with nurture.
How are we nurturing ourselves??
Before food – respecting life. Ours.
Breathe – hydrate – safety – being outside – touch – raison d’etre – nourishing soul – heat and body?
Qi travels in the blood. Shen also is said to travel in the blood. Anything that destabilises perfect – homeostasis – will mess with how you feel.
Shen – who you are. Resides in the heart. Travels in the blood
You become how you feel

Breathe . . .
Life Recipe – found here (CLICK)
Vastly important – to be able to continue living. To do so you MUST breathe – and be hydrated – often with the purest water you can find – body temperature (not feeling cold in the way down) and always at least 3 litres daily.
No additives – tea, coffee, any sweeteners, flavourings – all create more need for more of what is missing – clean, pure water. Why is this needed? To flush away. Not only physical as wastes – by-products of being alive – but the heat involved in living in the very contaminated modern world.
Most ‘health’ issues facing people are inflammation.
As all ‘itis’ is. To press the points offered – and NOT pay attention to removing WHY the inflammation is there is the game of the illness industry. Here we aim to restore balance – through following what was designed to be. Safe – if you are not feeling safe – all is in the fright/flight/fear mode. In most base part of your being – the reptilean brain – amygdala – anyone can manipulate your core to their will.
Light – aim higher than survival – as the soul needs to soar. Not be shackled.
My scope of practice is life.
Help is as simple as following nature and restoring perfection
Simplify. Keep it as your great grand parents would have.
When in shock – Shen leaves (CLICK). OR – is there sort of – with extras maybe .. A part of self may temporarily exit/be out a while (fainting) or indefinitely (coma). Bao Mai (CLICK) Body without the driver – the captain of the ship – on board fully – what next? Silly mode.
Medical version – as though we are ONLY a physical body/biological unit. – Shock is a critical condition brought on by the sudden drop in blood flow through the body. Shock may result from trauma, heatstroke, blood loss, an allergic reaction, severe infection, poisoning, severe burns or other causes. When a person is in shock, his or her organs aren’t getting enough blood or oxygen.
Reminder – you MUST BREATHE and be hydrated and feel safe (CLICK)
Rescue – to bring yourself back, press very firmly with finger nail – grind it in. Breathing problems? See here (CLICK) Overwhelmed (CLICK)
Fainting/loss of consciousness (CLICK)
I am directing you to acupuncture spots where energy can be used to rebalance
For centuries – written info – and IT ALL WORKS
Safe, easy, simple – your hands, your body, your life
GV 26 – Resuscitation point – this will bring anyone back – I have used it so many times myself.

Grind your finger nail in .
I have used it many times as people were dying – and they did not.
Also useful if you feel as though you are fainting. You will not.
Less invasive – if you can get to the foot easily – provide the home of the Shen – strengthen the earth. An a Qi Mover – If you are concerned about your recipient may be exiting for good – do needle GV 26 and angle 45 degrees to the root of the nose – and/or insert Ki 1 – first off. Can press hard where the point is – this releases the person’s ‘reserve tank’ – for emergencies DO NOT NEEDLE ‘just because’ as you have emptied them out now.

Ki 1 – Under the foot – move from the heel, towards the ball of the foot – and in between the big toe ball and the rest, there is a hole.
There is the point. This may be a way to help anyone – always carry it with you. IN CASE. I have done this many times – fingers is all you need.
THEN THERE IS THIS – LIFE WAVE PATCHES – please contact me or get on with this yourself
Now we have – pain?
STUCK – something is – as when we allow flows again . the reason for the warning (pain) will be gone.
Pc 4 – is called a Xi Cleft point – it is to clear out STUCK as pain surely is.
Can’t breathe? Pc 6 – opens the chest, also relieves panic (somewhat).
To find these points –see the diagrams at the bottom of the page
WHY WOULD ANYONE THINK THAT THIS WERE MILD? TO IGNORE WHAT IS NOW A TSUNAMI AND ENVELOPING THE WORLD is reckless. Belittling those who real worries about is it them – in all medical settings – yet blaming the crisis on those who (not jabbed) who do not sign up for Russian Roulette.
What the standard medicos will say . . According to the Myocarditis Foundation, “Myocarditis is a disease marked by inflammation and damage of the heart muscle.” It can affect both children (called pediatric myocarditis) and adults, including people who have no prior history of heart disease. The myocardium muscle contracts in order to pump blood through the body. Because myocarditis affects the heart’s cells and electrical system, it can cause irregular heartbeats (or changes in heart rhythms called arrhythmias) and decreased circulation.
Myocarditis can cause blood flow to be reduced in certain parts of the body, may lead to blood clots developing in the heart, and can trigger a stroke or heart attack. This does not always happen, but it is possible when myocarditis becomes severe. (2) Sometimes scar tissue (fibrosis) can develop in the myocardium, which increases the risk for long-term complications.
Pericarditis – Pericarditis is inflammation of the pericardium, the thin sac that surrounds the heart. It may be caused by infection, autoimmune disorders, inflammation after a heart attack, chest injury, cancer, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), kidney failure, medical treatments (such as certain medicines or radiation therapy to the chest), or heart surgery.
The most common signs of pericarditis include chest pain, fever, weakness and tiredness, coughing, trouble breathing, pain when swallowing, and palpitations (irregular heartbeats). If pericarditis is suspected, the healthcare provider will listen to your heart very carefully. A common sign of pericarditis is a pericardial rub – the sound of the pericardium rubbing against the outer layer of your heart. (esp if you lean forwards)
The goal of treatment for pericarditis is to find and eliminate the cause of the disease. Treatment often involves medicines, such as pain medicines, anti-inflammatory drugs, or antibiotics. If serious heart problems develop, treatment may include removal of excess fluid around the heart or surgery.
I remind you that this ‘rare’ event is being completely ignored – and will cause life long debility – apparently 1 in 10 with this die within 10 years. There is no such thing as a mild case.
I could and may break the consequences of what you see below into bite sized pieces later.
JABB 2nd – What Why How (CLICK to download) – may assist you to know what to do to negotiate this distraction that has befallen us.
Beyond all of this – we have energy that keeps us anchored here
We may need to feel our way home (CLICK)
Press these points – pump them.
Also see the Qi (energy ) and lymph gentle moves below.

I have a vague line drawn – you find half way between the wrist crease and the elbow crease.
Then find half way – and then divide the top half into three and take the first third – your finger covers a bit, so is all easy – pump this point.
I saved one person who was having a heart attack in front of me with this.
And do next what First Aid would have you do – this is PRICKLIES FIRST AID
KEEP them alive (and show someone w=else what to d or them themselves – heat pain, any heart disturbance – then ring for help . .
Finding Pc 4 – SEVEN of the person’s fingers up from the wrist crease – in between the tendons

Finding Pc 4 – SEVEN of the person’s fingers up from the wrist crease – in between the tendons

There is so much that you can do.
Being freaked out will not help.
Pain happens as something is STUCK
Can we get rid of what is within?
I do not know what I offer here may help.
What to do long term?
Find a local health care professional who is outside the medical model and works to assist the body to return itself to as it was designed to be.

On the (inside) medial aspect of the foot, in the depression behind and ibelow to the outer metatarsodigital joint of the big toe, at the junction of the red and white skin.
SURVIVAL – so you are more present/can think/are less foggy/out of body
Sp 3 – easier to get to – if no shoes on
Press and maybe pump it – you will ‘come back’ again.

GENTLY and shallowly at first – start at your breastbone (sternum) – following the gaps in between your upper ribs, move slowly outwards
Take slower, deeper breaths.
This may be whilst someone is pressing into the points mentioned above.
Carrying a gel or spray bottle of magnesium to use topically and apply VERY often (I suggest 20x daily) can only help you.
Why? See more here.