The acceptance of this intervention is constantly surprising me.
Looking at the statistics from The Farm, they (granted a different era and with loads of peer support) had their first C section in birth #186 – hardly in keeping with the current trend. 1.7%
Rising incidence in most countries.
May be due to the lack of well trained birth attendants and ??
Regardless – where is the way forwards after this major abdominal surgery at a time when the recipient must look primarily after another and is in a state of massive healing post birth as well as being expected to make food for her newborn?
What next?
We get to live with a body that may be very different
(And yes, we are grateful to be alive with our baby).
C-sections – how to fix the aftermath??
2 – How to gauge?
There are scars . .and adhesions. These create a lessening of movement – all viscera are to slide and glide – and when they do not vague ‘wrongness’ gradually creeps in – and even standing up straight may become problematic.
Adhesions are left . .
Please listen for context – or maybe go straight to
NOTE – if you have had a C section, if you HAVE been surgically ‘helped’- please look after yourself as who knows what part of YOUR STUCK part may arise. .
Questions . . . (See below)
C section road map eBook not done yet .
What would we with to have known going into this. .
Me – I have no idea what I was told. . . me as an acupuncturist I was feeling the adhesions instantly growing – did own needing into it when 2 weeks old. NOT a golden month for me. . I carry no ‘birthing’ trauma on this.
4.30 – Need to be set up to birth well . . (Why I wrote WDCD – CLICK)
5.30 – Sovereignty . .at peace with the decision. (‘How to heal after a ‘bad birth’ – NO – is all about YOU the birther – not the attendees.
7 – BIRTH RAPE. . .
10 – Me as a birthing advocate .
mum after C section may need SOOO much more support.
11 – How do I feel about the C section NOW?
How did I feel about it when it happened?
What sort of of birth did your mum have with you?
What stories had you listening to?
What led you into the C section?
(Worst ones are privately funded births).
Maybe do a spreadsheet .
Questionnaire – see bottom of page
14 – we need to be bonded with DAD . . and not stuck in the baby’s entry into your life.
Baby and dad both need mum in MATERNAL BLISS
Then there is the healing afterwards
Part of what I can do in your healing process . .
First – need to heal the adhesions, scar on 7 layers of body and then the psyche ..
So much is possible. .
We start with a Selfing programme.
(Discovering what causes/supports health, soothing belly self help and the peri-steaming – a multi cultural women’s wisdom way.
Following in with the Making Friends With Your Womb, and the scar normalisation add-on.
What do you wish you had known?
To assist post birth healing?
Then – should they start in on The Story . . .
How do you feel about your C section experience
How did you feel about it afterwards?
How did your mother birth you?
What did you hear of this as you were growing up?
What was the ‘reason’ behind your C section?
Any other comments?
C-sections in general – Personal stories
We all learn through listening to stories . . Here is some of my story – with 2 other women . . Talking about all sorts of things related to women and birthing and bonding. Women’s stories around attempting to birth with hospital freak outs. .
DO support the giver of life. . . (38 minutes) This recording happened whilst Kristy was having a session – including cupping the cold out.
Starting with my story – leading into a C section . . Clot waiting to explode, and a transverse baby. People at work problems. . . Again another version of their various iatrogenic interventions. My clot went with their interventions in the C section . . 5 minutes in – another woman’s horror story (it ended up as the best C section you could ever have – and a loss of less blood than would normally – and over-the-top medical likely stories – none eventuated.
7.30 – Maternal rescues. . . steaming – see the pack to help yourself HERE
10 – ME rescuing me in the pre-theatre times. Eventually my acupuncture saves me.
13.30 – what would have happened had I not done that? St 36 fixed the problem . .
15 – Hyperemesis and what follows . . . no scanning needed (CLICK).
17 – who is standing up for the baby?
18 – Adjuvants – NO amount of aluminium is safe .for anyone.
20 – Farmer’s look needed at birth . .
23 – Dealing with death . .
24 – Breech turning? or fix why is breech. (CLICK) Ease of Irish breeches – on a bean bag.
26 – COLD – avoid it all . .
31 – First – do no harm – energy follows thought – stop freaking mums out .
33 – Follow Nature . . no tap water for making formula Bromide Dominance (CLICK).
36 – WHO is the expert?
C-section/Kristy’s story (38 minutes)
START – my story . . initial pregnancy – and allowing nature to happen.
Maternal stories – what happened for MY mother. .and thus the bonding lack in my early life.
My being a Kelliand’s rotation forceps – and my daughter also. My own birthing history lots of learning in it.
We need to know how our own mothers were treated at our births. . as this is often the beginning of all our ‘mum’ stories.
5.30 – Breastfeeding horrors . .we live through them. .(CLICK) Her prolapsed bladder after this
7.30 – Holding babies in – creating dramas – living with a damaged mother (me) – prolapsed bladder on her womb – all her reproductive life.
10 – More of my personal birth stories.
12 – COLD and mastitis. . Episiotomy and C section – perineal massage and how I got to explore why not get into O.P. AND all the post birth womb horrors.
14 – Learning how to pee well – so not to have a burning and how to (in the earlier days – healed in hospital after perineal damage. . ICE (CLICK)
15 – Stitching well across her clitorus !!!!!! Needs steaming (See Selfing course – CLICK) . . Healed perfectly . . . Visualised it better.
17 – Left lateral – no – they did RIGHT lateral – no wonder a split . . . Safe intimate care products – negative ion strips will help heal. (CLICK)
(and had post natal depression and some time to heal – but not really – here we are).
19 – the effect on life after catastrophic ‘normal’ C section sequelae . .no one looking after mum – plays out in the family .
20 – Healing – needs to LET GO of what is held within. Healing happening – Kristy’s bonding with husband . .
23 – Healing across the generations – and how we can fix ourselves.. . that gift (red tent lives needed). Stories . . honest connections.
26 – Lineage – we MUST support the initiation of maidens to mothers. (Mad Mammas – CLICK).
29 – Me at Gloriavale (CLICK)
32 – Honouring self/honouring your bleeding.
35 – An ‘accidental ‘ pregnancy – and how she overcame to have a healing pregnancy.
37 – Men honouring women’s bleeding – connection.
SCARS .. on every level of being . .
When we work on these – magic happens. .
(VBAC on the bathroom floor- accidentally as she was so able to) CLICK – the O.T. mentioned in the video below
After all of this – we COULD undo the after-effects of this ‘instant’ birth method . . .
Easy birth resources . .(CLICK) – (the easy pregnancy eBook SOLUTIONS is yet to be finished).