Easy periods, easy fertility, easy pregnancy – easy babies follow


This is an extension of this page (you have been gifted a WOMAN’S body)

Farmers know – their livelihood depends on perfect offspring, healthy productive breeding units – be they plants or sentient beings – happy is easier

Pharma needs to make $$ – and does so by NOT following nature, but by ensuring the pillars of life – nutrition and safety on all levels are not met.

Life recipe . . . all beings need. . .

Once you have decided what camp you are in . . Who is following life – and who is feeding off it NOT working ?
We continue.

Life enhancement – and following seasons of life

OR – living off the living – being a vulture fearing all, grooming for further business, and not being accountable for the results.

HOWEVER – those who know that Nature is the master here – know that the rules of life MIST be followed.

What are they?
Seasons of a day, of a month, of a year and of a life


1 – Easy beginnings

Biology. . orderly progression through the stages of life – a Bell Curve – from dependence, back into dependence, through living a productive life

2 – Easy periods

Biology – when the mother to be is ready (7×2 at least) – fetal palace fills and empties

3 – Easy sexual expression

Biology – feels good – to make babies is the reason

4 – Easy fertility

Biology – sex makes babies

5 – Easy pregnancy – life continues, (as with all beings) – she makes another

Biology – only the strongest make it – as life MUST go on – without hangers on.

6 – Easy birth – mum as the foundational bridge to a perfect beginning

Biology – easily born, easily mothered safely matured into own adulthood intact

7 – Easy maternity – women are life givers

Biology – survival of a species depends on mum and her safety

8 – Easy babies – to mature into the easy person who CAN replicate . . .and CAN have easy babies themselves.

9 – Easy life – for all