2024 – Where to start?

Meet the person where they are
1 – Calm Shen
2 – Pull out cold to enable Yang Qi to move
3 – Undo scars blocking flows. . .

As we are all now upset – across all the Western world = from what is being done to us – through overly not paying attention – we share now DISTRESS. . Whether jabbed or not – the losses and the gains were changes we did not script consciously . .
how to undo – as this then impacts our lives?
Maja as been on a journey all her life . . (As we all have).

Recently being in instant acute, severe pain in her back – she discovered that she has multiple breakages,. To alleviate this eventually the medicos offered a $2,000 solution – bone infusions. .! Now is reacting to these and needs to ‘detox’ . . photo – VERY happy upon leaving

Now there was so much more upset in her body. She made it up the hill (2 hours driving) to see me a few days ago . .
In pain from all the rest – and a bad headache. (That was dispensed with me starting where I could ). . She wanted to be face down.

Coughing – started in Bali some time ago. Has broken 4 ribs with it, often goes on till she vomits. And wets herself. .

Likely not sleeping that well on account of the constant urgency for three drips from over loaded bladder . . and all that body pain – and shoulder bursitis now the infusion has happened – along with lymph swelling under arm that copped the shot. Her abdominal history/gyne/obstetric trauma is huge. Now she, like me is highly reactive to moxa – we have used too much . .

DAY one What did I do? A lot. Not even sure now as there were 3 goes at her that first day . .
Undo pain by getting flows to flow again . . headache and in so much STUCK bodily – plus coughing/bladder not working properly/over working ..
Usually I would start with gentle belly round and rounds – I tested to see how stuck the ovaries and uterine rake would be – as a checker we could work with later. Really can’t remember what I did as there was a lot of waving oils about and gentle belly calmers happening – I needled Liv 2 – as we are all so pissed off – and Liver 14 – then Yin Tang to calm her. .. . Gentle undoing the chest gouge – very painful everywhere initially . .
The patches EE were placed on Pc 6 to get some uncluttered lung function . .

Before tea I did the adhesion breaking after the soft belly work – minus peritoneal untangler (DEP – and we NEVER do it as Arvigo teaches). .
After tea – the uterine rake, after the ovarian whirlpools . .

First night Slept all night! No ‘up and down to wee’ multiple times – with often 3 drops coming out. She has Interstitial cystitis (I.C). also. Pain vastly reduced – and almost no coughing after session (been happening for years). Not wetting self when does cough. Covid jab is not helpful . .

DAY two – What did I do?
Attempt to get her mobile – and thus hot water bottles – no steaming or moxa. .
I use ‘pricklies” as they are too useful not to – and instantly make a difference. She has two little scars – and thinks where a cyst was cut out when she was 18 on her upper left back and a tiny one that is all that remains of an accident

Next day later .(2nd night) . .I slept well last night from about 10 till 6am no toilet break I’m still a bit headachy so will get back to the zeolites again today No dripping when coughing The coughing when it happens is way less softer and not as wracking as I have been Little bit of pain in left shoulder and back point… from infusion where glands swelled.
I suggested the EE patches on ovaries – she said – I slept with them last night did a good normal pee this morning By the time I got down the hill I felt like I was peeing better No anxiety in bladder last night


To work on the front – we HAVE to work on back first. .
Intention – to undo the adhesions over all those pelvic scars that are holding her lower pelvic organs hostage – no lliding and gliding happening here – – Needs bladder to work – no womb – (ovaries are there still )- and all is pulling/stopping flows. .. pain happens when flows are blocked ..

Second day – time restrictions.
Bent over cushions, for all of my sacral (gentle) work I did – the usual from the Foundational Moves (online self paced course) as I saw fit – she gradually was able to tolerate the deeper – with essential oils and lots of magnesium helping.

Moxa and steaming would have been ideal – but we could not – so I had a hot water bottle under her belly, whilst she bent over the pillows and also whilst her bare skin covered, And with heater on . . This is any weather – as the body closes down when a breeze, or any temperature change is registered.

We are playing ‘little old ladies’. And do unto others what would you want this situation tending the wounds – on all levels. Mothering – looking out of the tiny bits that .

This is vital – small things – make all the difference.

Calming down – touch and oils – and after we got the sacrum happier – started in on the upper Gua Sha . .

I popped needles in the Hwa Tou points – intervertebral – where the back felt weird . .(A lot of this – so did the worst) She was numb and gradually was able to feel the skin .. .

Bl 62 sorest point and GV 1 . .
Turning her over . . . she had no need to go to loo when she got up on feet .. – highly unusual – we had been lifting visceral organs and unlocking peritoneum – hence we did NOT do my Stuck Belly Blood ‘protocol’ or DEP (perineal untanglng) as she has so mcch mesh tied up as she had an umbilical hernia ..

She got up – did not need to go to loo . .
I then did the Mercier moves – ovarian and uterine rake – and did lymphatic my way and castor oil packs – again my way – sacrum and then belly – all held together with panty hose tops – so they are next to skin all the time – and THROW IT OUT after the use – I double it on the body – so the one on top next day is on the bottom – is there to protect the clothes – and with a hot water bottle as she took off to drive home. . .