Membership 5th Sept – patches and breast cancer

Lucky – she had a 30% chance of being OK –
Is a targeted treatment now – so much more research now done . .adjunctive therapy – cut it out and take chemo route.
Use of complementary medicine – gives people back control and makes them feel better – best – good diet and exercise . .
Don’t give up on regular treatmant – ductal cancer in situ there is more – seen here Treatment offered – in USA

Macpherson told Channel Nine’s 60 Minutes on Sunday that it “wasn’t an easy decision” to reject medical advice after she was diagnosed with HER2-positive oestrogen-receptive intraductal carcinoma breast cancer. After two lumpectomies – surgery that removes cancer from the breast – doctors in the US advised her to undergo treatment that included a mastectomy with radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy and a breast reconstruction.

Elle Macpherson in a WelleCo campaign.

“Something didn’t feel right about it though … [the treatment advised by doctors] was not logical – it was just an inner sense … I made a choice to go a more natural route in my treatment because that’s what really resonated with me from within,” she said.Instead of following medical advice, Macpherson underwent an eight-month treatment program under the guidance of two holistic practitioners based in Phoenix, Arizona. The treatment included natural medication, dentistry, osteopathy, chiropractic treatment and, according to 60 Minutes, “a lot of spiritual work”.

“I spoke to 32 doctors along the way,” Macpherson said. “I had a very formidable team that helped me through it … I’m now clinically in remission, that’s the word most doctors would say.” But according to 60 Minutes, an Australian breast oncologist not named by the program expressed “very real concerns”, telling 60 Minutes that Macpherson’s decision to reject conventional treatment meant the supermodel statistically now had a 20 per cent chance of recurrence in 10 years.

Elle Macpherson refused chemotherapy to treat breast cancer despite advice from 32 doctors

Supermodel Elle Macpherson has rejected specialists’ concerns that her breast cancer could return, claiming that “fear is something that can really make you ill”. Experts have warned that the 60-year-old’s decision to reject chemotherapy and instead undergo a holistic treatment following her 2017 breast cancer diagnosis has increased the risk of it coming back. Separately, leading breast cancer surgeon Professor Cindy Mak told this masthead last week: “I do see people come back later with the HER2-positive disease all over, and it’s too late now – they’ve missed the boat.”
Despite the experts’ concerns, Macpherson said she did not anticipate any risk of recurrence and had no indication that there would be. Asked what made her so confident, she said: “Because of the life I live, and because of the fact that when I did the work … I looked at the root cause. And I believe … the body has the infinite capacity to heal, and I can, and I am in outer-wellness.
“So I have no indication [of recurrence]. Why would I be thinking ‘Oh gosh, what if it comes back?’ – because then I’d be … fearful, and fear is something that can really make you ill.”
Macpherson acknowledged that had she sought treatment in Australia, doctors would have advised a less aggressive treatment than that recommended by US doctors. The supermodel went on to say that conventional medicine can be great if you “have a car accident and need a limb cut off”, but that she had decided to adopt a “more natural lifestyle because that’s what works for me”.

Insomnia point for putting a patch to sleep? Who knows? The patches do not wok as needles and thus – is all a case of try and see ..
Yin Tang .. .middle of eyebrows . . acupuncture is NOT TCM – and maybe watch Lorraine Willcott – in the beginning of this.

Not necessarily to watch it i=all – but to get the drift,. She started after TCM took a hold of acupuncture training and the fads and fashions – and how we make different sense of . .

6.00 – Marg comes in with me discussing H.G. – and what used to work – is not ..
8.30 – Tender and H.G. as her mum’s first and violent beginnings – could not keep any food down. My history with her – as I was there in GV for 15 years .. and the 4 times we can change everyone – at puberty . . and Caron’s daughter growing the breasts she did not at puberty – as she was using iodine. .
12.00 – GV and the make to make sexual abuse – and Tender’s mum – was pregnant with the last one – with cancer – and being t9tally rageful . . . what a mess!
14.00 – Stem cells and directing OUR light back in .
16.00– Vanessa and her patch win with the watch issue.
17.00Sanjin watermelon frost – an antibiotic thing.
20.00 – Marg and wanting to talk with Elke – get hold of me – as she is not focused. .
21.30 – Elke and sorting her own cancer (rogue cell) out naturally -with some surgery. See what I have added in on the bottom of this page . .
23.30 – Where is the future ? The Exceptions – role of women in science in M..I.T. and me in book club . .

Most in our group did not finish the book – citing its textbook like intensity. Those who did, were impressed with the research, the writing and the inclusion of photos. All of us felt the telling of those women’s stories was relevant to all. Useful criticisms perhaps are that the chapters were lengthy, and the use of ’she’ as we read through many women’ s grievances was distracting.
25.00 – My report of being in the book club and Bonnie – as an engineering student . .
27.30 – BREASTS. . . cancer – cells gone rogue

We speak of this – breast cancer . .Elle McPherson

29.30 – Armpit detoxes . .we ARE the cancer – saying I am the cancer – would change it all ..
And change what the body is not happy with ..
31.30 – my continuing health concerns – heart . . .
34.00 – Sleeping is my life – and patches . .
35.00 – patches changing my ability to be. .
36.30 – Patches seem ti be the new way forwards – as the old ways that DID work – seem to not now . . unless we keep on taking everything.
38.00 – The call with Elke – and VANESSA’s experience.
40.00 – Vanessa and Aiden and Vit C. Kakado plum version . . . we need our electrical systems to work – electrolytes and hydration . .
43.30 – Suzi and her working with practitioners. . Vanessa ad Aiden hair changes . .

46.00 – Breast cancers . . Paul and not allowed to access his superannuation – only if he does all the medical’
49.00 – Paul and his dramas – and me working in him. Paul #1 and Paul #2 – do watch all of this as it shows how TRIAGE works . .
50.00 – Vanessa and her new life
52.30 – Suzi and her new stuff for all of us . .as helping people.
55.00 – Need to get rid of what is creating dramas in the body . .
57.00 – Vit D and breast cancer
58.00 – Bromides and also explants to recreate their breasts .. and cancer. .and being pissed off – Liver meridian and EMF
1.00.00 – FNQ and seeing us up here helping each other .
1.01.00 – Vanessa and leaky breast implants. Ignorance and fear
1.03.00- Watching others being so stuck in not understanding nutrients and how well bodies work –
1.04.30 – colonised in the ways of NOW . .
1.08.00- Julie update from Vanessa
1.08.30 – Vanessa – best part of tonight? Nutrients and listening to herself. And patches and the changes. .