
1 – Finding Heather
What is YOUR question?
We all started as a woman – as we are mammals ..
Thus – I am speaking WOMAN’S body as the maleness is an add-on.
2 – You have been gifted a body
PLUS – Where did OUR programmes come from?
Good question – where did YOU get programmed – and for what?

3 – Three circles model
Some of us were always ‘different’ . . .
Thus some of us see/perceive life differently to the usual . .
This may help you – or confuse you – if you are thinking – only from what ‘everyone’ knows . .
From the ‘middle circle’ – beliefs/expectations/programming – what you are colonised (esp if through the tertiary education experience)

Brings up – what is the point of even being here?
You likely are attuned to this – or you would not have clicked with me initially.
So this WILL push buttons/ breach boundaries/stand on landmines a bit . .
4 – Soul purpose?
Who wins if you follow??
Why not be your own master????
5 – Where to start?
Your soul/driver
Ways of knowing?
You know (Encoded)
You have learned it – ‘the hard way’ – through life experience) – (Embodied)
OR under ‘the line’
Someone said
Someones said and wrote – and they would know – colonisation/infantalisation/enslavery path).

Maybe also look to my deconstructing self page
Actual tracks to the 1999 audio
(Instantly available for you – free)
We all need to be present. .
The ‘driver’ is called Shen in East Asian medicine . .

6 – Resources . .

7 – Gently
8 – Who wins if you stay compliant?

You may need to know the energy instructions . .

GV 26 – rescue life – I am showing you how to save a life – or at least consciousness.
If this is important to you – email me – as I will take another class on soon – online likely – so you could be anywhere
I am over qualified for this – I co – designed and co-wrote and taught the acupuncture course in 1981
It grew and took over from the one I learned from.
Maybe see more on RESCUING yourself and others.
Especially with this epidemic of jabbed heart troubles here (CLICK)
9 – Resources found in these courses
Owner’s manuals
Energy instructions and Life Impacts and Taking Charge . .
10 – What baggage?
Free STUCK – it causes PAIN on all levels. . .
These resources are ALL part of the Selfing – What Causes Health’ online course

Imagine you have a heart problem – see here again
Maybe knowing where the electrical circuits run can change your life – or those around you . .
First Aid. . starts with changing the energy instructions . .
11 – Who is this for?
Ourselves FIRST
The world is now ‘my clinic’
You have walked in – how can I help?
Start with your own body . . and those of your family
Free STUCK – it causes PAIN on all levels. . .
These resources are ALL part of the Selfing – What Causes Health’ online course
In addition and separate . .. a gift to a loved one who is about to be a parent? Pregnancy? Here is the starter kit – for anyone (CLICK)
Where does all this lead?
To YOU being able to take charge, and NOT believe all that fear porn that is seems to be forever our ‘media’ message now.

‘Free Your Qi ‘- Pelvic Opening‘ (after Selfing/Soothing ideally onto .. . .
more practicals with tools – as well as your hands.
‘Reset Your Metabolism‘ and ‘Foundational Moves’ (all you need to make a colossal difference to anyone’s life.
Freedom from pain and congestion. Especially the men in your life, as we cover prostatic swelling.these are all online.
‘Selfing‘ – the online component has 3 sections – see more here
‘Selfing Intensive‘ may be run online with some of my graduates, or in person.
See more here . .
We may need to connect ourselves up FIRST . .
Working with others. . . next

Wherever you start – it is a great idea. .
Toe in the water?
Start with Unlocking Your Scars
BUT the non blue ones have to all be done before you venture into what could look like ‘the moves’ as they are all about freeing STUCK and that usually involves us being clear and calm and able. Entry level is where ALL must begin. Occasionally workshops happen.
With me – more likely in FNQ as I live there and have a teaching area all ready.
The Gentling Way graduates will begin to spread their wings to teach past online to outside real venues also in 2023.

If you are wishing to fast track as teaching is your thing:
I am rewriting (for online not in person as how can we??)
Practitioner packages
Also the teachers in training.
Retreats? sometime in 2023.
Gentle Self Discovery – next to be on Gold Coast at Lenleys’ – 10/11 Dec
The weekend workshops have morphed into as near as we can
Tumoulin, FNQ Jan 7/8 – Gentle Self Discovery
MUST begin at the modules in blue above . . they are sequential.
Life blueprint is in various little online courses. .
(Owner’s manual entry classes).
All starts here . . .