
I think that I have all that I mentioned – if not, when you go over this again, please let me know.
I am in your area for a week in early November . .
Retroversion as well . .
The womb whispering I do, and teach is a combination of many lineages, styles, modalities and what I have found to work
In all cases – being womb centric is the answer.
I did not mentions intimate care – the continence issues are also easily adjusted.
I did not ask you if you remember peeing prior to pushing baby out.
Not doing so is the usual reason incontinence is a feature.
And being packed in ice – perineum or on your breasts is a great way to wreck a perfectly good body – from then on. .
Patti’s diastasis . . . can’t find the teaching class page was on but here is the raw footage
This happened on day 2 straight after I had done the adhesion breaking on the really old appendix scar (after needling it etc . .)
Any body part ‘playing up’ is a result of the lack of appropriate flows – and we can restore these, enabling healing
Castor oil
Glutathione accelerator takes the mercury out a pathway that the drops (liquid activated zeolites – do not.
Ensuring the metabolic pathways are more likely to support life.
Glutathione accelerator – I suggest that you get 3 months at a time. On autoship.
We have been on continually for 15 years.
Hence we get things done – and life is easy . .
How I helped myself (to get off the heart and thyroid medications)
Kaliana Rose – her site here – for vibrational assistance and her wonderful birth trauma relief etc drops
Faja – great help – also the Unina – see the diastasis info
I mentioned that I went to USA to get this also – to offer others – Mercier therapy
Diastasis – see some of what I have on this here
BBT – take to check on real thyroid function
Gentling Way – my amalgam of all I have found that works – softly – butterfly touch
Rainey is on 0468536347 – and is on the hln page