Vegan mamas

Welcome . .

Context – there is no such thing as a ‘protocol’ except following Nature.

The story of two women and how the connective tissue MUST be nourished well to ensure a quality result.

‘High risk’ to easy
Need nutrients and circulation perfect

Here is what I recorded while the cup was on Amy’s belly.

Where to look about NOT fainting.

Blood energy – what it does

Amy 1 15th Nov

Eating well in pregnancy – or not

When not staying pregnancy – does not feel sick. . . Tongue – shows needs help . . Can keep her last meal down – and is eating banana. Offer salt ..
2 minutes – why here? Prolapse bladder likely again . . Me explaining the role of food and its temperature and how she is coping being pregnant. SALT . .
Thankfully – last baby not happy with – signs of low Blood energy rampant – so it sounds like I know my stuff when asking for symptoms. . (it all works)

4 minutes – her early pregnancy contexts – nausea and miscarriages. OFFER SALTED PROTEIN/FAT
Hyperemesis – listen to me going through the Jing Markers- and Blood energy is NOT OK.

Reminder – what good strong Blood energy does

Strong abundant Blood energy is the entire story – before during and after pregnancy – that is the GUT working spectacularly and all nutrients needed are ingested,seen (not blinded by body burden – see more here – and used as designed to be. The circulation to the placenta is unimpeded – hence all the WDCD pelvic opening work with sacral moxa fan and so on.

WHAT ABOUT NUTS? Primary and Secondary proteins.
Keloidal problems – and minor nutrients are MASSIVELY depleted often .. vegan mum’s prolapsed almost OUT.
2 – minutes – she was on thyroid PIG thyroid . .. need fat soluble vitamins – talking about vitamin A . . just in case . .
Funny pimples on backs of arms and legs. . . mum and her mercury dosed teeth . .
Selenium? What we make hormones with?
5 minutes – How that vegan prolapsing woman managed to 39 weeks – and a much stronger baby than she would have been.
6.30 minutes – did I get her to we=at eggs? The difference between baby of a normal eating breastfeeding mum and this fairy child ..
Pulling out cold – and moxa – and WHAT was she rebuilding herself with?
Brewer diet in pregnancy – has no mention of what is crucial now – Vit D3. magnesium and iodine . .
3rd world country ? Secondary proteins need to be actioned when vegan . .
See more on nutrients needed and magnesium and iodine here

To get mercury out of the body – so in pregnancy and lactation we are not handing what our mum’s legacy was through the generations – liquid activated zeolite drops – safe and effective in all ages and states of being – you NEED the rubbish out so the nutrients may work again.
Detox rate is 5 drops x 6 daily and drink loads more TEPID clean water and add in on skin more magnesium and take iodine painted on the skin also – at least a palm sized piece on your ovary area – or breasts if you need to sort out dense, fibrocystic or lumps/etc.

Not enough of her to run the body – and grow another one. MUST NOT GET BALD AGAIN. . .Blood energy . .
To talk prolapses – HAVE to look at diet – and listen to her consequences – and me attempting to get her to see what is not working – she is a confirmed vegan as is her mum.
At least I got her off all raw!! and green cold breakfasts!! Role of iodine . . .
2.00 – Iodine and eating seaweed in Korea . .
4.00 – Hair being the flower of the Kidneys . . more on head hair
HAIR – BALDING . . . see my piece on JIng and thus hair – the flower of the kidneys

Hyperemesis- NEED TO TAKE COLD OUT – what is she making baby with?
Question we are answering – how to fix this. – I run over all the issues.
Means my own sillyness as a new mum .and how I got out of being a vegan fully lactating mum – till he was 10 1/2 months old. .
My early maternity . . 2 books – Adelle Davis and Survival into the 21st Century . .
My solution was 2 litres of yoghurt and 6 Tsp of nutritional yeast – DO NOT DO THIS. MUST do better than that – NOT cold.
This mum does not know about protein combining!!!!! Third world eating . . . Diet for a Small Planet also Recipes for a Small Planet
NOT GM and need rainbow on your plate – not white/beige.
Tendency to family weaknesses stories – and 4 crucial times in a woman’s life –


Tattoos – toxic poisons. .
Placenta previa story PLUS turning dedicated vegan into a huge meat eater. Moxa in Pregnancy is part of the massive package in Easy Pregnancy Solutions Think about the second baby – and how do we breastfeed? Time to prepare it – and I laid it in – as a mum – not a princess . . How does it look? Baby knew what was best . . even her vegan naturopath started eating meat – felt better. . .
diastasis – body connectivity issues. Too hard in this case . . . OH DEAR!!!
Labour strategy and then I started in on how to birth – however it happens ..Consequence of being not as sensible as she could have been . .

Continuation of the Previa story .

Her third pregnancy – placenta previa. .and she was seeing someone else after me . . (A day in town). Was a really amazing ending . . And how it happened. . . could not have been a better outcome .. What I did – apparently getting labour started . .horror story – was me catastrophising – all worked out SO PERFECTLY!! BEST POSSIBLE OUTCOME – and they did not have to pay what they intended to . . and her two midwifery choices. .

Perfect happened – how did it get set up?
Usual Heather’ late pregnancy protocol. Start with the Gentling Way Beginner’s package

Reminder Making the best baby possible . . This woman saw me in 2003!
Holistic – food and body and habits and beliefs all need moving about – and dealing with what comes up – not so much a ‘protocol” as being present.