We are all of the light and may have forgotten
What does it mean to be me?
I own – “it is my feeling that…”
I suspend judgement. (Especially of myself)
I came here alone. I leave alone
All that life asks of me is that I take another breath
If I don’t know, what would I guess it be?
When I get out of my own way, magic can happen
A fish does not know that it is in water.
I am not there, now.
What is my story? (The Pay Off?)
What shifts – if I live from my heart?
When I accept the limitations of others. . . .
I don’t know what I do not know
The gift of a question
I look after me first
Imperfect/any action is better than none
I have found these far better than any of the 30+ boxes of cards that I have selected.
We will get these done SOON . .
When you are in online classes, the numbers 1- 51 presently – people will have to pick one and that will do.
Obviously – when we have physical people we use physical cards. .
And anyone can have them as it is yet another of my projects – starting and not yet finished. . .
Me talking with Quesha about doing a Selfing in your own space

Steaming as a teaching tool – to normalise .
See/listen to the precis I did with Sita a few years ago at her house (2019).
CLICK the link above
Right – me in the Korean Chai Yok dress – the national women’s Korean costume – they all wear – that one was rubberised as is over the entire steaming set up.

Meditations to chose from – listen and write a precis for yourself
Reunion – 1999 CD two tracks
Shared food – to bring NOT sweet but savoury and warming .
Monitors. . . are needed. To help you and model us all being in a red-tentlike circle.
Boundaries – the most important lesson in selfing.
MUST set boundaries – as agreements – to model this.