Gentle Discovery – Freeing Yourself – After Selfing

2024/25 UPDATE

Welcome to Body/soul aligning

This is usually run as an entry onto what comes up when we work on ourselves and others. Unless we really KNOW ourselves – what can happen is unscripted and often startling. I have tried to teach the Gentling Way moves alone – but we run quickly into what come sup – as we are so gentle, that using breath and intention and being so safe – what was stuck arrives for discharge. We work on our own past and the residue we are carrying with us. . .
Fun and deep inner workings afoot.

Event description – This was an interactive experiential practical workshop supporting the flows through the body and energy spheres of all that is designed to easily support our lives here. We can get caught up. Structure tightens . By undoing where we have gotten caught into stories – we start by releasing our own. Using the tools in the online pre weekend work – and then onto  what is many different cultures ways to see ‘life’ and what we can do to assist ourselves and others to break through TRAUMA and what is really unfinished business. So many tools and easy ways.

We explore what is running us (STILL) and where these beliefs arrived from initially – cultural, time and space, and within our own family of origin. Firstly we create a container – a safe space. We dive in. We let go. We will pay special attention to the unresolved maternal grief – sometimes ours and often that of generations gone – still lived out in us. Courage to grow more into who we were to be and to love. Ourselves FIRST

Please arrive with a burning question – as this focus always hones your attention. Likely how to let go – and be more flexible on every level – often instigated by pain (all levels – especially psychic likely at this time). Lack of flows – creates pain.  . .Which is in itself a sure sign that there is blockage. Answer? – find out what holds us hostage – in the patterns of belief that shut life flow OFF/distort natural flows .. Leading us to feel  . . .

‘Stress’/tension/Stuck . . . . Often against all our best efforts what we know SHOULD ‘work’ does not. Whether we are body workers, acupuncturists or living consciously in our bodies. We all get to a point where we are blank – how to go forwards /move from that stuck?

  • Anxiety
  • Terrors of the night  (Or just not being able to sleep well)
  • Depression
  • A life not lived well
  • Leading to troubles ‘down there’.

We may go down a well worn path .. .So often not addressed as a root cause – but as the labeled medical condition. Let us change this.  In these experiential weekend practicals we touch ourselves and each other – to allow what may need a gentle reminder to start flowing again.
You have already dome this one. . .

Become aware and MOVE IT – Help the gut to be in perfect position – thus function optimally
Discover the programmes that you had no idea were running you. Having completed the Selfing Challenge – post Self /Being Woman workshop – you are more aware of your own resistances to change . .and are playing at the edges., or diving in – to ensure that you can be more sovereign. Then we CAN be in a position to make different life choices . .

Stay STUCK or heal – and so often the GIFT is magic. .  .

 Reminder – Heather’s Gentling Way is . . . .

A complete system of healing to anyone with intention.  The culmination of one woman’s life’s work.  45+ years across many modalities: asking searching questions on behalf of the medical refugees who seek care (when all else tried has not ‘worked’. You will find a few surprises. Initially as a naturopathically minded lymph/body worker playing with the acupuncture model, this is now a multi modality recognition of the body’s past inability of the body to clear itself.

The Reichian armour bands are respected as being one of the many reactive ways the body has been able to cope – up until now. As the body allows the previously stuck pieces to merge back into self, we may go deeper.  It is a process to get to the moves – if they are even needed. Starting with US (self).

 1 – Gentling Trauma Relief – online usually

Package – downloads to the self paced
Gentle Discovery – Freeing Yourself course.

It is vital that you have taken the time for yourself.
We need to get serious – about our own processes in order to really be there to assist others.

To get a taste of this – maybe look to this page on my free course.
The links are not working as I cannot edit this – am grateful we can still see this as it is on a platform we no longer use. .

We explore in more depth – Reichian armour rings/bands. The areas we all carry within our own bodies – and in working with others. What we can do to release/allow the safe space for the letting go of the stagnation/congestion and festering that builds up when flows can’t. (All levels of being).

We cover the different cultural perspectives of spirit and entities/attack/healing/sovereignty.  We start to set this straight . . Superimposed upon this always are the life stages and the monthly cycles for women plus the seasonal changes, the accidents, incidents that we may not have processed, the scars and adhesions and flow on from all we discovered within the torso in the touchie course Reconnecting Bao and Dai Mai – leading into TRAUMA of not being vital – but of being STUCK. Wishing all to stay the same – not dynamic as Qi is.

All Heather’s Gentling Way is experiential

Let us go inner/inside.
After attending Selfing – you likely have more to do . .
That was a taster  . . AS . . .

How to recognize and what to do?
Starting point –SELF – reframing to undo

Part 1 – Undoing Our ‘reality’ – ways we have set ourselves up.
Numerology birth order, reframing what ‘life’ is for.
Covers many models of ‘spiritual growth’.
What we saw as we grew into the now version of self.

How this is stopping flows . .
What is our reason for being and what stops us from expressing our part of the human puzzle fully?

Part 2 – Practical . .
Ways we can assist others as we have cleared ourselves – and clinically what is possible in sessions.
This is heavily body based – we are not talking so much as feeling and being.

Courage is needed Light each others lights  . . Let us rise up together !

To book contact me