A blade sticking up no longer!!

The value of actually FIXING something

Her shoulder blade sticking out . .

She had a very small fall but managed to break her wrist
Also gave herself a big jolt. Months later – had still not recovered.

The left shoulder blade:

She did not know about.

She was aware of the sacrum – that happened after the fall.

She did not even know it was like that – but it does explain how nothing felt right!

What did I do?

Some of the  Living Ligaments I moves (It Depends is the basic point) – YOU are there and have to discern what

Results. . .

After correcting the entire body.
She could breathe so much better . .
And looked a lot younger/happier/less drawn.

In times past – she was one of the health workers I taught up to and including LL III at GV last year –

Her massive health instant shifts are with lymph moving  – the Hiatal Hernia and the IC valve corrections . .
(Part of the Reconnecting modules – her leaky gut . .