Cupping Extras from Tutorial 1

Cupping tutorial 1.5



So gentle  .


Maybe read/watch this first?


Thinking we would say a few words on cupping (we got over an hour) and move on . .
I thought that we would do the two together – we left Maja’s story for  another day.

We did not get around to the Maja *8.

Sorry – there are aural distractions . .

These times are approximate

  • 0.55 – sorry – the noise is only temporary . .
  • In the past had had cups on the belly and salt and moxa IN the navel – BUT this is actually being appropriate – the early organ of life support is being worked on – rescuing the yang  – pulling out what is stashed away . .
  • 2.40 – ‘it doesn’t work-.
  • 3.05 -I burned her!!!
  • 3.40 – Twirling the tissue
  • 4.20 – to do own – tighter tissue.
  • 4.50 – sizes of cup
  • 5.40 – OK to cup with a mesh – now she does strong on herself.
  • 6.15 – People go to sleep
  • 7.05 – Not too tight – It Depends – can tell when to take it of as it all of  a sudden gets sore.
  • 7.25 – Big pees – no HUGE pees after cupping . .
  • 8.15 – Need to bake the cake first . .  Reset Your Metabolism – Iodine . .
  • 9.30 – Working as an assistant in an acupuncture clinic and seeing this NOT done . .
    Need to know the intention of the treatment – and then she wold feel all the cold ..
  • 10.50 – Need the objective non contact thermometer .
  • 12 – tried to do this in clinic but could when she was on her own clients – and then they were sent to her.
  • MUST start at the beginning.
  • 13 – DO NOT put cold on anything – must never put cold on – stops the flow.
  • 14 – Me trying to work out why I had such a damp cold belly of my own ..
  • 15.30 – different temps on body
  • 16.20 – Validation – easy to convince anyone – stories of my IVF and men and sperm and the anal temps – get rid of what should not have been there. .
    17.30- 19 me too tired and giving wrong instructions – was in auto pilot mode.  .
    See moon phases here
  • 20 – Cupping with periods ..
  • 20.20 – Korean students . . in a WFAS 6 day event – me teaching
  • 23.15 – take out WHY the pain is there . . needles not necessarily the first option.
  • 24.20 – The calf scars.  . compartment syndrome
  • 25.20 – The religion of ‘science’ DOGMA – cold is not your friend and causes so much else . .
  • 26.50 – ACE inhibitors – me on them 18 years – how did I get off the heart medication? – for congestive heart failure – look at actually FIXING things.
  • 28 – Very boring to do this over and over and over.  .
  • 29.30 – Take out what is stopping circulation . .
  • 29.45 – Case of the caffeinated sperm then cold STILL . .
  • 35– window over the head. . OPEN and the floor and then she says . . .!!!
    Cannot over tell KEEP COLD OUT.
  • 36.4– Setting the body up for the treatment  she does not use needles treatment more targeted – before – session held for 3 days – now all lasts so much better.
  • 39 – Frozen gut needs help!!
  • 41.15 – Guy with the cold – and another one – bouncer and stuffed up wrists.
  • 44.15 – Reynaud’s syndrome
  • 45.50 – Stuck Liver Qi and Low thyroid function – Sp Qi/Yang Xu . .(TCM talk).
  • 47.30 – Who is the baby’s advocate?
  • Older midwife likely was the helper for all of us. .
  • 50 – Monica’s tale
  • 57 Lupus and Maja’s treatment.  . .
  • Aluminium worse than mercury . .
  • 58.20 – What IS going on?
  • 1.02.20 – Bonding over Maltexo – and early NZ childhoods. Maja has dental fluoridosis
  • 1.04.20 – Niacin flushes – and circulation for chilblains. .
  • 1.08.20 – Where is the Chinese literature to say why NOT cold.
  • 1.09.00 – How to get cold in operations/hospitals . .
  • 1.12.00 – Is it Safe? Pregnancy cupping
  • 1.12.45 – When Maja started cupping in pregnancy . .
  • 1.14.00 – Placenta previa came up
  • 1.14.50 – long road ahead . .Maja still not got rid of the  cold
  • 1.16.20 – High risk pregnancies – low thyroid . .
  • 1.18.00 – After flu injection .
  • 1.20.00 – elder’s medicine . .
  • 1.22.00 – a tiny obit of cold – got all his pain back again . .

May we remember that we have warriors on the inside ..


Our Three Heater . . .

Surely we can look after ourselves better than we do?
And the continual ‘diagnosis’ – Spleen Qi/Yang Xu and Spleen Damp and even Phlegm

Where did this come from?
STUCK – Lack of Qi  move the lymph . . that would always be where is the bio available iodine?
And down the rabbit hole – as the mercury that has been allowed in – is doing what it does best – stuff up life.

EXTRAS .  . .

What I had to put up to assuage Lorne Brown’s upset as he had not come upon navel cupping before.

(I was doing a webinar – on miscarriage saving – ‘A Bun in the Oven – Not in the Fridge’).

Not that I would suggest as soon as you start this – you find a pregnant woman . .
Cut your teeth on something easier please.

Is it safe?

Yes – is it safe to leave a splinter in place?
Is it safe to hope things will get better?
What is gained by NOT undoing the wrongs that you are living with?

T0 do your own . .

12 years ago. .

I posted in 2016 on my FB page Acupuncture Plus Traditional Wisdoms

The cupping navel issue.
So many have missed what the elders just knew.
All cultures – ‘old wives’ tales’ – avoid cold.
It will likely kill you. How?
By weakening – they did not necessarily know how
Ask any older Asian woman.
Home remedies?
Old people’s medicine?
Yes – experiential and all family based or in times past we would perish – mums kept all tended when times were past harsh.
We have to start at the beginning and rescue the yang.

People take things into their own hands – hence I am about to tell the world about home medicine as remedies that all in China DID know prior to PRC.

Here we have . .
Here is what one woman wrote to me (Why I am letting it loose).
(All older people – not with formal ‘qualifications’ – they just care in their hearts – knew this.

Foundational home remedies to be done first.
So too with steaming (Chai-Yok in Korean) – for white westerners – maybe a whole new ball game.

Below – this woman took matters into her own hands.

“I first learned about Belly button Cupping from one of your articles on it. I talked to a local acupuncturist & she was pushing the infrared heat lamp for my belly button. I didn’t have it done. I went back to your article on navel cupping & did it at home following your instructions. I have been in the fitness/health industry for 20 yrs now, and most recently into holistic natural approaches to healing the body. I was trying the belly button cupping for circulation, as my feet are cold.     A lot.

‘Yesterday I tried the bellybutton cupping for the first time myself at home. I don’t have cupping jars, so I used a small (8oz) Mason jar. I used a quarter for the coin wrapped in Kleenex, lit & put the Ball mason jar over my bellybutton, and it worked. Oh, I did put some lavender essential oil around my bellybutton first.

‘I have been a competitive athlete since I was 10 yrs old. I am now 47, and still an athlete, but have severe spinal problems with pain, and last year had surgery to both of my knees. Left knee ended up needing a MicroFracture. I have healed well from that. I also am a bodybuilder, I have been for years now, but I haven’t competed for several yrs now, but still in great shape with a lot of muscle mass. I have a very strong core. Again, I contacted a highly recommended acupuncturist local to me regarding my pain, my grieving (I lost the love of my life to cancer 2 yrs ago) I am still having a very hard time with it, and I have severe anxiety. And I would like my feet to not be so uncomfortably cold most of the time. She said she didn’t recommend moxa to my bellybutton, she said grieving people don’t do well with moxa because of the smoke, and she wanted to use a special infrared light on my belly button instead.

‘I didn’t do it.

‘My question to you is how often can I do cupping to my belly button? I didn’t mind the pulling sensation, and my feet warmed up & were actually warm/almost hot the rest of the day, it was great! I felt the warmth throughout my body, so I do believe cupping the belly button works!”

Questions. . . .

How often can I do cupping to my bellybutton?

Will repeated cupping to my bellybutton make my skin loose? Because I don’t want that to happen. But, the cupping did feel good. I am going to attach some pictures for you to see my cupping experience, and maybe you can correct me on anything if you feel it would be worthy. Thank you so much for your time in reading my email. Any input would be much appreciated, as I do not want to do harm to myself. Thank you So Much again for your Very informative article on Belly button Cupping.
In good health”

Even lifting a placenta – it all starts with raising the Yang and all we see/all around seem to need it – is why they are even consulting us – something (Yang) is not enough of a force to undo life ills).

Often ‘just’ taking out the cold fixes all – thus – absolutely NO need to micromanage that is the orthodox medical line and we could assist the body to heal itself – by removing blockages to flow.


  1. (Also watch above)
  2. If there is a navel ring, I used to get her remove it (and try and get her to forget about it being replaced).
  3. Ensure that the room is warm, and that there are enough covers to keep the patient warm whilst you are removing latent cold
  4. Demonstrate by placing your warm hand on the different parts of the body that there is in fact cold there – other areas will have the same hand feel cool that feels so warm on their cold places.  This is important as it is sometimes a challenging treatment and they need to feel the differences before and after.
    OR – Get a Digitech infrared thermometer  -30 t0 260C.
  5. Have no needles in – this is a very powerful treatment, which stands alone.
  6. Warm and dry a large cup.  Do not try to remove cold with a cold cup – you will be allowing more in.
  7. Oil around the navel If a hairy man, lots of oil – you need the suction to stay strong for the duration of the treatment.  Sometimes I have gotten the man to shave around it but over oiling is enough.
  8. Get a (preferably pre warmed) 50 cent piece and place it in a tissue – the cheapest/less luxuriant) are the best.  Twirl the tissue around, so it has a tail, and tear off what would possibly curl over when lit.
  9. Warn the patient that this will be alarming, to relax and to not watch, if a bit nervy.  Tell them in advance that the cup will pull greatly, as though it is trying to pull out the belly, and that it is quite safe. (I usually give them fascinating reading to distract them at this point).
  10. Place the tissue wrapped coin on the navel (to stop essential Qi from escaping) and light it.
  11. When the tissue is well lit, place the warmed cup over it, so it sucks up very quickly.  If it smoulders for a while, it was a good practice run, and repeat with a new tissue.  You are after a very strong suction.
  12. If far too tight, lift the lip of the cup very slowly to expel a little of the suction.
  13. Explain that this is a very strong treatment, as the cup will be on as long as the pulling sensation that starts soon and/or the belly is finally warmed up.
  14. Often, the pulling sensations (forget the navel, it is just a distraction) start in a few minutes – and it could be from anywhere, and they change location as the cold is removed.  I always give them a variety of locations, to allow them to not panic when whatever happens for them does.
  15. By checking every few minutes (and sometimes this has taken 30 minutes to settle down) ensure that your hands are warm first.  To remove the cup; wipe off the oil and place warmed palm on the navel.  If the skin is very cold, optimally you would have had some salt warming in a tissue, next to your skin, or theirs.
  16. Put the warmed salt filled tissue on their navel.  Have punk moxa burning outside – a tightly packed small pyramid of it – have it on a thin slice of ginger so you have  a foundation (useful) to bring the then non longer burning moxa inside.
  17. Continue with a number of pyramids – 3 /5/7  THEN see what may next need doing.
  18. Often nothing. It is a profound change and something to get used to.
  19. Instruct the person as to avoidance of cold – hopefully they will have been grilled as to how it happened in the first place. There is no point in taking out problems for them to recreate them.If there is repeat cold, there must be instructions kept, not just listened to.
  20. This is where the reading of the Cold is Not a Woman’s Friend eBook (It is the same book for men and women – as men have wives, mums, daughters, sisters, workmates who are doing all the things I suggest will wreck the Yang Qi also). This is an entertaining way to get the roots of their illness altered. They need to make the shifts to ensure what they have been doing does not recreate what they do not want.


Do play with this and see what YOU can move

Elder’s ways – Safe, gentle, powerful

You may want to know the full story. .
Even get into my advanced programme – where I let loose with What Works. .

Move the blockages to healing . . .

After 40 + years as a pragmatic practical clinical multi modality natural health problem solver – whose first and major love is acupuncture. . .(Not TCM) and bringing through Light – as the elders did – and as we who are now here in Gaia’s time need to be.  .. join the tribe!!

Let’s Start at The Very Beginning  . .

As the song says ..

Start at the very beginning


Always always always follow instructions till you have mastered this as it is a VERY profound session.It can transform a life Spot the cup!! (pictures 1 and 2)

    MOVE YOUR QI  . .
The challenge 

  • 1 – Lymph moves
  • 2 – Stuck Liver Qi
  • 3 – Rescue the Yang – navel cupping
  • 4 – Moxa and its many uses
  • 5 – Sacral wakeups. . the navel cupping