Elder care – aging will happen to all of us

if we are so lucky . . .

Easter is almost upon us. This is a long read. Maybe a solution for your troubles, or those of someone very close to you is within. May I suggest taking the time now to explore, as there are some time critical offers in here.

1 – Mobile healing hands. Duncan and I are off to see his family and some of my graduates of Heather’s Gentling Way. We are traveling south. On the way – if you or someone you know are desperate to see me – o save yourself – at least feel changes. Contact me about possibilities (phone 0452 407 667 or email). I am offering a possible 2 hour at least ($150 per hour – plus $50 travel fee) in your home. . . if it is not too much out of my way.

2 – Online courses to help yourself – see some of what is on offer here. For a few days the women’s one is free with this link.

3 – Online Selfing the beginning of your own health adventure – into changing why and what is happening to you. Starting here enables you to begin with changing immediately – self paced, easy to follow. You may then choose at some point – and coming up monthly for the next 3 months – to take the intensive online workshop with Lisa and her assistant Jasmine and an intimate class of women questing – wanting resolution and more from their lives. See more here

4 – Elder care – we are all aging. The use of our Jing is dependent (see more in the free Being Woman course offered here – to be here we have been gifted a body. It is OURS’ to do with as we wish. Wise decisions and life choices – one breath, one meal, one decision to . . at a time.

I do – always have – I can’t not. Gets me into loads of mischief as it is always been seen as me ‘being difficult’.
YET – my ability to find answers after asking different questions is likely why you are likely here. You found me when desperate.

I always have been seen as odd. You may have also. I think for myself and accept as little as ‘gospel’ as I can. Some of us are ‘ornery’ – and always have been the family black sheep – thus if you are reading this. Also less likely to have ‘wool pulled over your eyes’ as you will be asking – who benefits? Does it work? It is this real? What happens if I don’t?

I work multi modality – holistic Qi and body aligning. We all know like a car, that we need the right food (fuel), and it being used well with the food factory (engine) working optimally – we have a life worth living. Nourish life. Live simply.

As an acupuncture student in 1977, it was to ensure my newborn was well. Fully breastfed, Not riddled with health troubles as his dad was from birth – asthma, eczema. I studied all that came my way. Being an outlier all my life – it was nothing to me to start part time study, as a new mum . . . no family in this country – I had a mission – save my family from the medical ineptitude. From his being 6 weeks of age. From Upper Main Arm (very little income): hitch hiking and being on buses with him up and down to Brisbane. Weekly traipsing up there and down till the midterm, when we moved here. After 13 months – me working full time, and studying still part time. Father being a stay at home dad. Time passed – he is 47 now. My life work – helping others.

Back then no one told us what we were ‘allowed to do – we did what we could afford and no one was ‘helping’ pay so no one had vested interests – prior to ‘health’ benefit co payments etc – people came in, followed advice, got well and who was missing out? Bow – a lot is stopping you find the way out of your retail opportunity for others. Sounds outrageous? It is. See here I set up in the middle of Brisbane city and got to it – mostly seeing elders as there then were not modern ‘drugs’ – anti inflammatories. Crippling, disfiguring, unwieldy rheumatoid arthritic joints, unable to function in so much pain – trigeminal neurelgia, post shingles and so on. . . . Coupled with that cohort being made the depression. war years – they were not made well – although they were not vaccine damaged as we all have been since the 1950’s whilst being made. This balanced out the modern scourge – poisoning people is now a medically sanctioned art form. They have heartier constitutions – and as drinking coffee., eating non food and lots of it – was not possible – they had better habits and health.wiser.

You will have come upon me at some time in the past 45 years

Pain was the feature – (maybe see what you could do to help yourself here). Sufferers came in at all ages and stages. No arthroscopies, laproscopies, no laser and inner scanning with gadgets, no ‘life saving’ interventions meant people paid attention and CHANGED what had created their issues – or they died in great distress/.hopelessness – as they were told that they would. Modern retail industrial medicine was only beginning. ‘Wonder drugs’ (and vaccinations from inside mum till death) were yet to appear. Most of my initial patients were elderly – sports/work injuries not recovering – or women with vastly distressing periods. More on that in a later post. I have much to say about self help- for everyone. . . Maybe in the meantime – if terrible monthly/being woman issues are your thing – see more on what I have for you here: AND

FREE – Being Woman online link – I will take this off the newsletter in a few days – when I have the inclusion Living As Energy – 2024 edition (initially the ‘owner’s’ manual published 2001 to help those who wanted to know what made their body tick and what they could do to help themselves. .

LIFE – is happening all around us – and what can WE do? Be independent of fashions in ‘care’ STAY WELL . . . (hence my now focus on self paced online courses – as I am in Far North Queensland, now in my 70 th year and wondering – my legacy – how to hand over – as there is so much . . .

These will happen (me being 69 and Duncan 76, this is highly topical – how to stay independent and not farmed out into God’s waiting room? Here is a ‘case. – growing older. We are all aging. We can at an instant – be in a state of needing real help – as I was mid January 2022 – the stairs and I story . . . Prior to that – the cow versus car incident. And straight after that – my very own shingles in eye rescue – then Duncan and his shingles after a brief exposure to a recently jabbed family member . .. Even such a little thing as nearly losing a toe nail (did not). What do you do in such situations? Call me – thus I called on my decades of helping when hopeless. and I am emerging slowly . . A newer version . . .
Why are they not interested in what works/how to retrieve health – you have to work it out for yourself – and what it means . .. Here is a part of this puzzle – the Flexnor Report – health was in all of our hands – our forebears followed what they saw happening – they grew their own food – go back far enough – and they knew how to use what was growing, what their predecessors knew – to live well according to life needs. Barring incidents, accidents, wars and malnutrition – they were hale and hearty.

The kids now even are not – why would this be? Not hard to investigate. It is not the standard – but look at what has changed. We are NOT made to live in this toxic soup – ever increasingly so. Me working on the edge of hopeless for those who fell through the medical cracks since the last 70’s has answers. .

We went to NZ for a few weeks returning a week ago. . We stayed with Duncan’s 92 year old cycling friend. Just as well – he came off his electric assist bike on top of a small hill (he rides this route – 16 KM x 2 weekly and has for years). He landed at the bottom – out for at least 30 seconds – sent off to A and E – and after all tests – sent home (lives by himself). And eats beige, sweet and not healthfully. We do not. We arrived and I instantly went into fix it mode. Ynnna Bao Yao – to free STUCK – especially after a HIT.

He has also had FIVE of the jabs/boosters.
If this does not alarm you – possibly by now you think that I am the maverick/’black sheep’ that I cannot NOT be . .

Vit D3 – to repair all neurological incidents and to maintain health. He had about 10 doses whilst we are there (50,000 iu – need to build it up. This is agauinst all you have been fed as ‘facts’ – maybe look here? Please see my initial offering here In 2012

Here is something to listen to Recent Vit D3 (1 hour 15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hO7fniCbmw

PROBLEM The Vit D 3 is only sold as 1,000 iu in Aust and NZ. ANSWER Here is where to get what we were handing you – it works – take 1 daily, till at least the beginning of next summer. Order at least 3 – is 50x what is available on the shops,. from pharmacies – if all were on this -‘medicine’ and the ‘health’ budget would be vastly different. https://au.iherb.com/pr/zahler-vitamin-d3-1-250-mcg-50-000-iu-120-capsules/76634

MORE – nutrients FIRST and how can we absorb best/ through the skin. We bought magnesium cream, to slather over him several times (Ideally 20 – as it is dose dependent – and when in a right mess – we all need more than we use). I found out he was on anti convulsant medication as he started having seizures at 80. That in itself is a large red flag – why? I would suggest – one too many flu injections – again – Vit D3 is the answer to avoid getting ill – support the body to help itself – and the ingredients needed are missing in all conversations in the medical model – as they are to push answers in the tool box that they are allowed – never more obvious than post the world shut down . But the strangle hold pharmaceutical companies have in every aspect of life now mean who is asking the questions?

Me unfortunately – as who listens?
It is unpopular to go against the main version of life – regardless of whether it is working or not. I could go on . .

He got a couple of acupuncture ‘patch up’ sessions with me. After the anti STUCK (Yunnan Bao Yao) pills were finished, he deteriorated. It does show the need for them . Happened to me – job not completed. I stopped taking them myself about 6 weeks after the stair incident. After a few weeks, I realised, regardless of the expense, they were essential. FIXING needed. Clearing out STUCK Qi and Blood in my body/brain as the TBI, PTSD and concussion were long term (2+ years later I feel as though now I am somewhat more of myself). Thanks to all who have given me yet another piece to the jigsaw . .

See my story here – plus links to two very useful articles. Nasty lingering – and this is with my efforts of all stops pulled out. A year on I wrote this.

Bruce was so bad, he started shaking. Could not get out of bed. He thankfully had a Zimmer frame from when he needed it for post operative care 3 years ago – he got so unsteady he rang (NZ) 111 and instead of an ambulance, Duncan took him into A and E where after waiting ALL DAY – no food/drink offered – in his state – they did all tests again – sent him home – to wait and see. NOT GOOD ENOUGH – this was after inane questions for at least 20 minutes by the on-phone ‘triage’ nurse. She was not listening. It was an education – we do not want this. None of us do. We need proficient and useful., Competent even. He is as sharp as a tack still – and was surprised at her lack of understanding.
He has CONCUSSION – he came home, I kept feeding him amazing foods and we left – not before he went out several times in his car – WHAT!!!!

He is not OK – and the lack of ingredients – Vit D3 and magnesium and decent nourishing foods are some aspects.

More to the point – no medical help with brain injuries. As the mother of a massively brain insulted adult daughter – I spent her first 8 years of life saving her (now 37 and still in nappies, non verbal, profoundly autistic – vaxx damaged is very expensive – wastes lives. . as well as it breaking hearts. She is alive by virtue of my bloody mindedness. Not letting the ‘prognosis’ get in the way of her healing – a life rescue/full time patient in my own life . .

See more here and here – someone’s story

BRUCE – this is where the nurse was trying to steer him. Stroke is totally preventable – not from the modern medico model as they are not interested in causation as it gets in the way of the aim of their job. Cognitive dissonance may be your modis operandi – and there is too much that is breaking reality – this maybe a step too far – but when desperate enough, you may start to wonder. . . This is mainly for those who are ‘on the same page’ – and know that there is more to know – and quickly.

Vitamin D3
I was to do a masters in health research – and started on a road to NOT EVER GOING BACK TO ORGANISED ‘EDUCATION’ again. I was to do a research project into saving babies after 24 weeks gestation – as in the 70’s/8-0’s it happened all the time – women came in miscarrying, did not and had healthier children (my interventions) than their older siblings. Easy to turn around – follow life, Then came the 90’s and beyond – men’s fertility has been in free fall since I started in the efforts to turning coupes into families – before IVF happened. Now after – it is a waste of $$ and invariably what you do not want happens (and this is NOT even factoring in the jab and its gifts – I am talking when we had no gene modification, less aerial poisoning and the 5 G was not tinkering as all else vibrational now is (is why we live away from as much of this as we can).

What next? He knows ‘wait and see‘ is not likely to end well. I am not there. I have suggested he go to one of the many great East Asian medicine practitioners in his area. Centuries of written observations/documented – can’t prove it wrong. The real test. Research that is after RESULTS – not profits.

I repeated a recent Arvigo Advanced workshop in NZ and have much to share. Mainly that the Gentling Way is an amazing gift to the world. I will do all I can to release it lovingly to all who wish to find. . . at the beginning of and the end of this I picked the same card (out of a deck of 52 – no one else scored it). Entry and exit. WORK. Initially as I was there for a much needed REST and look after MYSELF ONLY – not that impressed. My sense of humour prevailed at the end – what else would I do?

You have many ways to partake of my life’s work . .

1 – Online courses – self help – self paced – for YOU to work it out – as it is YOUR journey. .

2 – Online consult – Natural health problem solving. To set up the rest of your life – you get a Zoom recording and all my notes and what to do ..

3 – Me in person – mobile – if I am in your area (Time dependent I am in Brisbane 7/8th March and again on the way back?? 25th /26th?). OR – Pay for me to come to you

4 – Come up and see me – make a holiday of it – intensive bundles of care are the way to undo what has held you hostage – for too long.

What is involved? (Click HERE to find out)

Two parts – the online immediate download, self paced understandings of what a body is, does and can be healed . . and the online intensive workshop.

Over the past nine years since i became an Arvigo Self Care teacher,. I have been running women’s workshops – often monthly whilst in the clnic. You may have partaken . Once I learned the Mercier ways, I amalgamated these into my already re=extensive pelvic opening/surrender ways of cleaning out all life residue, allowing all to free themselves . .. During the locked down madness i was at home in NZ honing my Zoom skills – as we all were. My hands-on classes became experiential in a different way and now we have many of my Gentling Way graduates who are nearing a time in their lives when they can be leading the earlier classes. Now is your time. Lisa Levine, also an Arvigo Self Care teacher, has been running the online Selfings for a few years now. This is very different to the Arvigo work. If you have not heard of either, please listen in to hear what is possible. . .

Selfing is the 2 day intensive workshop where you get to use what was in the Selfing starter kit – a new way of seeing the world and your place in it.

This may be the start of a new life for you . Should you wish to go on with the Gentling Way – a whole new look at working with bodies, hearts and souls.. . . Start exploring the online content in good time .. . reach out to lovely Lisa if you have any queries. .

March 16 & 17
April 20/21st
May 18 – 19th

A perspective shift . . possibly the answers were there all the time – womb wonders!!! see what else we can do together . . a whole system awaits, should you be a belly worker especially..

WHERE NEXT? – maybe get today done well FIRST . .

Other online classes to go towards being a Gentling Way practitioner to add on if you wish – or to assist yourself to become a more effective happy person – as we delve into what has been running you in the Gentling Trauma Relief/Gentling Self Discovery sections.