About you . .
Looking for answers? In pain? Suffering? Misery? Trauma ongoing . . .?
All and every level of pain is likely to be the solution to something that is hidden.
It may be that you are told something you do not agree with – to be searching still.
Whether it is you are to be the way you are forever onwards – that you must ‘learn to live with it’: be it in pain and take medications, can’t sleep and the same, depressed – likewise, infertile, even . . about to die or anything in between. Maybe it has all just worn you down . . severe and long standing pain will do that.
Possibly you are on a slew of medications . . . ..
Feel like you have been everywhere and tried everything?
STILL got what started you down the path of searching? And here you are . .
Let us go down a different path . . . Find out what your body telling you.
When we find that answer – it is likely the ever louder warnings – especially pain – will diminish.

Need some help?
We all are congested in the pelvis. We store life residue there – incidents, operations, and falls – all work to reduce the natural flows that allow periods, babies, and Qi (life force) to flow as designed.
Little asked question .
If we wish to ‘fix’ it – we may need to know. .
How does a body work?
1 – Structure determines function:
Here we have the bio mechanical aspects.
The pelvis is the central way through – for all blood vessels and nerve pathways to allow life to function.
Is it able to freely flow?
That is a question that all need asking – when there is ANY pain or dysfunction.
What to do?
Ask – what happened? It must have worked better at some point – and go from there.
2 – Life impacts
What has left its mark on a supposedly perfect system as life happened?
We need to see what is blocking normal.
Assuming that the body/mind ever was working optimally – this alone is a massive subject.
Accidents, incidents, expectations not met, whatever is STUCK and not moving this is where we need go find resolution.
3 – Input:
Ingredients (nutrients) and also information
Most see what they eat – and to a point this is important.
More though – is what you do with it next.
4 – What you do with it – can the body process this?
Not only the gut – food factory – but the mind – is there an over flow? STUCK again?

Whatever problem the person is focusing on – the entire body will be in disorder.
This is where the energy model being holistic is turned to in all the Gentling Way work.
We have hardware – the physical body – and the electrics – the energy that runs us – allows us to be.

Maybe a more holistic/life approach will help you live in your body better?
Body heals itself
Flows must flow
Body remembers/(stores for later) everything that has ever happened to it
Energy follows thought
Structure determines function
If we get past what is blocking this – life is easier
Shows up when there is blockage.
That simple.
Body heals itself
When it can – what stops it – back to nutrients (availability of quality and ability to process)
and flows (wastes out and what is needed to keep the system functioning perfectly balanced). . . .
Flows must flow – circulation
A novel concept? We assume too much sometimes – Are the basics happening?
Not if you are in a house and the sewerage backs up – is obvious. Or if the water in the taps is not running.
Regardless of the way the body seems to be breaking down currently – the place to start is to look to nutrients and circulation
What fuels and repairs the body? Is it getting in and being used appropriately?
Is the system getting sufficient flows of what is needed happening?
What they have .
What is supposed to be . .
How to get one back to the other?
What is not cleared, is stored
Body remembers/(stores for later) everything that has ever happened to it
Circulation again – and . . .
Energy follows thought
Assumptions, beliefs, expectation and desires
This is part of the programming – Survival – homeostasis (bringing back balance) is needed for this.
Body – has a plan seed to seed . . . growth, reproduction and aging through – 7 and 8 year cycles.
Mind – is cluttered with life and what ‘self’ wants.
Soul – why here? Life to experience and to learn. .
Structure determines function
Being within a physical body, we can only work as well as the alignment.
Hence in Gentling Way we have to centre the centre – on the physical – that is the womb.
In the life – that is having the driver where overseeing all is possible. Clarity.
Aligning to our life purpose . .
If we have no idea look to what you resist the most – that is likely the gift that needs unwrapping (hence we start always with selfing and going through to Self Discovery and on into Self Mastery – as the self needs to be put in its place

If this is intriguing for you and you wish to know more,
reach out of one of the Gentling Way practitioners (CLICK).
If you want to learn how to help others using these ways:
please contact Heather (CLICK)