Accelerated Immersion #2

Follows on from here

Catch up first . .
Sonia – doing the Free Your Own Qi . . Sonia telling us about the needle part of a session . .
2.00 – Sequence . . .treat away if acute. .etc . and full moon . .
3.30 – Why I teach this way – and 4 ways of knowing first – the getting of a text book – How it happens – scrambled eggs ..
6.00 – Need context . .
8.00 – Reception and how I worked . .
11.00 – Head working – not heart .. .Hep C study.
14.00 – SOMEONE CARES . .
15.00 – Maja and her week . .

19.00 – Dr Shen’s line – impact of influences on a person’s life.
21.30 – Mums are really important . .
23.00 – We are our mothers. . . matriach
24.00 – Family dynamics. .

26.00 – Maja’s elder sister . stories – often the eldest sister is here – as we get programmed into responsibility.
We are tribal – your role in the family of origin? The circles again . . .and the 3 ‘S’s’ – Service, sovereignty, slavery . . VIt D3 – why you need it
30.00 – Why we need to do intensives – and on site. . Sister Kenny – many have hidden up on the Tablelands
33.00 – H being different . .
34.00 – My current context (how MY week has been).
36.00 – NEED INGREDIENTS .. Jessica and her coccyx.
How to find – take a warm gentle hand and slide down the sacrum – we will talk about all the breaks moving lymph out of the way, working in the back to treat the front and so on later.
With a soft thin sarong (my work gear) you have their bum covered, and have slipped their underpants down – or you are in the position above – but that is more for sacral explorations/checking.
Going down – warn them – and then gently spread the buttocks apart (they are lying in their front) and expect not to find the coccyx – if it is there perfectly – GREAT – so often it is not.
Usually it is bent on the right side. . In one interesting occasion – see here – it was at least an inch deflected . . it is no wonder some women break this when birthing – as it if it has been in the wrong place, bub’s head with make its exit anyway possible. .

We need to use my teaching models. .

Treat the person – NOT the protocol . .
Arvigo work is not good enough and not taught well . .and be GENTLE . .
42.00 – What Sonia saw with me working in people. . . no soul – and only techniques. .
48.00 – Difference between people – Jessica and Anna’s sacrum . .

Checkers – we need to discover where the coccyx is – as a continuation of the sacrum – should be a straight line going down – as the body is designed. Few are – falls, incidents – LIFE has happened. . .
Thus – we can’t expect it all to ‘work’ – flows flowing 0-when the structure is not aligned. 42 structures come off the coccyx. Especially of note – womb ligaments – and without correcting what is holding the coocys=x hostage, she – womb – can;t move and be intune with her roles – thus we have adhesions also to contend with . . . see a bit more here. Covered also in the Unlocking Your Scars online self paced course.

47.00 – Anna and not seeing – thus can’t hear . . We need to have more tricks up our sleeves. . .transformation – we all are there – and her speaking to her inner child . . – in front of the mirror – and signing to her. . .

56.00 – Pick your person – must be qualified – Dr Shen said – first get the patient’s love .
Middle circle issues. . who is ‘I’?

57.00The Body Remembers Everything That Has Happened To it.
Highest Good of All Concerned – we MUST work on self – and clear all we can as soon as we can . .
1.02.00 – Tribal – for the good of all – is Do No Harm To the Children . .
1.04.00 – Anything can and may – happen – when we gentle . .

1.06.00 – Birthing – a baby – or your new self – we ALL must birth ourselves

1.07.30 – Need to gentle and let process – me explaining the ‘Advanced’ ‘Arvigo’ Sonia and I met in

1.09.30 – NOT one session as you feel to .. must be intensives bundles of care . .

1.10.30 – differences on different people – research . . It Depends ..
1.12.00 – O.S. L. – part of the Living Ligaments checkers. . . NOT ARVIGO – is Heather’s Gentling Way . .
1.14.00Gloriavale Community . . . see the Aliens movies – was Sigourney Weaver – not a Linda Blair moment – that also evil happening – if you are not of the Light – this may be scary . . .
1.17.00 – We must always clear the spaces ourselves . .
1.18.00 – When Rhogan fails – rH-ve mums and multiple pregnancies. . .and why I use Kalliana’s remedies
1.21.00 – No farmer would be that stupid . . .
1.22.00 – Period is a health report – just as the menopausal years – of the life – not the month . .
1.23.00 – Esther . . people l need to feel safe. .

1.25.00FIVE FLOWS – see more here and also on the Selfing manual you got in email last week . .
1.27.00 – Not ‘normal’ patients – people are drawn to those who could help them pass through where they are so stuck . .

Another version – what we will cover next week intro – the 6 ‘T’s‘ . . look at your selfing manual (in email) for both of these please.

1.29.00 – Smashing it all together (how long have I go to do this task is why).
1.30.00 – Sonia discovered the triangle – move the Qi first . .And treat the STUCK. RESULTS!!!!
1.33.00 – me being called in – 7/8 babies lost at 28/29 weeks – why? I suspect was V.U.E. (Vitology of Unknown Etilogy).
1.35.00 – Do the R.I.C.E. for your recipient of care . .
1.36.00 – Maja remembering the Gloriavale experience – and of course. .
1.38.30 – We are NOT healers . . . DEP was a shaman – hy’man – we are growing ourselves . . walking between the two worlds – MUST do your own work . .