MID JULY all I have said still applies. . .
How much time is awaiting?
All I suggest is already the LEAST possible that may work . . .
No one talks on men’s health
He needs to insert warmed castor oil up inside his rectum every night
See more here
What I have written here is not SPECIFICALLY male fertility – but is mostly why you are not making babies.
I will send you the FREE link you the men’s practical – if you think that you WILL use it . . .
No point paying for others (‘professionals – those jabbed ones) to do what is not good enough.
All of what I am putting out has been working for anyone.
Regardless of prior info.
Best possible needed – not fast – but well made
Gut Microbiome
GUT HEALTH – is why baby is missing.. .. not maternal age . ..
BOTH need to be in great health – the gyne herbs are a good idea – you have bought them – take them as intended. .
Gut health need to BOTH of you need to take the PRE biotic – no use taking a PRO – and the fermented foods will (food for the good ones) do
Ideally you also take the probiotic I have here as they go together well. as only need ever one time.
The epi-gastric is to assist.
YES – I could send you what they have for I.B.S. BUT you need to do the online courses to undo the stress/tension .
That creates it. STUCK LIVER QI goes in to all the body – and the Liver energy and meridian is what goes around and through the genitals and the gut .. .(and all the genital areas).
TO TAKE . . .
Vit D3 – BOTH – one every day til finished – will need to order more – this is TWO month’s worth
More on Vit D 3 and why here and also what we make hormones with
PRE BIOTIC – to feed the good ones. . .
PRO BIOTIC following – and then STOP the pro . .eat differently
EPI -GASTRIC will need more – I only have one – and after the end of these – let me know – if he needs their specific I.B.S. as it is only ‘stress’
COOL BLUE (I have 2 lots) – will assist the heat to leave the liver and its channels that go around the genitals BUT you need to be taking the online courses and DO THE WORK.
PRO CREATION D – to build up your Blood energy – 4 x 3 daily . . .
And then also – let me know in the last week’s left – progress report (no charge ) to see where you go next. Many – including a couple in India have gotten their first baby – after in their case 4 years no pregnancy even , even with IVF – is always him as well – if not at least…

What we are trying to avoid
Trouble .
Likely not there – but as sperm is made by what is ‘left over’ –
Alfonso’s gut, nasal blockages, and sleeping issues and early life (sickly kid) all are concerning
Do watch this – I did it in 2005 . .
Do watch – it may assist you.
Since then I suggest NINE cups of coloured veggies daily,
Using Iodine painted on
Will finish off tomorrow – internet is painfully slow.