This was originally presented in the Advanced Arvgio workshop – For me in Oct 2014 – Lisa likely earlier.
Lisa and I retrieved it from our memory banks – not working for 3 years has meant life is oddly happening.

Start with NOT recreating this problem. Setting up to win.
Everything gentling MUST have been before this.
Reminder – see Lisa on ligaments – below. .
More on ligaments here More on retroversion here
More on prolapse here
They MUST do their homework: self care includes the steaming, the belly soothing and the nourishing LIFE by following time honoured traditions ..
Cold loo seat – needs to be at least wood – not plastic –
cold floors, ‘grounding’, ending a shower with cold,
Using ice on anything that is sore (stops circulation)
Sleeping with A.C. on or windows open or fans on
Having a cool/cold anything to eat or drink (esp fruit from the fridge, especially on an empty stomach).
At least – have a warm belly – and if possible – steaming first as well.
In this extension work – we all had had work done on each other over the last few days.
Lisa is explaining ligaments in a Selfing class. (I started filming a wee way in)
Retroversion – also prolapse
This is NOT the first thing we do.
This is a massive shift, as we go in respectfully, and the gentling process takes over – YOU are to be seated,
THEY are to be ending in the edge of the couch . .
and warm, with all other moves to support uplifting FIRST – including the O.S.L. which is already at the end of all moves.
This is SLOW work
This may bring up a lot – and YOU must be clear to do it as it is NOT only ‘a move’ –
it is you touching into the womb and her magic and mysteries – and anything that is lodged there CAN let go.
What is it?
A very gentle way to uplift, giving the body time to catch up with the difference and to settle back to where it was designed be positioned.
Why is it?
We all have gravity issues – often not related to aging, or even childbirthing – but the modern life that is so disrespectful of being in a body we are not robots and working ourselves as though we are indestructible is contrary to all traditional culture,s who had initiations, celebrations and ways to enhance life in all life phases.
Origin? – This particular move is a physiotherapy one taught to an Arvigo class and merged into the mythology of the Maya work it seems.
How to set it up? – all preceding work has had to be done and the recipient of care is in a warm, relaxed state.
What it feels like (to us)- a very respectful SLOW time of seeing/feeling/being present.
Sacred space time – and vastly easier when we do this on the floor!!
What it feels like to them. Vastly relieving
What to expect – we are all different, Getting the pressure off the lower regions after the uplift will have global effects – on all systems.
This is why we do intensive bundles of care – especially as it may have taken several sessions to get to where we can even do this move
Thank you Lenley for your body.
We learn . . by doing . .
Setting up and gradually move in
In process
Coming off the move
As with the prostatic drainage – this is where we are headed. After the session – they are to rest – not go off in the car driving . .
Not start back to heavy work – faja and maybe do rebozo prior to this manoeuvre as well . .
Early 2024 working on each other – a day with Maja hands on . .
Marg scooping . . .I find it vastly better on the floor . . we can use our belly to lodge the elbows in.
After care – as a thought
From Laurie whilst we were in N.H. USA 2023
If there has been a misalignment – I suspect ANY misalignment – this will allow the memory of where she is to be to reassert itself