Who is this for?
Anyone who feels that there is more that they can do about whatever ails them – be it cosmetic, (what if you have a gigantic LEDGE after having this cut?
Or if you can’t look at it – or bare anyone to see it . . .or have done ‘everything’ and still it is the bane of your life. . .
Or if you feel as though you are bending over – possibly – one woman I relieved of her STUCK nearly fell backwards when she got off the treatment couch as she no longer had to hold herself straight – so almost back on her back she went . . .
This is transformational.
All who do what I suggest have what they wanted. Those how ‘whimp out’ somehow
Do not.
We can hope – Or help ourselves. .
It may take time.
What do YOU have to lose?
Maybe a lot of hassles.
What do we do about healing what that C section did to us?
Not the same since . . . . .
How can we help ourselves. Beginning with the UNBLOCKING YOUR SCAR workshop here
The emotional content is also present – here we will deal with the physical
My own body has driven this process. .
There is a variety of trauma/stuck is tied up in all of our bodies . .
Regardless of THE STORY – we need flows of Qi, blood and nerves to flow as intended. . .
Get yourself some water, a pen and paper – and shall we investigate?
ANY SCAR – there are such different blockages
You will be surprised – what comes up – the body has memories of everything that has happened to it . .
And these may well surface. The body remembers all that has happened to it.
Maybe across the armpit – excessive sweating – and after operation – (also now the breast implants may be inserted there).
Not knowing that they now have loss of arm function.
Also use SMOKY/REAL moxa – remember the UNBLOCKING YOUR SCAR workshop?
Do see my site – The Gentling Way
I speak of STUCK – not trauma – this is STUCK in the moment – not flowing . . this pain and disruption
Shall we?
Changes WILL happen
Gently touch your own scar – exploration. How does the skin layer feel? There are another 6 levels that were cut through – and they are likely all stuck together – the fascia is tangled. Flows can’t, and the sliding and gliding that is supposed to happen – can’t. Healing comes down to loving patience.
What is obstructing flows?
Things not as designed . .you need to undo your life residue – how did it all come about?
It may be your turn now as the children have/life has moved on.
Bladder? A lot is not as it was . . so it can’t work as it used to – or maybe never has since the cutting that happened.
Your hands, your intention, your body, your comfort . . . see the selfing package
Many ways to help yourself – including loving yourself better .. . as your priority
What else to do?
Self help – any abdominal surgical incursions
Any scar – the wadding for the castor oil may be your ENTIRE body – undo all adhesions . . .When we allow the various helpers especially castor oil and our fingers to do the work (aided by moxa stick, comfrey ointment and the perineal steaming – and time – we can get our own resilience back. Maye investigate the Selfing package at the end of this work
Who gets a C section?
Castor oil pack and inside locally, wadding, cut off pantyhose – or old britches – hot water bottle
and application – helping yourself. Anyone can – Pricklies – and do it yourself . . .
Results base – I am now teaching – does it work?
YES – when we are multi modality and results – not ‘research’ based.
LIFE – we are all dynamic and healing and life are dynamic.
My initial maternity? Troubles as I had thought I knew better than my culture.
YOU have to do the same – Love Your Body Better – see the LIFE Essentials project at the end of this section.
Nutrients needed
We need to be able to repair and renovate ourselves. Maybe ask – what were you making that baby with? All farmers know – all animal breeders and gardeners know – ingredients for life needed to make great products. When making a cake/cooking – all written as needed on the recipe must be on hand. This is true when we are in a body and when we are making babies. Maybe wonder – with what? No TRYING.
Do the best job possible. Consciously.
MUST fix the past C section/womb/belly wounds – before you get pregnant AGAIN . .
Shall we clear the debris? Undo the first one happened and what happened after the fact.
Woman with 10 C sections in 12 years – HOW is this possible?
Following all I am saying – plus my needling and all the dietary add-ons –
Most have no idea how resilient a body can be. Another woman had what amounted to 4 cuts – her womb was hacked in both directions in one birth. After much Heather ministrations, she had a triumphant last birth at home – after much care undoing the blockages of flows – from me – needling, cupping, touch therapy and much other modality work. Very possible with intention, and application.
Undo all health problems BEFORE the next pregnancy . . EASY PREGNANCY RESOURCES/ or EASY PREGNANCY SOLUTIONS offers
Aftereffects of scars on the inside of your womb
In the next pregnancy
What else can ‘go wrong’? C Section Defect, Placenta Accreata and previa.
What causes these deviations from normal? Having a wounded womb. The mother of 10 babies from C sections has not had these issues – as she is diligently following all I said to do- nourishment and after care of the surgery – forever after – as her connective tissue needs considerable assistance. For ever
CAUTION – Growing another baby in a wounded womb
How to rescue ourselves? Start with acceptance – especially if you have had ANY belly surgery . .
Castor oil packs needed – and all the work I am suggesting when pregnant as what is BLOCKED needs to flow properly again – stop all complications – return your body to perfect functioning – even though with a huge cut or many small cuts and what they have left behind- bodies are AMAZING and can fix themselves – do take charge
The pack of online helpers is at the bottom of this page – or seen here
Endometrial issues – may give you placental issues in pregnancy
YOU need to take charge – as your body is not in optimal baby making condition if ANY surgery has happened.
Look after mum well
YOU need nutrients to make and feed your babies well
And – still – you may end up with extras that you did not have prior to the C Section.
Endometriosis and andenomyosis . .
YOU have to do the work (whose body/life is it?
Sliding and gliding needed for you to be easily happy in your body –
Change it – see this page – it is YOUR belly and YOUR life
ADHESIONS need undoing.
Hence the UNDOING YOUR SCAR workshop and others mentioned throughout this page. FOUNDATIONAL MOVES is a great start
Broken baby factory . . breaks your life also – a gift that keeps on giving
This is NOT based on ‘research’ by those who think and write and copy the thoughts of others.. . .
In this series and all of the work I offer – it is about RESULTS.
If they are not there as expected. . ..what then? we deviate into healing – not protocol.
The process to go through so you DO ‘win” The Gentling Way (womyn’s ways of knowing) – not forcing (the men’s contribution – MAKE IT).
I have researched at length in my various clinics across all matters, all the decades and encompassing the tools I have put together.
I am offering this to YOU as who else is really helping?
Across all ‘modalities’/life? Who knows that the structure of the uterus will mess with . . . life

What next? YOU work on YOU
Hope for the best – or commit to being in a better body and sign up for change. .
An introduction into the energy /electrical/Light and soul infused concepts that my work is based upon
Heavily founded in my own living as woman, and writing, teaching and being the natural health helper for others
An extensive look at what goes into a body to have to Live Well.
How to love yourself better – at home – any scar, any stage of life
A gentle introduction into using your own hands to heal yourself – with the belly moves
A thorough look at all YOU can do at home to allow UNSTICKING the ones you love best with a partner.
This includes the womb work for men – their prostate may need as much attention as women’s wombs do . .
A specific home remedy for now – elder’s medicine brought into the toxic world of ignoring the obvious – from the ‘old wives tales’ of avoiding all cold exposure- to what to do to undo what the stored cold energy is doing to you – is FOUNDATIONAL so is also in the course above – but with more on moxa usage, and topical iodine – plus the peristeaming – that appears in the next offering.
SELFING (click to link to the page)
Offering how YOU at how can engage the traditions of others – East Asian and Belizean medicine ways particularly
WHAT CAUSES HEALTH – a little explored question – all laid bare.
SOOTHING – how YOUR hands can do so much – on yourself/
PERISTEAMING – it takes time loving patience, plus water, herbs and heat to really release what is blocking your flows – gently at home.
Stepping through working with your hands on your man

Such a gift to baby – bonded loving parents
The initial course in this series is free – as YOU need to work out where YOU are in all of the current ignoring nature
Shall we explore what nature always did?
Has in store for you – if you let her?
A collection of what you need to be happy in a perfect pregnancy – and to ensure you return your body to how this is possible.
As well as the offerings above, in depth addition into 12 eBooks as photographic essays and stories to allow you to really ‘get’ that this is not only possible, but likely – you are treading a path many – have before. .