Using the basic moves on children


“Being touched and caressed, being massaged, is food for the infant;
food as necessary as minerals, vitamins, and proteins” ~ Dr. Frederick Leboyer, M.D.

Benefits for inf ants, babies and children include the following:

  • Stimulates all of the physiological systems. Massage sparks the neurons in their brains to grow and branch out to encompass other neurons.
  • Provides a special time of communication that fosters love, compassion, and respect
  • Improves general well-being
  • Provides an intimate time for children to confide in parents
  • Improves overall functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Promotes relaxation and helps babies self-regulate calm, which reduces crying
  • Helps to normalize muscle tone
  • Improves circulation
  • Enhances immune system function
  • Improves  midline orientation
  • Helps to improve sensory and body awareness
  • Enhances neurological development
  • Helps babyI child to sleep deeper and more soundly
  • Helps to increase oxygen and nutrient flow to cells. Improves respiration
  • Helps to improve pain managament; can relieve discomfort from teething,
  • Helps with congestion, gas, and colic
  • Enhances release of hormones in the body. The growth hormone can be stimulated which helps weight gain.
  • Reduces levels of cortisol, the stress hormone
  • Provides all of the essential indicators of intimate parent-infant bonding and attachment: eye-to-eye, touch, voice, smell, movement, and thermal regulation.

Touch – central to all . .
And possibly children are NOT getting thrown around as they were as dads/wider family are missing.
As the mother of three boys, and Kathryn, who needed vast amount of physical activity and who was ‘on programme’ to rectify massive brain injury, I know the need for proprioception – being thrown in the air and all around.
Mums may react in horror – kids squeal in glee.
And all dads and granddads did this – ‘roughhousing’.

At school growing up – we all did P.E. all the time – and the teachers took us outside and we played ‘tunnel ball’ etc . .very regularly – plus we had swimming lessons n summer, plus sports had to happen – was pat f the going to school experience . .

And now with fractured families, enslave to attempting to stay afloat financially, everyone working – this may be missed.

TOUCH – a huge issue as we are mammals. . See Dr Frederick le Boyer (Childbirth Without Violence) book here – baby touching

Chinese infant massage (tui na – pronounce twee na) pub 1986 Dr Rey Tequia – download pdf here

This is crucial . . YOU can change anything – by living touch . .
Also the techniques below – can be vastly life enhancing – and in clinic initially when people came instead of seeing the biomedical people ( if you do not want antibiotics, what use are they as diagnosis is the way to life long chronic ill health and drugs – or maybe surgery – not wellness

I also used ear candling – and taught parents how to use in combination with the lymph move s- as these can be gently adjusted to all sizes – and especially the chest/head moves before then after the candling . . so much safer than scraping out tonsils and adenoids – which without the childhood poisoning medically demanded from in utero – would be unlikely needed. Head lymph work on an adult – and results

Heather signature moves – developed in the late 70’s, used in life ever since . .
Start with newborns . . See What Dads Can Do . . chapter of Beings Of Life – why we handle vulnerability with care ..

WARMTH and safety and comfort (routine can not be over looked – with stable constant touch) – plus being totally bonded is so important . .

Please also look to the online self paced courses of Foundational Moves.

I have used a smaller cup for navels from 2 years old – very little suction needed. Why would we do this? See more here

Always part 2 of this – the rescuing of the Yang Qi.
The Yang Qi is the instructions given for life – and we can;t digest foods,. transport the wastes out, the good stuff around, keep all organs/tissues. blood in place – or have a chance of enjoying life – unless this is as designed. . . NO COLD invasion is crucial.

Than the moxa and ginger on salt in navel – to undo the trials of diastasis separation and of lower heater (usually bed wetting) and middle heater weakness (all gut issues. They SHOULD NOT HAVE a cool belly – and lack of Yang Qi shows up as all or some of the above .

What can be done . . . easily, instantly and at home – no ‘experts’ needed. I suggest this is a nightly experience – in whatever order you wish – the soothing belly work is super gentle and will settle anyone’s belly down – and we all need touch . .

The way we move our body – and gently, yet firmly undo STUCK . .

The entire back – a gentle dance up then down – and if it is tense – can go up and down the upper – several times – this is NOT gouging, or massaging – it is relieving what is stuck – and as their bodies are so small, we can do total palm coverage (imagine dad’s great big hands here) – it is a very connected experience – and one that will and everyone together. . soft music and ambiance needed. Being a Reiki channel would be ideal .

More seen here – why we need to move STUCK Liver Qi
The massage move we are doing (Stuck Liver Qi Release) on adults. .
Beginning . .
Boys may wriggle . .
if you have begun this with newborns – it would be programmed in . .
Finishing off
Distractable – upper lymphatic moves
We always go round and round to clear the lymph we have moved at the end . .

Online self paced touching therapy (and cupping cold out of navel moxa uses is found here – the entire secrets to my highly useful signature system . .

What we want . . everything flowing in automatic – no ‘issues’ to fix . . resilient ability to adapt with ease and grace to all life events

1 – Nourishing Traditions
2 – Well Adjusted Babies
3 – Loving Hands (see below)

Please look at this book . . . Dr Frederick le Boyer is one of a kind . .
Thank goodness for his heart, passion and life.

Anything here – nourishing traditions . .


NOURISHING TRADITIONS examines where the modern food industry has hurt our nutrition and health through over-processed foods and fears of animal fats. NOURISHING BROTH will continue to look at the culinary practices of our ancestors, and it will explain the immense health benefits of home-made bone broth due to the gelatin and collagen that is present in real bone broth (vs. broth made from powders).

NOURISHING BROTH will explore the science behind broth’s unique combination of amino acids, minerals and cartilage compounds. Some of the benefits of such broth are: quick recovery from illness and surgery, the healing of pain and inflammation, increased energy from better digestion, lessening of allergies, recovery from Crohn’s disease and a lessening of eating disorders because the fully balanced nutritional program lessens the cravings which make most diets fail. Diseases that bone broth can help heal are: Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Psoriasis, Infectious Disease, digestive disorders, even Cancer, and it can help our skin and bones stay young. In addition, the book will serve as a handbook for various techniques for making broths – from simple chicken broth to rich, clear consomme, to shrimp shell stock. A variety of interesting stock-based recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner from throughout the world will complete the collection and help everyone get more nutrition in their diet.

TOUCH . . .
All is needed. .
And nourishing FOOD and water .
Online self paced courses to help yourself here.

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