Tumoulin teachings end 2022 – unpacking The Story – Rachael


In the interests of what to do for others who have a variation of this story . .
Or – who wish to make sense of what may have happened to you in the past . . .
Maternity matters.
For both participants (speaking as mammalian units)

Also as crucial times in a life – see more on Dr John Shen’s info here (CLICK)

It is all in the womb position . . .
Results of past life on birthing . . .

From the first birth and miscarriage info we move along – in time – we go again . .

3 – minutes in – next pregnancy . .
5.30 – minutes – baby needs nourishing . .
6 minutes in – 10 lb baby – not O.P – but again #tailbone. .
7 minutesmasititis (CLICK) – (pissed off) Stuck Liver Qi) CLICK
8.30 minutes – after birth local issues. . .
9 minutes – back to the case history info . . falling down stairs yet another # tailbone. . (CLICK) how to fix. . .

Then the miscarriage/medical misadventure

More on how to help here (CLICK)

Belly moves . . .(CLICK) to remind you
Me teaching/revision G.C. April 2022 (CLICK)

Please go to the Selfing course and read again the eBook ‘Living as Energy’ found in What Causes Health?
Then to the Selfing intensive info that has ‘Living In It’.

There is also the basic pregnancy kit that includes how to nourish and sustain (and recover after miscarriage /pregnancy loss).
Easy Pregnancy Resources (CLICK)

Nothing is accidental ..
Nutrients and Circulation
We can make SUCH a difference –
Starting with Free Your Qi . .

There is ALWAYS a reason . . .

Can we see how we are playing out a story?