You are here as you are probably wondering where your babies are
Health – that is the issue.
Whose definition?
Nature patently does not think you are as a couple or maybe only singly.
Let us find out why not – and fix that.
Not childlessness.
Sex makes babies – that is its job.
Why is it not with you?
When you are well and all is aligned
After my 4 decades of working with couples – this is the message
I know this is not what anyone else says – that is because they do not know.
(Including specialists on all aspects of reproductive medicine)
How do I know?
I have been doing this longer than anyone left standing.
Since prior to IVF starting off as a retail industry.
I have been asking different questions . .
Why is this happening being the major one.
Like a Discovery Process in a detective novel – what else may be at play?
Here it is. .
Forget about HER age and whether she has endo or not.
These are excuses. . .

Were his visually normal sperm 50% (under the level was considered infertile a few decades ago) – she would be a mum. Not a secret. Always go back to nature – and how would we have been decades/millennia ago? Go to that lifestyle – and stop carrying phones, keys and all else that heats us up – in the vicinity. Turn off the Wi-Fi – take out the smart meters – and the dirty electrics – they all take a huge toll.
When his testicles are cool – and his BBT is normal –
likely babies happen.
Why cool balls?
Heat destroys
Jing (your life bank balance – and its quality). Heat also kills off the sperm – or at least maims them.
Chasing initially the rectal BBT (Basal Body temperature) of the man – I found that it no longer was showing the ‘truth’. What do I mean? In the past almost 10 years – the decline in everyone’s health has been horrifying to watch.
Gut health is that which impacts upon the sperm and the egg and the baby making most.
And your own lives . .
(This is a carving in rock)
Maybe ponder . .
We all want the best possible – naturally made to perfection
Cases to illustrate . .
I only saw her (as an intensive initially then regularly then very sporadically).
We relied on herbs and all her self caring from the courses and the demonstrations – as she found – if she stopped these – problems started to show themselves again.
#1 – Against all medical possibility!!
He started at 5% and pH 8.1 – 42 million – 35% immobile (DEAD).
They had only made a miscarriage before seeing me. After so many months of ‘trying’. Found as well – all her terrible endo. She would not have known she had any – except the sperm did not make a great bub and this was post miscarriage investigations!
She had a lot of work with me as her surgery aftermath (no after care) was horrendous and necessitated an external ‘poo bag’ for 3 months – so vast scarring and trauma – and after I had attended to all of this – and she diligently (O.C.D.) did steaming and castor oil nightly and self care massage – if she missed the endo started to come back . .
What do I mean?
As a Mercier trained worker – I do a combination of so many styles as after 4 decades I have a huge ‘bag of tricks’ and have fond only seeing a person for an hour or so even every week or so – does not allow the deep shifts that the melding of the many different modalities I use to weave their magic.
Endo – see more here . .
She took 2 months to get pregnant (when ‘trying’) – and the sperm was the major issue – as always. As she said – had she not found me – she would have gone to IVF eventually – and the sperm would still hold them back – but of course on all those IVF drugs she would have had a disaster – as more estrogenic attacks on her body she did not need.
Work to do on the sperm – it was not great . . HE needs to be so much better if she has a few ‘issues’ – and this woman had way too many – the adhesions from the several operations – (30 years old) – and all the local trauma and the heartache . . changed the diet and lifestyle radically – Husband lost 7 kg – by cutting back (not all gone) on alcohol and almost no coffee – meant he drank more water! Was on 7++ weekly and 3-4 cups daily. Testicles much cooler. Anal BBT normal . . When we fix him . . . . .babies flow
Liquid Activated Zeolites are the start. – and so much more water. . FIVE (5) drops x 6 daily.
Why? Is the only way to kick start what often has been so much tragedy.
You can come back from no ejaculate to at least enough to be used in IVF.
All not only 5% looking stunningly healthy.
We need to clear out what is blocking life force. To sort out the metabolism. The hormones (messengers) must be able to allow the nutrients so needed for life to get into the tissues to MAKE better mums and dads-to-be – and babies.
#2 from NZ intensive – couple
They came over to do this with me . Have now had 3 dead bubs. Because? Apparently ‘genetic’ issues – they had one healthy daughter. So far we are still in rescue mode. Me not even in same country. Herbs and detox. I would not suggest that they try for several more months as this case is all so fraught. No support medically – or any answers . . After first son being stillborn – the second baby died. (With the whooping cough injection they gave her at 7 months – he was an already compromised (not normal but fixable) fetus. I have been involved with several with the diaphramatic hernia – but again – why is this happening? Not good enough beginnings. .
They watched their son dwindle within her – with the scans that were happening anyway – and he did not make it to come out breathing. This is after all the losses to date. Recently chosen to abort the ‘not compatible with life’ 22 weeker. IVF Last year. There is plenty for me to ‘fix’ – she was so ill with stress in that last accidental pregnancy (before I gave them the ”all clear” and it was not).
To them is the task of keeping strong whilst getting baby ready.
His testes are
now cool and his
BBT is now normal and so far – not done one recently – but not been on either the
liquid activated zeolites or
Glutathione – so they will have even more time between their 4 year old and the next one. They need to be diligently on
zeolites – both of them – for three months AT LEAST and the
Glutathione before the next hopeful baby attempt.
To couples like this – is either do all I say – or no baby????
I go by the temps – and the testicles are the key – once the BBT is normal – should follow. . (- this with the changes)
BUT – you want to fix the underlying so a miscarriage is not needed to cull out what should not have happened.
His sperm results to date are slowly improving. Was the reason they went to a naturopath originally. Then 3 lots of IVF – and here we are – doctors now saying – never try again . .
Why I mention them – is just a case (after so many of these) of not giving up – of doing all – and waiting – the massage and
prostatic drainage and the herb taking and staying with the ‘programme’ always gives us what we want and usually within 6 months. She is so much more together – and health/hair/thyroid all good – me managing them from here and sending ‘care’ packages over.
Another intensive graduating couple
#3 – 24 years old – now pregnant
Young couple – 1% normal . . . as with the 35/36C and 36 BBT – now 11 weeks pregnant – and they were no pregnancy after 18 months. Same deal – the intensive programme (acupuncture is a small part of this energy/body work – yet incredibly powerful on the right sequence), the herbs and the zeolites – to clear out along with life style shifts. She had PCOS and very long cycles – they ‘fell off the wagon’ with food once and she was hospitalised (migraine outrageous) – it makes a huge difference to be clean and just do it all ..
Testes – 35/36 C to now 29/30C. BBT 36.8 (was 36C).
The tests measure what was happening 3 months before. . .
Were –
1% normal 9 million (ideally 350 million/ml) – 69% dead.
2 months later – lots of work (intensive, herbs following strict changes – esp this exercise and out of toxic work environment – solvents) here . .
3% normal 24 million (ideally 350 million/ml) – 33% dead and the rest maybe helpful – at least moving. .
No more tests – a chemical’ pregnancy next cycle and then normal pregnancy.
No one seems to think to do the ‘exit’ test – so all we know is he and she are well. Now.