Do NOT ice your petals. . .

ICE is for dead people. The actual Cold Damages Your Health eBook – is within the Reset Your Metabolism course.
This covers also the videos of all cupping and how to prepare the moxa, with 4 multi media eBooks to work with.
See more here
These were filmed in the state of grace we lived in.
The life now gone – my healing sanctuary/retreat on the West Coast of the South Island of NZ . . prior to May 2020
Below you have me explaining context.
Why, how and what it will do . .
Enhance all flows. . .
Elder’s Ways
Multi lineage, one woman’ s life’s work – as a mum and a caring multi modality bodyworker.
We live in a body
Introducing the female pelvis and the womb positioning
Triage – as I work – I attempt to get the body back to pristine condition.
By removing the stored shock, cold and scars . .
How Your Body Works
Explaining yin and yang, how we get cold in the body and the relationship with thyroid and Iodine . .and Glutathione (See below).
Concepts of Jing and how we pass on the goodness to our babies – or not. ‘Old wives’ tales – and how they are still real.
Trainings – the ‘how’ of this. What to do and what you need
The basics I run through as a reminder for you . . need to know more though – please get the course and all the additional info here
Time, large coin, large GLASS up, tissue, matches, oil for the belly
Stuck Cold
All cultures had their ways. . and all ‘old wives’ tales told you how t avoid this cold invasion – if we had been bothered to listen.
- Taking out cold – another family/home remedy – Gua Sha (CLICK) – do this before the usual ‘fire cupping’.
- Me demo how to do usual cupping. – Need – skill, artery clamps, tissue, methylated spirits, large WARMED cup, and a willing body. This page is about NAVEL cupping the cold out. I add these in for context – to ’round’ it out.
Five Flows
If they stagnate – you will get pain. And be in a lot of trouble

After 2020
I now speak of 6 ‘T”s – the TEMPTATION to listen to those who fill your head with ‘what if’s
What if you have listened – what a mess we are all in now – groomed for slavery – at least in the head.
Set yourself free . . .
Learn to go back to what worked – the elder’s knew.
Five ‘T’s’ – 1 – Tension
Stuck Liver Qi – lack of magnesium getting to where it is needed also.
2 – Temperature
Cold invasion – is not in your best interests – ever.
3 – Torpor
Iodine – topical – and the role of low thyroid function in most conditions. Also mercury and ‘madness’.
4 – Trauma
So many ways we can be ‘stuck in the moment’ (P.T.S.D.) or stuck in our bodies.
5 – Toxins
Where to start? After 202 we now have obvious generalised poisoning as no one is speaking out = the sky – look up and wonder – how long before we are living in Mars – well – we won’t – kill the soil and then we are done for. Perhaps – follow the Life Recipe and ensure that your Glutathione levels are enhanced. No point getting the ‘glutathione’ available from Australia or NZ etc in shops – the body breaks it down – need what does the job – body assembles it. Help yourself in all matters – take an anti aging /anti inflammatory compound to rid you of stored mercury that you should be already making heaps of . . in the form of a glutathione accelerator – help your body help itself – use more energy at least .
‘Mudmap’ of a body

See how to get your own here . .it is the original one with a composition patent. (CLICK) I have no idea how anyone lives without this – it totally changed my, my husband’s, my brain injured and profoundly vaxx injured autistic daughter, and all who are in a mess – especially from fibromyalgia – almost any ‘hard cases. MERCURY?
Selenium – an essential micronutrient
So much is assumed – the ‘balanced’ diet myth. Your food factory actually has to be able to use what comes in.
Selenium? See more here Zinc – see more here. Watch this interesting life story – and take notes ..
Dead Doctors Do Not Lie – we need to follow LIFE – not medicine.
Cold and metabolism
Answering a question about anorexia and others who think that the addition of cold will enhance their metabolism. I suspect all women will find that the reverse is true. To lose weight, gain health and vigor .
You may need to undo what has broken you.
Cold will be there – get the Reset Your Metabolism – as your low body functioning starts with TOO MUCH COLD stored within . . feel your belly, your butt and your outer thighs – do you need more clothes on – feel the cold more than others seem to? There you are. . Reynard’s syndrome – any PAIN issues? Gut problems of any description?

These start with YOU putting the fire out . .
And still thinking that you can cook with it like that!!
There are so many courses – online that you may learn more from . .
See more here. . . and see what else is possible – in Heather’s Gentling Ways
Perhaps email me your interest? (CLICK)