2023 – Progressing towards Reconnecting – onto L.L.I.


All of these are soon to be in a drip fed situation, with quizzes in a community container.

To be here you have started the process of becoming a Gentling Way practitioner – and maybe are revisiting
Welcome again . . Here is what we are doing (CLICK)
This is page 2 – after you have read that one.

There are different threads. . all are equally important
Like legs on a table
Selfing – we are our first recipient fo care. What problem drives us forwards? Burning question is?
Touchie – Hands – we use ours on ourselves FIRST and then, we as primates (maybe paid to touch) – touch others.
Pricklies – Extensions of our fingers (sharp objects) MAY be in use – but the energy/electrics that drive the physical have to be understood
Birthie – We were all born of woman. The environment that created us shaped who/how/what we are.

Reconnecting what?
Bao and Dai Mai – our hearts to our wombpsace
L.L.I.? The womb release – what is holding her hostage?
The ligaments are alive – and we hold their keys
Starting points
Minerals available to do the job?
Ability to be present?
Are we clear enough to hear what is said?

Living Ligaments I
How to undo most structural STUCKness
Start with the womb as she is the centre of our world.

SELFING and Gentle Self Discovery/Trauma Relief

Includes the paradigm shift to get to the energy circuitry as the “L” of Liver in the 7 ‘L’s'(CLICK) – the QI moving needed when someone says that they ‘do’/are an acupuncturist. PRICKLIES involvement on all levels as that has been my second language.
After we undergo the Self Discovery/starter to Healing the Wounded Healer – we begin more touching others.

Ideally you have been in an in-person of these.
This is the starting point as SELF care is paramount.
Understanding how ‘homework’ is the essence of what will work – for anyone.
We as practitioners can have the best clinic/place of work/equipment/relating skills.
BUT unless the sufferer/recipient of care gets that it is THEIR body and their life that needs changes – my (and your brilliant) work is just a taste – they have to go home and MAKE it work.

The onlines are sometimes coming up.
Vanessa and Marie are running this in person at Falls Gap Vict 4/5 the Feb
My last one (I keep on saying ) will be 11/12th February at The Pocket, Mullumbimby, NSW.


I did it entirely in 2021 and repeated in 2022.
I am now organising this into an online automated course process now.
This will be drip fed after I have done the revision that is every Monday morning (6-7am Qld time till I go to SEQ and travel about teaching.

TOUCHIES – visceral and womb realigning

Likely where you started. .How to engage your heartful hands to undo what has been so stuck in life .
Womb wisdoms are always at our core.


We were all born of woman.

We may have carried our own children

We are no longer maidens – and as we travel through the 7 year cycles – we exchange our Jing for WIsdom.

Let us let our body shine


What is involved?
You being committed to YOU being the most important in your life.


Part 1 – of the online section

‘What Causes Health’, ‘Soothing‘ and ‘Peristeaming’ to be completed.
Using my ‘Life Recipe’ – we look at ‘What Causes Health’,From an electrical matrix East Asian medicine model. Via my decades of being a multi modality natural health detective/fixer-upper. There are many eBooks and posters to download – a beginner’s look at Acupuncture 101 – via what a senior Qi Moving body aligner fidn to work in this time and place. For women who have lived well and need a small set of something to give them corrections.

Part 2 – of the online section:

Soothing’ – My soft version of gentle belly touch – from my decades of moving lymph/fluid and STUCK for others
The magic Maya healing ways (discovered late professionally in 2014) are enhanced through all my Moving Blockages ways. Gently.

Part 3 – of the online section:

Peristeaming’ – a delicious way to calm and heal.
Using water, warmth and plants . for all ages, stages of life – in any body.


Attendance in either an online or an in-person weekend workshop


Four weekly one hour online catch up.
Follow up Challenge (tail of the comet) to follow – as the support as you implement the shifts you intend to shatter STUCK).



Undoing The Story
Life Rescue
Ethics – Playing the ‘Fix It/Me’ Game

II – WORKSHOP – Gentle Selfing Relief

Online or in-person.

Deepening your own dive into:

How you got to be you

Programmes you run

Games that play you

III – After care FOLLOWUP

Four weekly one hour online catch up.
Follow up Challenge (tail of the comet) to follow – as the support as you move deeply into the shifts you intend to shatter STUCK).

TOUCHIE – huge


We now are into the TOUCHIE work – repairing the breakages – using tools and understandings from the modules in SELFING

The Bao Mai – connection heart to wombspace is the focus.
We are sustained in a body via the Three Heater (gut/viscera) and the interrelationships of Light, Lymph, and Ligaments.
Flows of the 5 – Qi, red, blue and clear Blood – and nerves is enhanced as we play with the connective tissues, fascia and visceral alignments.
The Dai Mai and sacral structures – womb is are contained within the bony pelvis. S/he (prostate) has many distresses.
At least we can help the flows to flow – circulation of all nutrients and wastes restored – so likely then is ideal functionality.

This is ideally an experiential class.
In the lock down/in/out times we managed online in Zoom:
BUT nothing compares with having YOUR body feel and your hands guided.

We cover the emotional and the physical through the Reichian armour bands, breath and butterfly touch. The classifications of moves and which ones where and when are played out in sequence and as needed on your, and every other person’s body.

I – Pre classes

There is a considerable amount of online manuals to print and assimilate.

Unlocking Your Scars (your own hands/loving intention)
Reset Your Metabolism (Pulling out the stored cold, what next – moxa, iodine and peristeaming)
Foundational Moves (all belly/touchie and associated prior to 2014 Arvigo belly work).
Men’s Healing Practical. (Me working on Sean in 2019 clinic – what any one can do – minus cupping

Mammalian Maternity

What if something goes right?

What Dads Can Do
The Easy Pregnancy Resources and Easy Pregnancy Solutions packages

ALSO – Pelvic Opening set of 7 trainings – includes Bonded Birthing


At the end of this module you will be able to assist most who walk in the door – with almost anything.
ALWAYS we start with Triage.
This work allows the Decluttering process to begin.
Undoing the shock of being here, pulling out the cold, enhancing the Yang QI and undoing some of the life residue/scars incurred in getting to this point is part of the process. We all have our own and we assist those in the class undo their’s.

Classification of moves

The Soothing/Settling moves:

Anxiety Thread Moxa
Brazilian touch therapy
P.V. Release
Accident Recall
Grandmas cuddles


Lymphatic – upper and lower
Cement Post
Adhesion Breaking
Hiatal Hernia Syndrome
Ileo – Cecal Valve corrections
Prostate Drainage


All the Foundational Moves from online courses.
Sacral wakeups

    We incorporate the Effective Healing After C Section and Pricklies.
    This is concurrent learning – at least the Pricklies First Aid and ideally (when written up)

    SOME in class are repeaters.
    If this is your initial contact
    You can see where we are headed

    PRICKLIES – First Aid

    We all have occasion to use our hands to heal.
    Hopefully you have taken a Reiki course.
    We all put our hands on what hurts.
    When we are parents – by holding, we can have our hands ‘turn on’ ..
    Can’t hurt – every healing assistance helps.
    AND then we have – the grace, elegance and relief of doing something and it all shifts – instantly.
    That would be pricklies. .
    In this small course, I take you through First Aid = what is likely to ‘work’ and take the edge off whatever is distressing.

    TOPICS – all rescues
    Life – GV -26, Pc 6, Sp 3, Ki 1. Ki 9
    Breathing – Ding Chuan GB 21, Bl60, Co 4, Liv 3 ,Ht 7
    Pain – GB 34, extra Liv 2, 14, GB 24
    T.B.I.- consciousness – GV 20, 4 gentlemen, Yin Tang, Tai Yang, Si 3, Bl 62, St 40
    Radiation – TH 5, GB 35, ear apex
    Damp – St 40
    Bleeding – Sp 1, 4, 10, Bl 11, 17
    Gut – GV 1 and Bl 57 – anal point.. . Bl 62
    Gut 2 – Xi – Clefts and He Sea
    Yang – MOXA CV 8
    Yin – Ki 25, GB 25, Ki 6
    Blood – Bl 17, GB 39, St 37, St 39, CV 4
    Jing – Bl 23, GV 3/4, CV 4/6  Ki 1,  Ki 25/6, Ki 9,  St 37/39, Co 7

    Touchie class with pricklies for teacher

    PRICKLIES – Home Help

    Further on – you may wish to know more of WHY – the electrics work as they do
    This is an introduction as to what is important
    My version, after 40 years of teaching acupuncturists/working to where people are/want to be.

    • Basic energy/channel theory/practical sequencing – Triage and classification of actions
    • Resistances
    • Ear points
    • Pokies
    • Mu points
    • Back Shu points
    • Ting
    • Xi Cleft
    • Luo
    • Huatojiaji
    • Wind
    • Heat
    • Damp
    • Back
    • Shen clearing
    • Mirror X
    • Heat clearing
    • Damp clearing

    Sequencing – what to do first/when
    Being present vs diagnosis
    Shen clearing/calming
    Heart rescues – peri and myo carditis – permanent heart damage post 2021
    Stuck Belly Blood
    SCARS – the entire package – Doreen and Paul
    Specifically – my finger
    C section and other surgical incursions