Abdominal therapy transitions

I have a thread from FB – how do we work in today’s world??

The past arvigo practitoners – and Rosita – discussing what next.

I have the original post and the relevant to us answers.

I – Hello all! I know things are in flux right now in some ways I understand and some ways that still feel fuzzy to me…

Is anyone starting to call themselves an Abdominal Therapy practitioner on their website, etc, instead of an ATMAT practitioner? Are folks mostly still calling themselves ATMAT practitioners?
Due to Covid-19, I’ve been thinking about offering sessions that are fully virtual. They would consist of going over an intake, offering nutritional/lifestyle suggestions alongside any other relevant suggestions like Castor Oil packs/steaming, and then teaching the self care technique virtually, with follow-up sessions as needed. In this scenario the client would not be touched by me or seen in-person. Is this “allowed” and appropriate? Is anyone doing this? Anything I should keep in mind? This may have been talked about already so I apologize for any repetition. TIA!

Hilary (spokesperson for the collective it seems)

We will be opening membership for the ATC in the next couple of weeks, we are just working through the tech gremlins. So right now you are Arvigo and hopefully soon you will be both!
We have a great new intake form that you may enjoy using too.
I have been doing online health mentoring and teaching self care massage and it’s gone really well.

M –  I do not envy the position of anyone in power right now.

When I think of Samar Ciprian and the others in leadership, I lift them up to Creator. I don’t know all that’s happened, and I don’t need or want to. It’s not my story and I’m sure there’s sides to both.
But, if I may, I’d like to share some things I’m seeing.
1) it is simply perilous to be in power right now. We are seeing the dismantling and restructuring of vast systems worldwide. Organizations included. Like this one.
2) The Earth itself is included in this recalibration. It is part of what is driving these cultural changes.
Do you watch the schumann resonance? It is the measurable frequency of the actual earth. It is the heartbeat of the planet. It has been accelerating more wildly and strongly and broadly in the last year than any other time in recorded history.
As the magnetic field of the earth fluctuates, our personal aura fluctuates. This will amplify what is within us. (That is a benefit – we see our subconscious clearer!) What is not able to hold together in the faster energies of the earth will simply start to fall apart. This is a form of healing, of evolution. And, organizations will mirror this. People will mirror this…. And what is not grounded in deep strong roots will mirror this.
3) A title means nothing if a community does not recognize it is true. And this community is exploring it’s title, a purpose, a direction, and if it will hold together. What is it’s root?
It’s exploring what is true. What is not.
This is why a reconciliation and truth council – if it’s to happen – needs to happen NOW, and even so would almost be too late.
4) I see a gift in these times. It’s very plutonian. But it fundamentally asks, where does a woman’s power sit in a woman’s healing tradition? I suggest it is between a woman and her Source. No middle man. And the role of a teacher, or leader, at this point, is changing. Whatever comes next for these teachings in western hands, I hope this is considered.
I don’t wish anyone harm here, or there. Thank you for reading. I’ve said my peace. ❤
I am also doing consultations and self care demos on line and it is going surprisingly well. I use Skype for no particular reason other than that it is easier for me. I get as much info as possible via the intake form I developed decades ago for my own practice. I have a good think about the client beforehand, ask more questions when we are virtually face to face, make all the necessary recommendations, check on the emotional/spiritual aspects then demo the self care. I consider myself, Dr. Arvigo, an Abdominal Therapy Practitioner.
J – I listened to both AI meetings. The back story of it all reminds me of politics = there’s a lot behind the scenes that I have no clue about. What I do know I feel is that Samar is a pure soul and most of us wouldn’t wish the position she found herself in on our worst enemy.

This work transformed my life and has been a wonderful gift that has set me apart from other LMTs in my area and has supported me and my family since 2008. I’m actually excited about the two different groups- I will be a member to both and I will receive referrals and even more recognition as an abdominal therapist- as though I am benefitting from two energy sources – two suns to light this path we have chosen for ourselves. I wish both groups many blessings for renewal while always remembering the source – as Rosita says, “one love”
B I am offering virtual sessions, where I do the intake and teach/review self care, etc. Have worked with two clients this way, works surprisingly well.