Asherman’s Syndrome
Asherman’s Syndrome is a condition in which there is formation of scar tissue (called ‘adhesions’) inside the uterus, obliterating the endometrial cavity partially or completely and preventing normal menstrual periods. The normal anatomy of the uterus consists of two thick muscular walls (the anterior uterine wall and the posterior uterine wall) enclosing a cavity called the endometrial cavity. The tissue lining of this cavity is called the ‘endometrium’.

The main function of the endometrium is to grow a baby nest . . . and change in structure sufficiently during each menstrual cycle, so that a fertilized ovum can implant in it, allowing a pregnancy to develop. If pregnancy does not occur, the lining (endometrium) degenerates and sloughs off during the menstrual period.
If there are adhesions inside the uterus, the endometrium is damaged leading to the inability to grow a lining and thus a baby. This shows up as changes to the cycle .. secondary amenorrhea (no or very scanty periods).
This can occur in any women of any age who have undergone trauma – usually an intra-uterine procedure as an abortion, D&C or childbirth. It is most common after a D&C is performed on a recently pregnant uterus.
Asherman’s Syndrome – adhesions within the uterus – non medical means
Grades of Asherman’s syndrome
Depending on the extent and thickness of the adhesions, Asherman’s Syndrome is mild, moderate or severe.
- Mild Asherman’s Syndrome: Adhesions are thin and flimsy. They can be easily torn with a thin instrument like an uterine sound or a hysteroscope. The inside of the womb (endometrial cavity) may be partially or totally covered by adhesions, but the endometrium itself is not damaged greatly.
- Moderate Asherman’s Syndrome: The adhesions in this grade are thicker with strands of muscular tissue mixed with the fibrous tissue. The endometrial cavity may be partly or completely affected. The adhesions cannot be broken easily and may bleed during the procedure.
- Severe Asherman’s Syndrome: The adhesions are thick, and there is extensive damage of the endometrium. The uterine walls stick together, completely obliterating the endometrial cavity.
What to do . .
Reach out for help – as regardless of finding a great surgeon skilled in undoing this – or not – there is natural healing. Likely it will need assistance – and may not start by itself.
In Chinese /Eatr Asian medicine – the term ‘Stuck Blood (CLICK)’ applies. I always work with the notion that the body made this – it can undo it – returning all to normal. Other therapists may not. They may consistently suggest that the body needs their help – even though in their model/paradigm, often they have no idea why there may be ‘spontaneous /miraculous healing or why things turn out wrong – as there is less understanding of how a body works and heals itself – than you would imagine. Let go of limits. .the body can heal itself. – When we undo blockages to this.
As you are here . .
Options ..
Heal your own body taking care across all aspects of life to do what supports/enhances life.
May not be quick. May need a lot of effort – and across many modalities. This is where using all possible assistance comes in. It is possible – and all of the work below needs dong even more so if the surgery has happened – or at any stage of undoing anything womb or wombspace wise.
Natural healing – and constant self care
1 – Self care massage (CLICK)
2 – Castor oil packs . .
Please see more here (CLICK) Essential
3 – Perineal steaming
Essential – Please see more here (CLICK)

4 – Start a self care daily routine – you are the most important person in your life.
Your state of daily hydration, nutrients, digestion, emotions, and of ‘stress’ and tension – can all be released.
5 – Change your womb = change your life

Choose a Gentling Way practitioner (CLICK) – who has been through likely her own dramas and is passionate about helping you with yours – plus – she has taken all my multi modality transformative energy body work. My Moving Blockages to Healing style has been successfully taught for the past 40 years – hands on energy understanding of the nature nature of flows being blocked – look to the causes of wellness – Life Recipe (CLICK) – and the ways we can help ourselves – as to change we will heal – change who and what you believe yourself to be. Reframe that ‘life’ you feel victim to also (free online course – CLICK). .
I will only see people as couples – if this is a fertility issue.
I will only work in intensive blocks of therapy – each session is likely to be at least 3 hours as it takes time to undo what has been botched – your rescue has been likely in many stages and still you are here.
Searching for help.
Gentle, holistic and looking back at how you got to here – undoing it subtly, in stages.

All very possible
Take the time to find out where your babies are . . .
Until you solve this part of the puzzle – your womb is not happy. Relieve all constraints to easy bleeding.
Flows MUST flow. (Stop all use of bleeding aids that restrain the movement OUT of your body – honour your bleeding. Easy baby making starts with healthy parents-to-be).
