Challenges in your breast area?
Or someone you know totally distressed at her breast history/future?

Too big? Too small?
Irregular sizes?
Pain, tenderness?
Itchy nipples?
Fibrocycstic breast disease?
Nodules? Lumpy?
OR . . . . .
Maybe you are scared of breast cancers appearing.
Spent your life taking mammograms and listening to the fear generated by having relations with a shared gene mutations causing female cancers?
Waiting for your turn?
Do you want to help yourself?
Who talks about improving breast wellness?
Who knows how to heal all apparent conditions – up to and including cancers?
Who can assist you return to perfect functioning?
Did you know that your body can unmake it has made in desperation?
1 – Bodies heal themselves
If they can . . .
(We may need to change some things)
We are more than flesh and blood . . . the medical way is to only see the physical body = and wait till something you FEEL is not right finally shows up in that realm – testing may show not what is ‘wrong’ till it is VERY wrong. In the meantime – you could have been resolving why your body was giving out warnings – ever louder – till . . it was roaring at you. And often still – you are old’ we don’t know’.
Perhaps – look to what drives/instructs the physical?
Beliefs to thoughts to energy to likely STUCK in the physical – shall we go back to the beginning? (Left hand side of the page)

2 – What Causes Health
Maybe time to change focus and look at what you can do to live better.
Easier if you return to the owner’s manual – where YOU are working WITH – not against your body and its wisdom.
How did our breasts grow? By virtue of the 7 year cycles women are run by. When we have grown to adult state – the ovaries then start giving out messages. Messages – how well nourished, how upset, how toxic our lives are – all eventually show up here – prior to that – maybe in the periods, and pregnancy issues. What messages (energy circulation) are impacted by life?

3 – Body remembers everything that ever happened to it
Memories/lost in your tissues may be sending out very different messages to what YOU think is going on
We can undo this . .
Gentling Way – let it go – in a graceful way . . . your pace, your hands, your future
4 – Energy follows thought
Maye focus in healing – the way back to perfect – as designed? Look at salutogenesis.
What HAVE they told you you have/will get?
Do they know what caused it?
How to back out of it?
Nature does. Shall we follow her?
Following the Life Recipe may help.
5 – Flows must flow
Cancer Solutions?
Easily undone – when you change what CREATED your cells going rogue
6 – What about food – nutrients?
Important – yet ONLY ONE of the feet of the table. .

Food – fuel and repairing agent.
Minerals and better quality and amounts of clean water are a good start.
7 – Structure determines function
Changeable – we can gracefully let anything go – maybe begin with guided meditations in the ‘What Causes Health’ (one of the three online courses in the Selfing – Stage 1 online offering) in the Selfing course/.
As you believe – so it is – OR – take charge – recreate perfect – as you were to be.

Maybe get your flows flowing again – a gentle introduction to my courses (unlocking your scar) – your hands, your blockages – resolved.
8 – Getting started
Whatever your focus – you would like to feel better.
Why not start with – living better.
An entire course of information not found elsewhere. .
From my decades of working with people feeling hopeless – so easily helped when we focus on getting better.
At least – drink more water – and less of all other liquids that you are presently
Tepid – not chilled. This is a whole other issue . . Every time you feel like eating – a tepid glass of pure (not distilled) water, possibly with some salt (not white) . .you will be amazed. Give yourself a3 litre a day challenge for a week – preferably a month – and see what shifts.
A lot is likely – especially when you knock off the habits you have – that are creating what it is that you do not want.
The Selfing online course – where YOU learn to help your self
What is Health?
Soothing – the belly moves to loosen your stress and get your gut working for you again
Peristeaming – a huge rejuvenation secret from so many cultures,
What if you do not investigate this gem?
More of what led you here?
What do you want to/what have you got to lose?
Worry, pain, more surgery?