2023 – Saturday Selfing at Sita’s


General intention
Come into what defines us …
Coming home to self

As we have mostly done this over the years – we are NOT covering the same info as I have big stories.

These days we have some big problems
Why ‘bad’ things happen to ‘good ‘ people?

Shall we reframe

Present – in person Claire Shewman (Bne), Lenley (G.C.) Sita (Northern NSW),
OnlineLisa (Thailand), Elizabeth (FNQ), Vanessa (Vict) and Kelly (S.S.C.)

1 – OUR Story . .
What has been the biggest framing of this life?
And its gift?

2 –

Why am I here? (STILL?
Have ever wanted to kill myself and why did I not?
Why are we doing this this way?
Me – not Kathryn – but the stair incident . . .
Also the aftermath of the jab .

3.30 – Vanessa – why are we here
Largest hurdle – have I ever wanted to end this life, and what stopped me? Write in journal and ponder.
6.00 – Getting ready to open/clear

18.00 – Soul mantrum
I am the soul
I am The Light Divine
I am Love
I am Will
I am Fixed Design.

I am in a bubble of Light and only Light can come to me and only Light can be here.
Repeat from whomever you feel to.

20.30 – working in Clare’s cough and aftermath/after we all worked on our lymph moves.
24.00 – Ki 27 and Pc 6.press them

25.00– Me – SPLAT – what gift? I had to stop
Kill self? Here to do this
26.30 – Vanessa – tumour on hearing- nerve/ Douglas’s birth and bladder – not suicidal .
Allergies? Not functioning properly . . all from the gas reactions and being not made right due to mum’s hyperemesis.
GIFT? – Understanding how people get where they are . ..
– anima – the three circles ..
31.00 – all here to deal with what we came in with – via the biology

32.20 – BETH – uncovering deep grief/sadness – seems to be defining herself.
Empty next, lost her midwife definition –
Age of first child – 28, me 22 Vanessa – 27 . . some of us defining self as mother – me started acup at same time
We may need to look at US – not what we have been doing for others. . .

35.00 – KELLY – Charlie’s birth . . .
37.30 – Killing self? severe PTSD and PND . .

44.30 – LENLEY – processing emotions and still stuck on processing food. Now deeply having to be IN THE BODY.
48.00 – Horrendous pregnancy . . and not nourished as his body could not handle it . . then refused to eat (pain). . found orthobionomy. Functional medicine doctor – first month – put on 10 kgs. .
59.00 – The gift? Met amazing people . . . sees things differently. Lisa arrived in. . .

1.00.30 – Vanessa – with Douglas – similar..
Me explaining why we are doing differently this – what are we stumbling on still – and the gift . .
1.03.00 – Me with patient who got jabbed x2 in pregnancy – my story still treating her – and me touching her and getting messed up again.

1.08.00 – SITA – nearly died. . . GIFT? Learning self care
1.09.30 – LISA – now – what is your overriding question . . . COVID stop – then broke wrist. . Gift? All sorts including starting with GW

1.12.00 – CLAIRE – Do notice the nervous giggles STUCK – story sick of – emotions still.
Gift? More compassionate

1.17.20 – Vanessa – thank you to all of us . .
This is an immersion to those who may lead this work – Selfing . .
Making peace with OURselves. . . then will we maybe look to assist others.

1.19.50 – programmes – for those who are goingt o be teachers. . .do a schedule – so you know what you are to cover. .
hello/story agreements and
Sunday – what came up – what can and does go ‘wrong’ and then hear and heal family stories – and after lunch – other culture’s and the way they handle life as a woman . .
How to go forwards. . and what next

1.24.00 – Arvigo trainings . . . and my experience in NH and the leaf peepers – and going to USA to learn this and the Arvigo teaching . .
1.26.30AGREEMENTS . . . stick and ball – no one has set the context .and whose rules?? Set the scene.

1.27.30 – Vanessa and explaining the gates to go through . . makes it all easier.
1.29.30 – BETH and home midwifery care – clear on whose roles . ..
1.33.00 – CARDS – Can’t comply yourself into freedom . . many classes are happening concurrently . .
1.36.30 – We need to GENTLE all of us. .
1.37.00- AGREEMENTS – the LAW – Achievement of Human Potential in Healesville – and the story around that. (IAHP)

1.40.00 – Beth’s last daughter and the gender issue. . .
1.43.00 – as a teacher of Selfing – you need an assistant.

SELFING – we are midwiving OUR OWN inner self . ..GENTLE
NOT Judging
Why are we in this group – we are still stuck
here for self – non judgmental and investigating STUCK . .and may well disocver more
Womb centric . .
MUST have done the online courses – and the 12 eBooks – and the Life Recipe . ..
(how does David (Claire’s brother) stay sane – no touch, not outside, no life as such).
Also the lock down B.S. . . slaves in a pretty prison.
What Causes Health? Must have been there . .
The online also has steaming and soothing – self belly work.
1.51.00 – Lisa most important – ask for what you what you want
Ask for what you NEED.
Highest Good Of All Concerned.
1.54.00 – Kelly MOST move her body and the consistency – and the ongoing little behaviours that we do for ourselves. .
People HAVE to sign up and care for themselves – and stay in it.
We hold the container for them.
We get STUCK . .

Day 1 end overnight – get sent the manual ‘Energy Changes For A Better Life’ . . also Living As Energy
Tissue boxes, salty snacks. .
To get into this online/actual class – relating starts in the weekend . . .
Honouring Ourselves – and Source and Selves . . .
CHALLENGE – we have to commit to look after self. and the letter to selfers. .
GENTLE SELFING first patient is ourselves. . .

2.03.30- WHAT is your intention for this weekend – for yourself?
Me – hand this over for teachers . .
Beth – as before. . Vanessa – from her recently doing the Spiritual Healing – Arvigo
PESAR – deep grief . .deep cleansing needed – spiritual bathing . .
2.07.00 – another paradigm shift. East Asian medicine –
Electrics, womb and soul centred . . .

Two years ago – spiritual healing . .

2.10.30 – Please get Marsha Iona Teeguarden’s work – all of her work is stunning. Her site
2.12.00– What was missed – and we need to NOT focus on the physical – and check out the gratitude – that we sort of still have ‘a life’ with all of this happened – not what you have lost – but what was the gift? Living consciously . . .
2.16.00 – Vanessa‘s last Selfing venue.
Cheap is always going to cost more. – 2015 It Costs Me Too Much . . . esp on how we charge for services.
2.18.00 – Vanessa‘s tale of being taken out as the gas was part of the scene.
2.20.00 – Beth – what about her qualifiers?
and swaps .. .
2.22.00– Three bricks analogy – YOU are the employee AND the business. .
2.24.40 – Vanessa – The Comino online – how much we did as the questions that dropped in – were beautiful – go off with our journal and write. We all need to be SELF
2.29.30– Lisa? Where is the saboteur – Sita – and what she needs to clear to still hang onto Martin . .
Lisa – fear Beth – sadness. Sita – liberation from last relationship Claire – release Lenley – rage
We only had this minute –
2.33.00 – middle circle – excuse. . . need the actual REASON behind why it is there again . . KELLY – old wound
2.35.00 – Take the middle path – point of Selfing – see the programmes – and boundaries – need to be there.
2.36.30 – NEED to have boundaries. . Ana and what happened to the group psychically.
2.39.00 – Whole group being held hostage
2.42.30 – Teri and the first one she came to – communing with the creek’s eel. .

2.48.00 – Humble Student Humble Teacher – .we all can learn more – and need to LISTEN to why is happening – lands differently.
2.49.00 – Lisa – has reached her limit of Self Care teaching . . inner objections and resistances. .
Me – also holding the programme back – never will be safer than now. . .
2.51.00 – BETH – space to do this is gifted.
2.52.00 – Me – Poke the bear, Tromp on landmines – and now Inner sniper. .
2.54.00 – Self Discovery – Making Friends With The Inner Mother – Making Peace with The Children We Choose to Not Have . . MISSION
Challenge – we have to make vast changes with who we were before we got into this class . ..
Esp the one who has tamed you. To be doing Selfing – YOU are first . .
2.56.30 – My early life – in the 2nd marriage. . (‘selfish bitch)
3.02.00 – Bounderies and resistance now covered. – Everyone around you may have to shift their OWN behaviour – as we are NOT going to pick up their sticks/make their sky blue. ..

3.03.00 – Biggest AHA – Vanessa has a question dangling Lisa – the word – baking what cake this weekend? Beth – can’t comply yourself into freedom. Kelly Lenley – Toothpaste – (What did it mean to you when I did.. .) Claire – three circles and the line – Sita – naughty little girl with – and also the toothpaste top with ex partner – and is pettiness/restriction – and the liberation she is now exploring .

Second session – Womb stories

Covering – what age various markers – that WOULD HAVE BEEN INITIATIONS IN OTHER CULTURES happened. .
Our mum’s stories

After first minute – teaching process – collecting the vital stats of the group – writing salient points on a system card.
5.00 – everyone’s age of first period . (talking around the issue asked) .
. and what it means (Jing) too early? Hot Blood Women with 7 year cycles. . Precocious puberty
28.00Sita and her mum’s guilt over not wanting to have a baby THEN . . we are exploring at this point – first pregnancies – happened before we intended .. .and the past with fertility – sex caused babies.
36.00 – Finished collation of stats. Vanessa – what she got out of this – age of our 1st pregnancies.
38.00 – Lisa and cultural shift with age of first baby . . me – unpicking the person’s story IN CULTURE – eg my mum and f=he lack of support
41.00 – Period pain and what it meant .. . still on stats . . THIS IS A FAST WAY OF EXPLAINING WOMB STORIES . .
46.00Our womb’s own story – Claire – her mum lost a baby (few days old – not made properly) STOPPED RECORDING HERE
52.00 – other culture; sand coming of age . .Cozemel – and how to get there in the past to become a woman . .
58.00 – Survival of the fittest/smartest
59.00 – What did WE get up to in teenage years?

Send out wandering Womb and Life choices . .(mine)

1.00.00 – Initiations – we do not have – thus we are isolated and not supported – imagine if we had been!! Male centred cultures.
1.02.30 – In the past – maiden aunts may have been up for helping – no one now.
1.06.30 – Indian 9th girl . . . problem
1.09.00 – Not allowing the young young girl pregnant – not mature enough to bring forth life – even though bleeding.
1.11.30 – Must keep young girls safe . . Lisa explaining about Asian family sleeping together. .
1.13.30 – tribal conceptions ..
1.14.30 – Dr Shen’s 4 times of Jing shifting – puberty, onset of sexuality/marriage/pregnancy and breastfeeding and menopause . . .
1.17.30 – Vanessa‘s mum’s plan with babies coming . .
1.27.00 – Midwives and their daughters . .
1.28.00 – Our children are part of OUR journey.

They may not want us to be part of THEIR’S

3rd session: Reconnecting with our own womb

Covering – Making Friends with our own womb
Meditation to connect us back in.
What is she telling us today?

If we are running a Selfing – the steaming and conversation around womb positioning and us showing on US and then on them . .
Abdominal self care – need not use oil . .
We have not done this in this weekend .
All of this is before the womb meditation .
3.35 – Lisa’s most important aha – Jing Shifting – not ‘hormonal’
5.00 – Vanessa‘s reminder of her family support for post birth
6.00 – BETH – was not asked. .and thus ran her story of being not included. .
7.20 – Claire and hearing how men and women are handled differently culturally
8.00 – Sita – ability to sabotage herself.
8.30 – Lenley still coping with the toothpaste issue – CONTROL not communication ..

Bao Mai reconnection

What happened?

38.00 – Lisa and cats in the area – relaxed totally
40.00 – Vanessa – hearing issues – very deeply relaxed.
41.00 – Beth – and withered vine to start with .. womb asking her to forgive herself . . . CUT ALL TIES with the kid’s dad
44.30 – Claire – womb cranky – not feeling honoured . .
45.30 – Sita – went into make lineage and got her back pinch again – RS ovary/ sacrum – not being held /honoured by the males . .
45.30 – Lenley – ‘go away’/ leave me alone .. .
49.00 – Vanessa and the evolution /revolution of self going through all of these . .
51.00 – Beth – and the progression of what we are doing . . boundaries/change . . us enabling – where we were not – who grows then?
53.00 – Me on the intermission in our lives .. .
54.00 – Beth realising what is happening locally with doulas/birthing women . .
56.00 – Me on handing over .. .
57.00 – Beth – post important thing got from being here today – connection . ..
59.00 – Most important – Vanessa? Personally . .. echo of grief around her womb – she acknowledged the grieving her family in the car prior to the accident – including STOLEN A CHURCH??
1.06.00 – Sita – thank you . .
1.07.00 – Lenley actually having a communication with womb – now severe belly ache. .
And the church story . .

For tomorrow – why are you here as a woman?
And at this time of the world’s history.
What is the gift for that most shittiest thing that happened to you?

Women’s Lives in Context 2006

The entirety of what we carry – how I presented this to needlers to attempt to get the women’s stories back.

Please look through your manual for womb positioning.
Also Barbara’ s Wandering Womb to understand the physical, and the Energy Changes for a Better Life eBook for the energy/electrical issues that we CAN change – and thus be in a less held pelvic/life hostage space – sent by email.

Sunday class here