C section repair – July 2021


What is this?

Needling to allow healing the instructions – for neck/C section



Self help page (to go into an online course) (CLICK)

Sharp pointies 101

  • starts at 6.30  (if we have not shaved it off first).
  • 4 minutes – personality cage
  • 6 minutes ‘your job to fix me’  – Impact of influences on a person’s life
  • 6.30 – What part of ‘I’ is running the show?
  • 10 – pre qualify people – R.I.C.E. (CLICK)
  • 10.30 7 ‘L’s’ (CLICK)
  • 14 minutes – the different resources
  • 20 – walking on – Heather conglomerate
  • 22 – as manuals for walk ins . .
  • 22.30Duality poster   
  • 23.30 – Growing a temple for another to live in – all of life.

Have we been bonsaied?


Soul transfer (CLICK)

(Walking in document)

  • 27– do the really want to be ‘fixed’?
  • 27.50 Need to drink more water – rubbish collection unit (lymph) is now busy
  • 30 – YOU have been gifted a body – me speaking of the process of being ‘dumped’ here the walking in process. . and being different as a kid.
  • 32University of 7 Rays (CLICK)
  • 33– Acupuncture is about QI moving . .
  • 34 – Soul – we start with soul . . ‘broken’ in early life.

  • 8 extras and Xi Cleft and Luo and Master Points – the ones I use all the time .
  • 37 – embryology  and the beginning of the channel system. (8 Extras). Ren, Du and Chong Mai
  • 38.50 Mantek Chia (BOOKS) (CLICK) – all of his books explain the microcircuits in the body. Also Jeffrey Yuen (CLICK) (91st master in his family line).
  • 39.50 – Liberating what is there as stored until – Perverse energy is in storage – major role of the Extras (regulate maintain and supervise the circulate in the main meridians).
  • 42 – WHOSE responsibility??
  • 43 – What does a Xi Cleft point do? Moves STUCK
  • 46 – Whiplash – or is it??
  • 50 – How I work – and why . .we started feeling how the adhesions shifted massively – with needles – eg GV 1
  • 52.50 – the Dai Mai and the points – and Bandl’s ring – hit the acupoint GB 41.
  • 54  Microbleeding (CLICK)
  • 57  REALLY cold belly – 25.5C
  • 58 – STORIES  . . everyone has – they get in the way.. .
  • 58.30 – Qiao vessels and what they do – bring fluids up and down the body to brain and eyes – bleed the tiny minute ones and all is better – as if by magic – is actually we are cleaning out the fuses.
  • 1.03.00 – Why not fix the problem? Move the Qi.
  • 1.05.00 – Engaging the personality – IT’S NOT FAIR!!!
  • 1.07.00 – What does it mean to you (Middle circle) Life Rescue (CLICK)
  • Lenley – what it meant to her – and her analogy.
  • 1.09.00 – after ‘not again?’ – a bit of the Option Process (CLICK) – one line at a time . ..
  • (not again – where does that go?
  • Zoe – what would it mean to you to NOT be a chiropractor – where did it get felt??
  • 1.10.00Lenley – what would it mean to you – if you were not running ‘it’s my job’?
  • 1.14.00 – who/what is going to take me down next??
  • 1.17.00 Lenley again . .
  • 1.19.00 – Chopped some out
  • 1.19.20 – How to get out of the game. . . (Heather and the way to clear out a connection (in grace).
  • 1.22.30 – How do we clear what we are stuck in? (E.G. – What to do with the kid you maybe ‘hate’ (having a personality spat with).

(I am in a bubble of Light and only Light can come to me and only Light can be here).  Life Rescue course (CLICK)

We then did cases all afternoon – here is some extra info

Uterine rake revision (CLICK)

Uterine rake to fix necks – ROSE a few years ago after accident (CLICK)

Past case . .including needles (CLICK)

Cases . .

Rose (2 C sections – 2 years apart) – 1st – the young male resident broke her waters as she was ‘due’ – and after 46 hours – as a young single mum – she was wheeled in. Second was a C section as she had had the first.


What I have done in the past – eg San Diego in Feb 2018 (CLICK).

Pregnancy back pain study (CLICK)

Back pain cases (CLICK)

Article BackPain Acupuncturists H 1st April 2018 (CLICK to pdf)

Moxa – how to do sacral moxa fan (CLICK)

Please look to all on ingredients here (CLICK)
Fingertip rescues (CLICK)
Opening the baby gate (CLICK)


Painless pregnancy – easy maternity (CLICK).

Easy birthing – Move Your Qi meets WDCD as Pelvic Opening  to be taught by all who have been working with me.

Josi’s youngest child’s birth story (CLICK)

Need to get
Serrapeptase (CLICK) – take three months worth – will magic the adhesions away internally.

Reminder – what is gentling? Where it came from? (CLICK)